View Full Version : Need Local Service of Avet Reels

04-29-2019, 12:42 PM
Hey Guys and Gals

Looking for a local guy/shop that services Avet Reels , been a while and need them cleaned up for the season and I dont feel like sending them to the mfg

Any suggestions or input please let me know

Catch Em Up


04-29-2019, 01:29 PM
sent you a PM

04-29-2019, 02:30 PM
sent you pm

04-29-2019, 04:00 PM
I know you are looking local but I just wanted to add this for other Avet reel owners.

I sent a reel out last month to their California office for service, it felt and sounded like a coffee grinder. I got it back in less than 3 weeks and they even sent all the worn out bearings, seals, plus other stuff that they replaced back in a small baggy. (around a dozen parts) Now the reel is smooth and working correctly and it cost about $40.00 bucks plus the shipping there.

If you find a local shop around here that does the same service please post it here. Good luck.

04-29-2019, 05:49 PM
@Rocky, same experience.
local charge you replacing each "Bearing & Ball" . when you know how many Bearing & Ball need to be replace, you have no choice to accept the high price. But mf's price already including replacing all "bearing & ball".

04-29-2019, 06:28 PM
Here is a pic of all the parts they replaced and sent back to me.

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/57597586_10214663227040563_1982787419023343616_n.j pg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&oh=fabfe7af313ed39ab20247234c1e68f5&oe=5D2D2463

04-29-2019, 08:17 PM
Why do the bearings have to be replaced?

Capt. Debbie
04-30-2019, 10:33 AM
Sand and salt intrusion… wash wash wash. And reset to 0 lbs drag in storage.

I have an ancient Penn 930 levelwind in use easily 20 times a year on the tow boat for way over a decade with neither maintenance on bearings or drags. Works fine.

Its aftercare and in use abuse. Like every thing else, me included, we like TLC. :)


Why do the bearings have to be replaced?

04-30-2019, 11:08 AM
Why do the bearings have to be replaced?

It's a lousy reel. Mine was terrible after one year of use. I had the Reel Seat fix it they said I may get two years out now with more grease. It's been one year and it is starting to louse it's smoothess and I used it a lot less last year.

04-30-2019, 07:16 PM
It's a lousy reel. Mine was terrible after one year of use. I had the Reel Seat fix it they said I may get two years out now with more grease. It's been one year and it is starting to louse it's smoothess and I used it a lot less last year.

Sorry to hear about your bad experience Tomm. Did you send it back to Avet after the continuing issue?

Avets are not known to be smooth reels. They are solid workhorses that need to be serviced from time to time. The body of the reel is solid and the internal bearings do wear after time but the Avet company can get it back to new working condition for a nominal fee (cost me $40 bucks) that I consider well worth it.

04-30-2019, 09:29 PM
Life is too short
Penn Reel
Use it
Hose it
Squirt grease end of year

04-30-2019, 10:27 PM
Here is a pic of all the parts they replaced and sent back to me.

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/57597586_10214663227040563_1982787419023343616_n.j pg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.xx&oh=fabfe7af313ed39ab20247234c1e68f5&oe=5D2D2463

That's like most of the replaceable parts. Was that thing dunked?

Ice Cream Bill
05-01-2019, 01:01 AM
If you’re looking for local service why are you guys mailing your reels across the country for Avet to service?

I have my Avet reels serviced locally by Anthony Chinni at Wood Ridge Reels.
He does a great job, is dependable and affordable.

His phone is (201)835-8927.


05-01-2019, 09:59 AM
Sorry to hear about your bad experience Tomm. Did you send it back to Avet after the continuing issue?

Avets are not known to be smooth reels. They are solid workhorses that need to be serviced from time to time. The body of the reel is solid and the internal bearings do wear after time but the Avet company can get it back to new working condition for a nominal fee (cost me $40 bucks) that I consider well worth it.

It's not that bad yet but I might try them next time.My penns are five years old and perfect

05-02-2019, 10:48 AM
Thanks for all of the suggestions and info guys

Since its been years I think I will just ship it back to Avet and let them do the service from there , it will be more cost effective at this point


05-02-2019, 07:22 PM
I was going to recommend to send to Advet too. Some have a permanent drag washer glued to the plate. If you have any that type and there's a problem with it, you want them to do it.

NJ Dave
05-03-2019, 11:31 AM
Call Anthony, Wood Ridge Reels
Local great service and a fast return.

He services the reels for Jigging World. He does em right.

05-03-2019, 10:07 PM
Just throwin this out there...most of these reels aren't fancy Swiss watches. If you're just the least bit mechanical, they're not that hard to service on your kitchen table with minimal "special" tools. The internet has brought us resources (you-tube, alantani.com) to be able to watch and learn almost anything. I don't mean to discredit reel service techs because there are some fancy drag systems and liquid sealing systems out there today but a lot of reels are just basic mechanical devices. I learned on some $2 yard sale reels and built my skills from there. Penn Reels often have techs at shows and seminars who are demonstrating how to tear down and clean reels. I understand a lot of us don't have the time or desire to try themselves but, if you'd like to try, I'm just saying, it's not that hard.

05-04-2019, 06:47 AM
Just throwin this out there...most of these reels aren't fancy Swiss watches. If you're just the least bit mechanical, they're not that hard to service on your kitchen table with minimal "special" tools. The internet has brought us resources (you-tube, alantani.com) to be able to watch and learn almost anything. I don't mean to discredit reel service techs because there are some fancy drag systems and liquid sealing systems out there today but a lot of reels are just basic mechanical devices. I learned on some $2 yard sale reels and built my skills from there. Penn Reels often have techs at shows and seminars who are demonstrating how to tear down and clean reels. I understand a lot of us don't have the time or desire to try themselves but, if you'd like to try, I'm just saying, it's not that hard.

I rebuilt a few & found the price of a couple of bearings and some small misc pieces with shipping wasn't worth it. After they're repaired by Advet, it's easy enough to take them apart, clean & maintain them regularly. If you own a few, buying a few spare parts to keep on hand isn't a bad idea.