View Full Version : RI Charter Boat Captain and Son Need Some Help

Gerry Zagorski
04-19-2019, 11:26 AM
Was made aware of this by Dfish Adam so thought we’d share it here.

So now its time For our Fishing community to come together !! Last Night i spoke at the Aquidneck Island Striper Club and i learned about a family trying to rally around their young son who has cancer and fighting a very tough fight he is ten years old !! They are a fishing family and the young man is Gabe Littlefield his Dad is Capt Mike Littlefield who some or a lot of you might know !! Gabe is coming off some pretty sever Medical Procedures and needs a little time to heal!! So the plan is to get him to a warm climate and let him fish once again! After hearing all of this at the meeting i called good friend and one of the best in the land Capt Bo Johnson and Deidra Bridger Johnson of Tenacity Guide service in Extreme southwest Fla and they were on board to guide him and what ever he needed so many thanks to them for making Gabes Getaway come true ! Now the flight and travel are were the rest of us come in !! The club as set up a fund called Gabes Getaway to try to get him on the water asap again in a warm climate so i am reaching out to all of you to please step up and lets make this happen and here is how !! Pay Pal Fundraiser site is Gabe's Getaway and if you need more info contact Greg Vespe @ vespgf@yahoo.com Thank You for reading and please lets make this happen real soon !!

You can donate here https://paypal.me/pools/c/8e0Ac43DFW

04-19-2019, 12:18 PM
lost my own son to cancer when he was just 2 1/2. Hoping for a better outcome for Gabe.

shrimpman steve
04-19-2019, 05:41 PM
Will be donating something tonight!