View Full Version : Mad gaffer Striper report Sunday 4/7 pm

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
04-07-2019, 06:12 PM
We went out for our second trip , Tim Conway, (not of the Carol Burnett show , and no relation ) chartered The mad gaffer for himself, and his two kids 11-year-old Mia , and 9-year-old Alex. The trip turned out to be a roaring success, besides each kid catching one jumbo striped bass they boated approximately 20 fish , pretty good for kids that really can’t see over the rail , and without too much help either. Beside being beautiful , and polite children they proved to be very good fisherman, will take that charter every day , and twice on Sunday, oh wait a minute we had two of them today. It was my pleasure , fishing on both trips was a limt out , With fantastic people on both trips, and beautiful weather. It was like being paid for being on vacation. We have an open trip tomorrow with plenty of spots available , as well as the rest of the week Call for information and reservations PS pictures to follow here and on Facebook

Capt Ray Mad Gaffer
04-07-2019, 06:17 PM