View Full Version : Saltwater Expo proves Youth Fishing Hope exists!

03-18-2019, 07:36 PM
One of the best parts of working the RFA booth at the shows is our fish catching simulator which is free for kids. We were busy Saturday and while its technically a video game the participants gave me some renewed hope in our future. The kids aging from 3 -17 were ALL polite, spoke eloquently about their REAL life fishing experiences, enjoyment of the outdoors and anticipation of the upcoming seasons both fresh and saltwater. Their innocence was refreshing.

A five year old told me to give him the hardest fish because he was strong but would release his catch and told me of his upcoming plans when the fluke season opens, a 15 year told me he loves getting out and fishing in Florida and it just got better as the day went on. No kid left without a good word.

Granted this is preaching to the choir as for every kid their was a Mom, Dad, Grandparent, Aunt, Uncle, significant other, big brother or sister etc joyously taking video of the small ones being pulled from the fighting chair or the older ones kicking it on the fish.

So as we get all wrapped up in the regulations, fishing groups and policy please remember that we are not just doing it for ourselves but the next generations. Find a kid and TAKE them fishing. Support and get involved with the group of your choice as our pastime becomes their pastime and it will all be good to pay it forward to the next stewards of the seas, rivers, sunrises, sunsets.

Just sayin

Gerry Zagorski
03-18-2019, 07:52 PM
Right on Dales! Nice to see kids so into it...

Some think the people who support fishing and hunting could care less about the future... Nothing could be futher from the truth. We want them to have the same opportunities we had and what a sad world it would be if they didn’t.

03-19-2019, 04:34 PM
I sometimes wonder why a new politician wanting to generate some future votes of normal people wouldn't get some floor space. A big missed opporpunity for some NORMAL REP.....

03-19-2019, 08:43 PM
Dave truer words were never spoken. Kids eyes light up when they sit in the simulator chair, as do their parents. Thanks to all the sponsors who make it possible, thanks to RFA in particular Dave, Gerry and I believe it was Bob (might have name wrong) who manned the booth. Greatest thing any of us can do in life is have a positive impact on others, fishing is one of those ways. It's a life changing experience and in many cases the center of family values. Wish more kids were being brought into the sport for that very reason, but doesn't mean we shouldn't keep trying. GREAT job guys, you made a lot of kids day this past weekend!

Gerry Zagorski
03-21-2019, 10:33 AM
The smile says it all....

03-21-2019, 05:23 PM
The smile says it all....

Dave / Gerry you're good people for giving back. That smile (and the ND shorts) is what fishing is all about. Fishing and kids are a natural and last a lifetime. We all love the catch, but it's everything else that make it special. It's why we need to keep pushing to preserve fisheries, treat nature with respect and be guardians of a precious resource for our children. My life would be much different without it, don't want my kids or grandchildren not having the same opportunities.

That's a GREAT picture, says it all!

03-22-2019, 07:10 AM
I want one of those things in my living room!!!!