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Pennsy Guy
03-15-2019, 12:26 AM
schedule is now posted...so far I've booked on the first 4 36hr trips...Got a feeling it'll be a better than decent season this year...we can only hope!

07-10-2019, 09:34 PM
Chuckyyyyy! I just sent you a PM. Hoping to get out this year. Too much going on last year to free up the time.

07-10-2019, 11:36 PM
Gonna get better ??? You mean it can't get any worse.

07-11-2019, 05:08 PM
Been a banner year so far, Andy. Lots of bigeye, yellows, longfins and bluefins being caught as well as swords. Setting up to be a solid chunking season so long as the weather cooperates and those warm eddies keep breaking off...

07-11-2019, 06:14 PM
On my bucket list, so I might go. Need some rod/reel info for a trip like this.
I have a conventional setup Penn fathom 30 ,65 pound braid, paired with med heavy 7 ft ugly stick.

Also Penn 6500 reel, 65 pound braid, 7 ft spinning med heavy ugly stick.

Will this work?

I get Penn reels from work promotions/contest, so that's why it's Penn reels

07-11-2019, 07:37 PM
Try to get your hands on a 30W international 2 sp and a suitable standup rod. A fathom 30 ain't gonna cut it if you hook a nice eyeball or swordie. There are other suitable reels from other companies but an international will be perfect and seems within reach if you get Penn stuff.

Also, consider hollow core main line with a 100+ lb top shot.

The spinning set up is fine for mahi. A bit much at 6500 but hey, use ya what ya got! I typically use a 4000 with 30 lb braid on a 6'9 to 7' m/mh rod.

07-11-2019, 08:48 PM
Been a banner year so far, Andy. Lots of bigeye, yellows, longfins and bluefins being caught as well as swords. Setting up to be a solid chunking season so long as the weather cooperates and those warm eddies keep breaking off...

Respectfully disagree Jig. Same MO as the last 3-4 seasons.... good early bite on the troll and chunk then it falls apart late August-Sept and the PB’s are sucking wind without a nite bite.

ABSOLUTELY no expert on a canyon bite, just observations from drifting chunks from the rail the last few years.

John D.
07-12-2019, 12:07 AM
Respectfully disagree Jig. Same MO as the last 3-4 seasons.... good early bite on the troll and chunk then it falls apart late August-Sept and the PB’s are sucking wind without a nite bite.

ABSOLUTELY no expert on a canyon bite, just observations from drifting chunks from the rail the last few years.

Look at the sat shots of the eddies lined up along our edge extending far north. This is nothing like we have seen for the past 7 years.

Meat Hunter
07-12-2019, 07:52 AM
Was too much bait out there last year. The squid showed up and it was like 75' thick!!!!!

I"m not going on any party boat trips this year and sitting in one spot after the sun comes up for 6 hours still trying to catch a tuna. Do tiles, fish wrecks on the way in... anything!!!! Wasted time after the sun comes up.

The Mahi saved the trips last year........

Meat Hunter

07-12-2019, 08:52 AM
Look at the sat shots of the eddies lined up along our edge extending far north. This is nothing like we have seen for the past 7 years.

X2! Superb water and pieces rolling in.

Capt. Debbie
07-12-2019, 01:10 PM
Wow FOUR 36 hour trips?

schedule is now posted...so far I've booked on the first 4 36hr trips...Got a feeling it'll be a better than decent season this year...we can only hope!

Pennsy Guy
07-12-2019, 10:43 PM
Wow FOUR 36 hour trips?

Yea Capt. I try to do 6 trips a year...also penciled in on the last 3 36's..

It's nice to see good eddies now but what will it look like come PB Tuna time in Sept.--Nov. ???

Sometimes we anchor, sometimes we drift---night or day---depends on circumstances...

Just sayin'...

Pennsy Guy
07-12-2019, 11:00 PM
Gfedor...unless you're going for swordies, 60-80# test is what you need at night, during the day lighten up down to 30# but you can do that with leaders. Just remember you gotta have 150-200 yard mono top shot...much shorter TS on your jigging stick...longer rods are better on PB's for keeping line off the chines or out of the running gear if your fish goes under the boat...

John D.
07-13-2019, 12:12 AM
. Just remember you gotta have 150-200 yard mono top shot...much shorter TS on your jigging stick...longer rods are better on PB's for keeping line off the chines or out of the running gear if your fish goes under the boat...

200yd mono top shot? Why both with hollowcore braid backing and just use all mono unless you are fishing 130s lol. I am not aware of a NJ party boat (and have been on most of them for tuna) that requires 200 yd mono top shots bc if that was the rule they would just forbid braid. As long as you talk to capt in advance and use a reasonable mono top shot and show you know what you are doing they are ok with it.

07-13-2019, 06:34 AM
NJF Gambler tuna trip?? Andy S style? Anyone...anyone...Buehler...Buehler...:p

07-13-2019, 07:05 AM
I think Duffman nailed it. Good in July and August for the charter boats then it falls apart in the fall, really strange. The main stay is the tile and mahi. Have done many types of fishing in the canyons on the Gambler from trolling to deep drop tile.