View Full Version : Miss Belmar - WEEKEND STRIPERS

04-23-2019, 12:04 PM
Due to the weather, we did not sail on Saturday.

On Easter Sunday, fishing was slow. We saw plenty of bait, with good readings at times, but the fish would not cooperate. We ended up with a handful of fish. Our pool winner was William Garcia from Pennsauken, NJ.

Monday, fishing was terrible with nothing being caught. It was a beautiful day with a great bunch of people but the fish wouldn’t bite. It was most likely due to all the weather we had on Saturday. Hopefully we will find the stripers today and they will start biting good again. I will post later when I hear from the captain.

Sailing daily for stripers from 7:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., and then for the blues when they come in, weather permitting.

The Miss Belmar Princess is the largest, fastest and cleanest fishing boat in Belmar. With Miss Belmar's 3 engines and a total of 2,100 horsepower, she is the first boat to the fishing grounds every day and we guarantee it. No other boat comes close. Try us and you'll see why.

https://oi1101.photobucket.com/albums/g435/missbelmar/APRIL%2022%202019/a%201%20PW%20William%20Garcia.jpg (http://s1101.photobucket.com/user/missbelmar/media/APRIL%2022%202019/a%201%20PW%20William%20Garcia.jpg.html)
Sunday's pool winner William Garcia.

https://oi1101.photobucket.com/albums/g435/missbelmar/APRIL%2022%202019/a%202.jpg (http://s1101.photobucket.com/user/missbelmar/media/APRIL%2022%202019/a%202.jpg.html)

https://oi1101.photobucket.com/albums/g435/missbelmar/APRIL%2022%202019/a%203.jpg (http://s1101.photobucket.com/user/missbelmar/media/APRIL%2022%202019/a%203.jpg.html)

https://oi1101.photobucket.com/albums/g435/missbelmar/APRIL%2022%202019/a%204.jpg (http://s1101.photobucket.com/user/missbelmar/media/APRIL%2022%202019/a%204.jpg.html)