View Full Version : Chase’s first Striper’s on Roman Round! 4/23

04-23-2019, 09:55 PM
I’m thankful that Ken called me to fill a few spots today on the Roman Round afternoon trip. Got the call on Easter night and had to do some swindling with my supervisor to get off work today but man was it worth it. My son is on spring break and he has no baseball til Sunday! Perfect! I’ve been dying to get him out fishing again. We’re pretty busy as the kids an animal and plays for 2 teams! Love it! Baseball is life at the moment but not today! Let’s go fishing!

The bite was not fast and furious but Chase got the first keeper of the day with a little help from the mate! I am proud of my little man for sure! Reeling in a Striper on the troll when your 9 isn’t easy. Fishing was slow overall but Cap’n Nelson and the crew worked vigorously moving around and finding the feeding fish. This was away from the “CROWDS” too which was awesome. We had a good pic of fish the last 2 hours of the trip including 2 Mojo doubles. Pretty sick reeling in 2 30+ inch Stripers in, on one same rod while on the troll. Unreal! Everyone on board wound up catching fish today and Chase landed 2. Thank you Cap’n Nelson and Roman Round crew. You guys helped me and my son make a memory this afternoon! One we’ll never forget and talk about again on day. I am stoked! The kids wide awake telling his friends about the Stripers he caught this afternoon! Hahaha!!! TIGHT LINEZ!!! :D

bunker dunker
04-24-2019, 09:06 AM
a chip off the old block!!!!congrats to you and your son.

Gerry Zagorski
04-24-2019, 10:17 AM
Wow some photos for Chase's scrap book here. Nice work!!

04-24-2019, 12:02 PM
Great time fishin with you as usual dude and glad we were there for Chase's 1st...and second! Thanks capt Nelson, Andy and sons for another fun day on the water. You guys always come to play hard...nicely done! My first double header Mojo stripers was a nice added bonus! Thought I had a beast on for while. FYI the big gal (right hand) was released to go make some babies.

Good times for sure.

04-24-2019, 02:03 PM
Awesome stuff man!!!! Great seeing the kid catch!!!

Mikey topaz
04-25-2019, 07:08 AM
My little buddy is growing up! Awesome fish for an awesome kid👍🏻

04-26-2019, 05:26 PM
Can I say "Yeah Buddy" . Nice going Eddie and Chase! Another generation of crazy fishermen. :D