View Full Version : Stryke guards revived

04-11-2019, 11:37 PM
Not sure if anyone is interested but after years of searching ive decided to make my own. If anyone would like me to make them some they are $10 and free shipping. They have a great sensitivty adjustment made from PETG and the same device can be used for 4lb test trout rods up to 80 lb test. I can make them with either solid clips custom sized to whatever rod diameter youd like or i can make zip tie style which i prefer to use myself. If they ever break no matter how please send them back and ill replace them for free. If you need to contact me my email is dahunter4life@aol.com

04-12-2019, 05:23 PM
Not sure if anyone is interested but after years of searching ive decided to make my own. If anyone would like me to make them some they are $10 and free shipping. They have a great sensitivty adjustment made from PETG and the same device can be used for 4lb test trout rods up to 80 lb test. I can make them with either solid clips custom sized to whatever rod diameter youd like or i can make zip tie style which i prefer to use myself. If they ever break no matter how please send them back and ill replace them for free. If you need to contact me my email is dahunter4life@aol.com

Look great

04-12-2019, 05:57 PM
Thank you!