Mikey topaz
04-07-2019, 09:11 PM
Kicked things off this Saturday at my favorite little stream in nj. Met up with duck or bleed and some others and fished the pool catching our limit and then some, blew through a jar of powercheese in no time. Lost a breeder around 830-9 ran all over the pool then took off like a rocket downstream into the tree, another angler tried netting it for me but it came unbuttoned! At least a 5+ lber🤬. Ran afterwards to meet Eddie and some of the boys for the annual pohatcong creek get together as always great time every year with this crew and the food was spot on as always. Even made a new best friend hahah heyyyy budddy!!! Lol Sunday got up early and met up at the valley to help stock with the club... Browns,tigers,Golden’s and rainbows all freshly dumped this morning. Some really nice looking fish guys, again keep in mind this club really does a great job every year with these stockings and the membership money is what makes this all possible guys... if your not a member please consider signing up..... afterwards we stuck around with a few rods and specifically targeted just lakers fished from 9-12 with three lakers to show for it. Snapped a few pics of the action the last net full we stocked today I ran into 3 feet of water and let em go pretty cool to see these things swim away especially the biggest brown I’ve seen put in today we released estimated at 6-8 lbs !!!!!! Good luck guyshttps://i.postimg.cc/4mQrJ647/C64-FDA7-B-7175-4-ED8-9795-5078-AF4-BC5-F9.jpg (https://postimg.cc/4mQrJ647)https://i.postimg.cc/94rStsdZ/9-A9-B4-E93-6-B1-B-473-B-B7-EA-1-E33-C9301-B16.jpg (https://postimg.cc/94rStsdZ)https://i.postimg.cc/D4FBDNXC/A29-FC120-B969-437-C-B08-C-A1-F9-D3-C942-FC.jpg (https://postimg.cc/D4FBDNXC)