View Full Version : Keyport Seahawk - Striper fishing

04-22-2019, 09:02 AM
Honest report, it's been a slow start for us. a bit of bad luck and can't seem to be in the right places at the right times, but we got a few nice fish (not me, but John and Arty even with his giant cast up finger haha)

We were out last weekend in some ridiculous fog (no the backgrounds are not edited, that was our visibility). John whacked a keeper on a shad early but then nothing so I started throwing plugs and whacked a short. we bounced around as much as we could in that pea soup dragging surface plugs as we went and Arty's blue plug got a few more.

We were spent by early afternoon and headed in, as soon as we got back to dock the fog apparently cleared and everyone cleaned up on the bass :confused:

So we headed out after work again this week with word that the fishing was insane all morning...not so much by the time we got there late afternoon (of course). The fish were low and they didn't want the small jigs. I happened to be throwing the big ass shads and i get clobbered by a big fish!

I fought it for a bit, with it speeding towards me and then diving down to the bottom ripping drag. suddenly i feel nothing, no fish, no lure... I real in and the 65lbs tsunami clip is bent and straightened! I haven't used a stupid clip striper fishing in a long time, but it was on there from some other fishing and i wasn't sure if i was going to use a plug or jig so i just left it...and paid for it. dumped the whole pack overboard, never again! garbage.

Everyone switched to the real big shads at this point and I managed to lose another nice fish with a few head shakes and john landed one nice fatty that ended up being our only fish for the afternoon. Can't seem to be in those areas at the right time where all the 40 inchers are just jumping over the rails haha.








04-22-2019, 09:30 AM
I've got 2 boxes of those clips hanging in the cabin! Now ya got me second guessing about using em!

You guys sighting surface action and casting or going off FF reads?

04-22-2019, 11:43 AM
The only clips worth a damn are tactical angler clips. All else are rubbish.

04-22-2019, 01:33 PM
I'll take a few seconds to tie a knot like i had been doing....still not sure why i left that thing on. as we were driving out I literally thought 'i should cut that clip and tie that shad on...eh let me see if i want a plug or a shad'

we didn't see much surface action. they popped up a few times. it was mostly birds hovering over lower/bottom fish.