View Full Version : Raritan Bay Lower NY Harbor Gas Pipeline

Gerry Zagorski
04-05-2019, 09:08 AM
Here is an article on the proposed natural gas pipeline that would run from Sayerville to the Rockaways under Raritan Bay and Lower NY Harbor and there’s still time for public comment. There are some obvious concerns to disturbing all sorts of toxic sediments and how that could impact our fishery...

You can read more here https://www.mycentraljersey.com/story/news/local/land-environment/2019/03/19/transco-pipeline-residents-officials-environmentalists-rally-hearing/3212377002/

You can email comments to Matthew.Resnick@dep.nj.gov

04-05-2019, 11:30 AM
Hi Gerry and all interested parties,

I have intimate knowledge of the proposed TrasnCo pipeline. I felt obligated to share my understanding of the pipeline effort, regarding toxic sediment disturbance and adverse affects to our fishery. The pipeline would be installed via horizontal direct drilling, where it would be installed below the erosion line of the well-mapped bathymetry of the Raritan Bay.

If traditional trenching was employed these concerns would indeed be on the table, but would eventually be shot down by NJDEP. HDD is much more expensive but would certainly be utilized for this task. I will additionally opine that it is possible that issues may occur during the installation via HDD, but unlikely.


Gerry Zagorski
04-05-2019, 11:39 AM
Not sure what Horizontal Direct drilling is but by the sounds of it, it would be drilled under the floor of the bay??

Down Deep Sportfishing
04-05-2019, 02:53 PM
Not sure what Horizontal Direct drilling is but by the sounds of it, it would be drilled under the floor of the bay??

You can't sink a piling during winter months due to winter Flounders and they want to drill the subsurface for a pipeline from Sayerville to the Rockaways. Imagine that, lmfao, and there won't be any affect on marine life breeding, transitioning or residing in the waters this entire stretch. The powers to be just can't damage another great, productive ecosystem fast enough.

Salty Dog
04-05-2019, 04:37 PM
Same old story . Follow the money . Not talking in inches and feet . Talking miles of buried pipe line . Holy dollars . Even enough to spread a round to the powers that be , to get their blessing . Come on . Even Christie stopped the tunnel due to cost . Money talks .

Foul Hook
04-05-2019, 05:43 PM
Not sure what Horizontal Direct drilling is but by the sounds of it, it would be drilled under the floor of the bay??
Correct. I have personally been a part of jobs that have bored 7 feet below the surface of roads to push conduits through. Much like the boring of tunnels under major cities which little or no disruption of daily life. BUT "Best laid plans of mice and men often go awry" Robert Burns

04-05-2019, 06:45 PM

Please note that the design phase includes environmental impact assessment and njdep review and approval.


ALS Mako
04-05-2019, 06:47 PM
I have been on pipeline jobs. Fore the most part, the drilling will be well below the surface of the bottom. The job I was on we drilled under the south branch of the raritan and other smaller tribs . Depending on the size of the pipeline ( i didn't read the article) only a couple of issues; 1 if they hit bedrock. 2 A clay slurry is used as a lubricant and that could seep out into the environment. But for the most part I think it is a pretty environmentally safe operation. Lord knows what's already in the bay after 200 yrs of human intervention.

Gerry Zagorski
04-05-2019, 09:50 PM
More on this

Attend the Citizen Hearing to Allow Public Voice on Risky Pipeline!
Join concerned Bayshore citizens, families, community groups, environmental leaders, fisherman, clammers, elected officials, and businesses at a Citizens Hearing to oppose the Williams/NESE Pipeline on April 10. The meeting will be from 4:30pm to 9pm at the Atlantic Highlands Senior Center in the municipal harbor (3 Simon Lake Drive). The purpose of this event is to provide citizens with an opportunity to voice their concerns and find out more information about the environmentally and economically harmful project.

Don’t let this mega-fossil fuel giant destroy our bay, ocean, and future.
Take these 3 steps to fight back against this pipeline:

1. Attend the Citizen Hearing on April 10th, 4:30pm-9pm
Atlantic Highlands Senior Center
3 Simon Lake Drive
Atlantic Highlands, NJ 07716
Help promote the Citizen Hearing on Social Media using the toolkit

04-05-2019, 11:02 PM
Everyone hates a pipeline but no one gives up their gas guzzling cars or turns of the natural gas going onto their homes, why is that ? Do not buy products that come to you by rail, ship, truck or plane because they all use fossil fuels.

04-06-2019, 07:55 AM
Every year there is dredging in Raritan Bay that digs up a lot more sediment than this pipeline will. Last year they were at the tip for months scooping up a dump truck full at a time. The fish loved it and they tasted fine. This anti drilling and anti pipeline propaganda is all BS. Natural gas will replace heavy oil for heating. There will be a lot less yellow haze over NYC. The air will be cleaner and there won’t be any problem with the water. Sandy scoured the bottom a million times more than this pipeline and I didn’t see anyon drop dead from sediments. This is all BS

04-06-2019, 12:13 PM
Every year there is dredging in Raritan Bay that digs up a lot more sediment than this pipeline will. Last year they were at the tip for months scooping up a dump truck full at a time. The fish loved it and they tasted fine. This anti drilling and anti pipeline propaganda is all BS. Natural gas will replace heavy oil for heating. There will be a lot less yellow haze over NYC. The air will be cleaner and there won’t be any problem with the water. Sandy scoured the bottom a million times more than this pipeline and I didn’t see anyon drop dead from sediments. This is all BS

I understand your point, and agree more than disagree, but no one really knows how deep those PCB's in the sediment go.. They were dumped into the river for 30 years and a lot of them are still down there, buried in the substrate..

I think we should just fish and not get too crazy about it, but I understand the concern of many fishermen.. I will say the fishing was a lot better when they were dumping that crap into the river than it is today!.. bob