View Full Version : Trophy Striper Proposal Coming Soon

04-03-2019, 10:46 AM
This is a very recent article from Virginia. It is making its way around the various fishing forums. This was something that I mentioned a while back but much of it was unsubstantiated. This appears to be legitimate. We'll wait and see. It generated a lot of controversy and opinions before. With the striped bass now showing up around here and with the spawning cycle having begun in the Hudson, I'm sure there will be lots of comments on this board again.

Trophy striped bass fishing in the Virginia Beach area has always been a big business and it has been suffering in recent years with fewer trophies being landed. Let's see where this proposal goes because as the stripers migrate north, so will the proposals for their increased regulations. How far north will those proposals and discussions extend will be worth watching.

Do you remember the video from back in 2011 of the fish kill in North Carolina? Click on the video to help you remember what goes on to our south. There are other articles about striped bass fish kills from Massachusetts to North Carolina. You just have to search for them. They are very disturbing and each one seems to point to commercial involvement.



04-03-2019, 03:39 PM
I now live in Virginia and I am against the shut down because it's for recreational only. Commercial stays open.So this May I will not be able to keep one but I can watch the miles of gill nets set up in the surf at Chincoteague inlet and in the bay killing them all.Yes gill nets are allowed and they are set 10 feet from the beach.

04-03-2019, 04:10 PM
^ what he said. The commercial sector has continually raped the fish population of every species deemed a profitable catch. Time to stop the slaughter, I may sound bitter, but let’s face it. No species has been deemed over fished to the point of collapse due to hook and line recreational fishing. Even if a species is closed to CF they move on to the next. One reference...striped bass...and now they will wipe them out too....

04-03-2019, 10:23 PM
^ what he said. The commercial sector has continually raped the fish population of every species deemed a profitable catch. Time to stop the slaughter, I may sound bitter, but let’s face it. No, species has been deemed over fished to the point of collapse due to hook and line recreational fishing. Even if a species is closed to CF they move on to the next. One reference...striped bass...and now they will wipe them out too....

What he said