View Full Version : mad gaffer striper report Friday april 26

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
04-26-2019, 04:36 PM
We started off the day, a nasty day weather wise Ziging while we should’ve been Zacking . We missed the bite, and had a tough morning . The afternoon started almost the same just a few short fish , and no keepers, we had thunderstorms and a lot of rain. We were headed in after a long day and got that call that the bite was hot and we made a day out of it and limited out. It makes it a lot nicer to do this type of work with this level of cooperation . We have an open boat on Sunday a.m., and we also I have an open boat on Sunday p.m. April 28 call for information And reservations PS we are also are open for the rest of next week and we have prime Charter dates available