View Full Version : 4/18. Haddock, Pollack, Red Fish Slaughter

04-20-2019, 07:47 PM
Fished the Annie B with Capt. Nate from the Eastman Fleet in Seabrook NH. Left dock at 3 am do to extremely low tides and heavy weather coming in, in the afternoon. First stop was the Haddock grounds, we limited out the boat, and put 20 Pollock in the boat. Threw back around 60 nice Cod ( no season). We then headed to the Red Fish (Ocean Perch) grounds, slammed them put around 350 in the boat plus a nice Wolf Fish that had to go back. Made it in in time to beat the weather. We then had a great time Grilling London Broil and BS'ing in the parking lot. Great time with great guys

04-20-2019, 08:04 PM
More pics

04-21-2019, 12:05 PM
Great report Bob

Always a blast fishing with my NJ friends