View Full Version : Thomas joseph my time has come
Tommy Joseph
04-20-2019, 10:18 AM
Lets get started with a bang,i have lung cancer.But thats ok guys,had a long run.85 yrs young and still able to do what i love.FISHIN.I want to take this opportunity to thank all u guys who hungwith me over 30 years,loyalty i did not desrve but i thank u.I treasure every trip but the bestwas oct 27 1999 the day my boat flipped over.Six men on the boat one in a wheel chair everybody rescued except me,i died.I was trapped under the boat for 17 mins ready to die but the lord provided an air pocket.took me 17 mins to finally get out from under the boat,when my head popped out of the water i raised my arms to heaven and dedicated my life to my saviorJESUS CHRIST.Yes my old life died but i as born again.Ilost my wonderful wife 5yrs ago.I lost my special needs son 2yrs ago,he lived 45 difficult yrs never complained.I would like to be half the man he was.I am ready to be with my wife and son in heaven but my lord JESUS knows the time and day.Wishing u all a happy EASTER.WOULD LIKE TO THANK JERRY FOR ALLOWING ME THIS POST
04-20-2019, 10:33 AM
God bless tommy joseph
04-20-2019, 10:37 AM
It was a pleasure fishing with you Tommy. You will be in my prayers.
04-20-2019, 10:39 AM
We will all miss you Captain Tommy.
04-20-2019, 11:12 AM
Tommy... very sorry to read this. Loved fishing on the rightaway boats. Sending prayers your way and wishing you peace and comfort. You’re one of a kind tommy.
Jeff Orr
04-20-2019, 11:21 AM
Hats off to you, sir. We all reach the end of the road eventually, sounds like you've had an amazing journey doing this thing we love, fishing. I hear you were one of the best. May we all be lucky enough to make it to 85+. God bless you.
Tommy Joseph
04-20-2019, 11:35 AM
Guys i appreciate your replies but i think i gave the wrong impression time has come.what i meant was my time for running a boat has come. My surgeon was very happy with the surgery i think when i get stronger i have a few fishing trips left.forgive me for notbeing more clear.
04-20-2019, 12:07 PM
It's been a privilege to fish with you, an honor to know you. Hopefully we can wet a line soon on Honeybee :)
Gerry Zagorski
04-20-2019, 12:50 PM
Never had the privilege to fish with you Tommy, hope we get that chance... In the meantime, there's a ton of Tommy fans out there rooting for you. Yes, you've earned your reputation as a great fisherman but what's more important and why people really love and respect you, is your kind heart.. Can't tell you how many times your name has come up in conversation and people's eyes light up and a smile comes to their face. That is your legacy and what defines you brother...
Best of luck with your journey, the doctors and treatments and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I know you've got some gas left in you, I can tell by our conversations. Yeah, I'm sure you're tired at times but your continuing example is a light that still needs to be shined on others you've yet to touch. Sorry you ain't getting off that easy, still more work for you Tommy.....
God bless you, sounds like he already has!
04-20-2019, 12:53 PM
If you are well enough to go, let's do some porgy fishing in NY in a few weeks.
04-20-2019, 01:44 PM
One of the best captain i every fish with, a true gentlemen!!!!
04-20-2019, 04:29 PM
God Bless you
04-20-2019, 06:45 PM
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Hope you can get out on the ocean soon.
I loved every trip I made with you.
Each one taught me a little more.
04-20-2019, 07:49 PM
First if all Tommy Joseph is a true Fisherman and Family man we all can look up to. I had the pleasure to fish with him for many years and was one if his biggest fans. He was the first captain that taught me to blackfish and brought me to spots where I would limit out by 7:30 am. His legacy as a Captain will only be out shined by his generosity and strength. May god bless you to fish another day. Jack K
Reel Class
04-21-2019, 06:13 AM
God bless you, and Happy Easter.
Foul Hook
04-21-2019, 08:23 AM
Capt ,Thank you for all the many trips that you provided myself and countless others, your true passion for fishing will be a legacy for those who learned from you. When I first fished with you some dozen years ago your many stories of fishing were always fun to listen to. Fishing with the Champ, Catching fish for the brass while in the service, I think to get out of KP duty, When one our crew was late to the boat because he "hit a couch" on the parkway coming down, just to name a few. You would always find a way to take what the sea was offering and give the crew some fish to take home. I had a lot of great trips on the Right Away,Thank you Capt Tom. Peace be with you. Tony
04-21-2019, 08:46 AM
God changes his plans for us daily. Shows us miracles when we least expect it .
He will let you know when your time in up.
Live each day as your last and enjoy each and every one of them .
Pretty sure you will be out fishing again .
God bless
04-21-2019, 11:43 AM
TJ, Prayers for your recovery. You are the youngest 85 year old I know. Your spirit for fishing will continue and as long as you are able you are always welcome. It is always a pleasure when you join us, and we will make it happen again.
Tommy Joseph
04-21-2019, 02:42 PM
Iam speechless with the love and kindness u guys have shown me with your replys.Idont deserve it but i will humbly accept THANK YOU ALL
04-21-2019, 06:38 PM
Tom, I know you still have some gas left in the tank, we have a summer of fishing coming up so enjoy yourself. You are one the best brother, best of luck.
PS Your the first boat I fished on that uses an anchor ball.
DicK S
04-21-2019, 06:47 PM
I’ve never met you but your post brought tears to my eyes
Godspeed Captain
bunker dunker
04-22-2019, 07:37 AM
God bless you Tommy and thanks for everything.
Blind Archer
04-22-2019, 09:11 AM
My prayers for a full recovery are yours. Thanks for always remembering me when you had an opening on the Rightaway. The only thing I enjoy more than fishing, is fishing with a fellow brother in the Lord. You are always welcome on my boat when you get better. In His fold, Doug Fogarty
04-22-2019, 09:04 PM
I first met Tommy totally by accident. Never fished NJ before in my life, never bottom fished in my life, but 5 work buddies and I were looking for a 6 pack for seabass and I found a boat on the internet. Not sure how I found it but I did and chartered a boat. Get to the dock and Tommy Joseph is running the boat and was as warm and welcoming as could be. He had 4 guys on the boat who had never really fished before and he worked his tail off to help them, untangle them and get them fish. We all caught a pile of seabass, ling, and a handful of blackfish which went right back as they were out of season.
Long story short, our first charter was with Tommy and Tommy set the bar so high other boats were always somewhat disappointing. We fished with him two more times and always had a blast. Two other times the weather wasn't in our favor. We still talk about Tommy and his great sense of humor and great attitude toward his fares. Good luck Tommy!!
04-23-2019, 08:58 AM
Guys i appreciate your replies but i think i gave the wrong impression time has come.what i meant was my time for running a boat has come. My surgeon was very happy with the surgery i think when i get stronger i have a few fishing trips left.forgive me for not being more clear.
Most important best of luck with your progress post surgery. I never had the good fortune to make your acquaintance which is my loss. Best any of us can ever hope is the positive impact we have on other lives, based on every comment I've ever read about you you're in a league of your own, something that defines your life. Don't give up hope, with today's treatments anything is possible and as others have said hopefully you'll enjoy many more trips on the water. Either way you seem at peace with no regrets in life, everyone here is happy and pulling for you. Can't believe your boating accident happened almost 20 years ago, I remember reading about it that day. Man does time go by quickly! Best of luck and keep the faith!
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