View Full Version : Roman' Round 4/13 am/pm

Roman' Round Charters
04-14-2019, 12:27 PM
We had to work for them on our Am trip today but we boxed up and released many to catch another day. The Gomez boys were catching them two at a time.
Our Pm trip was the same as Am trip. We had to work for them. We boxed up again and released
Some for tomorrow.
We will be running open boat on tuesday and Thursday and have some open dates in May. Call to book your trip.
Capt Nelson

04-14-2019, 09:40 PM
Thank you Captain Nelson for a good day of fishing.With all of the boat traffic anyone was lucky to catch fish. Great to see dad, Ricky, and son, Ricky II , having a great time fishing. Their smiles and partnership were priceless. Always a good time being part of Tony's Crew.