View Full Version : Saltwater fishing license:
03-01-2019, 10:48 AM
Councilman Robinson reported that he attended the Somerset County meeting and discussed the all‐waters fishing license, to combine fresh and salt water. Councilman Robinson stated the Middlesex federation also talked about the all water fishing license and the three county federations, Somerset, Hunterdon, and Middlesex are in favor of it. :D
03-01-2019, 10:56 AM
In this money hungry state... I'm surprised it's taking this long to hit us for yet another fee :mad:
Going from free saltwater fishing to a fee? Are they nuts? Let's just throw in the towel and VOLUNTEER to pay for it. Unbelievable. You guys must have lots of extra money to throw away. Or all of you need a psychiatrist. Don't we have enough taxes and fees? This is the most taxed state in the United States. Lets just add saltwater fishing fees to the list!
It's sick.
03-01-2019, 12:35 PM
Going from free saltwater fishing to a fee? Are they nuts? Let's just throw in the towel and VOLUNTEER to pay for it. Unbelievable. You guys must have lots of extra money to throw away. Or all of you need a psychiatrist. Don't we have enough taxes and fees? This is the most taxed state in the United States. Lets just add saltwater fishing fees to the list!
It's sick.
Someone has to pay for the millions of takers in NJ's heavily populated cities..
You guys elected a radical leftist governor a year ago, and things will get worse not better.
I feel bad for the hard working middle class people of NJ, trying to own homes, provide for their families, and make a living.. However, the state constantly elects big spenders, and most of what they take comes from working people, not millionaires.. We deal with it here in NY state as well, so I feel your pain.... bob
03-01-2019, 12:56 PM
The Federated Sportsman's clubs are just regular fishermen and hunters.
03-01-2019, 04:37 PM
Im in favor of a salt water license.
Will give much needed funds for more enforcement to stop those abusing the system, both on the recreational side as well as the commercial sector.
Capt. Lou
03-01-2019, 04:43 PM
I agree long overdue as long as funds are dedicated to the fisheries issues and policing of the same !
Capt Joe
03-01-2019, 05:14 PM
I agree long overdue as long as funds are dedicated to the fisheries issues and policing of the same !
BULLSHIT! Lock this one Jerry will get out of hand fast! Fought this garbage for 40 years dont need the left wing assclowns pitching in for more taxes headed for a general fund. WAKE UP!
Absolutely NOT ! No way they should be given any money, period.
shrimpman steve
03-01-2019, 10:22 PM
I am so happy I moved out of the state. Good luck with gov. Murphy
My taxes are 1/4 what they were
My house is a 2400 sq. Ft beauty for under 200,000
No income tax
And I get to legally carry a concealed weapon.
You guys having fun up there:D
03-01-2019, 11:40 PM
I am so happy I moved out of the state. Good luck with gov. Murphy
My taxes are 1/4 what they were
My house is a 2400 sq. Ft beauty for under 200,000
No income tax
And I get to legally carry a concealed weapon.
You guys having fun up there:D
yes true enough for now, but Florida dodged a large caliber bullet in Nov..
Gillum is an avowed and proud Socialist..
I mean he's a true unapologetic radical that makes Murphy look like Archie Bunker.
He came within a whisker of winning .. That should scare you and all good Floridians that value the 2nd Amendment and your realistic state tax structure.
It would have been gone quick with him at the helm.. What could Floridians have been thinking?
First thing he wanted to do, and he CAMPAIGNED on it was raise business taxes, a LOT... If he got in, personal incomes would have been right behind the businesses,, You guys have to many people from NY/NJ/Mass/Conn moving in that will make the great state of Florida just like the tax grabbing shitholes they escaped from with their voting habits, except warmer..
In my opinion, a saltwater license would go straight to the general fund of the state it is issued in... Maybe I'm wrong, but does anyone trust government anywhere to actually be good honest stewards of the money entrusted to them??. bob
03-01-2019, 11:43 PM
We all knew this was coming....
03-01-2019, 11:48 PM
Isn’t there a saltwater license in Florida. :rolleyes:
03-02-2019, 12:27 AM
Isn’t there a saltwater license in Florida. :rolleyes:
There is, and they are miles ahead of the curve in their gamefish management and DEC enforcement. Also maintaining fishing access...
I'm all for a saltwater license IF the funds go towards fisheries.
shrimpman steve
03-02-2019, 06:52 AM
Not to mention down here the license money goes towards FREE access to beautiful concrete ramps every where.
I don’t mind the saltwater license here being that there is no income tax. I’ll make that trade any day
Down Deep Sportfishing
03-02-2019, 07:36 AM
Not to mention down here the license money goes towards FREE access to beautiful concrete ramps every where.
I don’t mind the saltwater license here being that there is no income tax. I’ll make that trade any day
Up here Murphy will call another “State of Emergency” and use the money to cover the “salt” bill. It’ll just be another shell fund like NY has incorporated into everyone’s phone bill the “911” emergency line tax. That money has been another diversionary tax for many years. You think it’ll be any different here. The Gov. of NJ has to go, and quick for all our good.
03-02-2019, 07:38 AM
We fought the fee the last time, and we won! I am against it as we all know it will be set up so the funds go into the general fund. Very little if any monies derived from this will go toward anything to do with Marine Fisheries. If you just roll and accepted this we will all lose!
03-02-2019, 07:58 AM
The chances of our politicians not dipping into that money is zilch...they couldn’t even keep their hands off the State union retirement funds. IMHO
03-02-2019, 08:04 AM
hello shrimpman where did you move to ???jersey really getting out of hand with these Tax/s may be looking to go to Florida
Capt Sal
03-02-2019, 10:20 AM
Someone has to pay for the millions of takers in NJ's heavily populated cities..
You guys elected a radical leftist governor a year ago, and things will get worse not better.
I feel bad for the hard working middle class people of NJ, trying to own homes, provide for their families, and make a living.. However, the state constantly elects big spenders, and most of what they take comes from working people, not millionaires.. We deal with it here in NY state as well, so I feel your pain.... bob
And you live in NY and elected a moron named CORTEZ!!!!
03-02-2019, 10:35 AM
And you live in NY and elected a moron named CORTEZ!!!!
No that would be Bronx/Queens, 225 miles from here.. You couldn't get me to live there with a gun to my head..
It IS however close to some great saltwater fishing so there's that as some redeeming value..
There's a good chance someone with her belief system would not want a salt water license, opting instead to simply shut recreational fishing down completely.. Thats a stretch right now, but it won't be long until we see more of that mindset if we keep electing lunatics... bob
03-02-2019, 12:13 PM
Very controversial subject and always will be. Right now, enforcement efforts for the entire state are pretty much funded by freshwater fishing licenses and fines. F&G personnel can't cover the entire state fresh and salt with the limited resources they have to work with. Teritories are insane. Growing up I was always against a salt water license but as I've gotten older (not necessarily smarter) my views have changed. Like others have mentioned, if a salt water license is mandated and the funds aren't earmarked for their intended use, then it serves no real value involving beefed up enforcement efforts. And there's sufficient history with taxes or state and federal revenue generation in general (sales tax, lotteries, casinos, gasoline, cigarettes etc) all these billions of dollars were going to subsidize education and tuition costs, property taxes, infrastructure, healtcare etc. and I'm not sure if or how they've had an impact on any one of those individually since they're still completely out of control especially property taxes in this state and education costs in general. At the same time, if we don't increase enforcement, regulations can't be upheld as there's simply not enough resources based on the geographic range we're talking about. Personally I believe there's other matters which need to be changed. Significantly heavier fines, incarceration, confiscating equipment including boats and equipment etc. of the violators and auctioning them off to help subsidize enforcement. The fines are way too liberal to change behavior and currently the rewards associated with breaking the law heavily outweigh the risks. That has to change before behavior does. There's no easy answer here but status quo in my opinion delivers a worse fate.
03-02-2019, 12:30 PM
I'm ok with a combo license so long as funds go towards enforcement of regs and not towards the pockets of slimy politicians. Flat $40/yr resident fresh & salt water license. Easy peasy!
Capt Joe
03-02-2019, 12:55 PM
Open car window and let a pair of $20’s fly out. Is easy 4 you, is deeficullt 4 me!
03-02-2019, 01:07 PM
You don't need a freshwater license if you're over 70. How about this one.
03-02-2019, 01:46 PM
Florida has a interesting perspective when it comes to the senior side of a lic.. Now granted no fee is involved but they want you to still register as if you were to pay for a lic.. There is no fee but the numbers add up to a larger number of fisherman which translate to fed funding increase based on numbers. The greater the number the greater the matching funding.
With Florida we also get free to minimum fee ramp use from this lic.. The fisheries management is great here, we just got 20k redfish stocked, my lic fee hasn’t increased. We have FWC always out looking and checking.
This was tried years ago in Nj to get a lic going and it was shot down. They had ramp locations ready to go away for the fee town/private owned. Here the largest amount I’ve paid to use a ramp is $2.00.
Put your demands on the table, don’t instantly say no. Demand specific items. Demand access, demand free fee use of ramps. The Ramps here are multi-space ones, you could launch 3,4,6 boats at a time. Lots are free parking, garbage cans are available. Not this carry out what you bring in, your dollars cover this cost. We know there are those that bring in and throw around their garbage, never to carry it out. You can fish and access the water from bridges, any piece of land open to the public. Just pull over on the grass and launch a kayak or fish.
03-02-2019, 03:02 PM
Open car window and let a pair of $20’s fly out. Is easy 4 you, is deeficullt 4 me!
I already pay $30+ for freshwater plus a trout stamp. And I don't even really trout fish anymore, nor do I keep them. What's a few more dollars to support more conservation officers and other positives for the fishing community on the salt side too? I do both in NJ throughout the year. The freshwater fisheries management in NJ is phenomenal compared to our neighboring states. I like to believe my small contribution via annual license purchase helps. A few more sheckles to better the saltwater management cant hurt so long as the funds go where they're supposed to. Def not opening a window and letting my hard earned money fly out that's for sure.
shrimpman steve
03-02-2019, 03:15 PM
hello shrimpman where did you move to ???jersey really getting out of hand with these Tax/s may be looking to go to Florida
Hey joe
I live in deland but work all over the state driving airboats. Deland is 20 minutes south I’d Daytona.
Living the dream
03-02-2019, 04:37 PM
I was never in favor of a saltwater licence when I lived in NJ.Retired and moved to Virginia three years ago.The licence is $17.50 a year,65 and older free. I don't mind paying it since we have free ramps and a dedicated marine police force plus I became a fish tagger and they pay for all my supplies.Also I got to enjoy a Feb. seabass season and fluke is 4 fish @16.5" with no closed season.
My property tax is $1,100 on a home twice as big as the one I had in NJ that I was paying $6,500.
Gerry Zagorski
03-02-2019, 04:43 PM
Money is not the issue, $40 is not likley to change any of our lives here. To me, it’s the principal... We get taxed to death in this state already between state income and sales taxes, gas tax, sewer tax etc.... If they wanted to direct some of that to fishing they could... That and what about the person who ocattionally fishes..If he or she decides to go fishing one day, if they have to spend $40 to get a license they are less likely to go and I think that’s a shame.
I have no issues with Freshwater licenses since we propbably have one of the best stocking programs in the country and get some benefit. Not the case for saltwater...This state has enough of people’s money...
03-02-2019, 06:49 PM
Maybe we can charge non-residents like 60 or 70 bux to come fish the ocean in New Jawsey, like some other states charge freshwater fishermen. :)
Money is not the issue, $40 is not likley to change any of our lives here. To me, it’s the principal... We get taxed to death in this state already between state income and sales taxes, gas tax, sewer tax etc.... If they wanted to direct some of that to fishing they could... That and what about the person who ocattionally fishes..If he or she decides to go fishing one day, if they have to spend $40 to get a license they are less likely to go and I think that’s a shame.
I have no issues with Freshwater licenses since we propbably have one of the best stocking programs in the country and get some benefit. Not the case for saltwater...This state has enough of people’s money...
I totally agree. They stock lots of different fish besides trout. At least you get something for your buck.
But the oceans and bays are God giving for us to enjoy. They are not a church you donate to. It's a natural thing that has been given us to enjoy. Peter didn't pay to fish. Either did Jesus when he provided food for thousands. I'm not a very religious person. But I'm sure God didn't provide the ocean and bays for us to use (fishing, clamming, crabbing, etc.) for a fee.
03-03-2019, 08:33 AM
Money is not the issue, $40 is not likley to change any of our lives here. To me, it’s the principal... We get taxed to death in this state already between state income and sales taxes, gas tax, sewer tax etc.... If they wanted to direct some of that to fishing they could... That and what about the person who ocattionally fishes..If he or she decides to go fishing one day, if they have to spend $40 to get a license they are less likely to go and I think that’s a shame.
I have no issues with Freshwater licenses since we propbably have one of the best stocking programs in the country and get some benefit. Not the case for saltwater...This state has enough of people’s money...
Correct.. as an outside observer, the quality and diversity in NJ freshwater is astounding.. We in NY state have a lot bigger water, and a lot more of it, but the pictures I see here on this forum don't lie, and NJ can stand toe to toe with many of our fisheries here in NY, and in some cases exceeds it, because of NJ management.. Far better than NY state which is 100% geared to trout/ salmon, period..
That being said, will NJ take the funds from salt water licenses and put them toward free/low cost/readily accessed and improved ramps?
Will it stock salt water fish species the way some other states do?..
Will the guy [like me] that only goes on a party boat once or twice a year, have to buy a license, besides paying for his fares??..
lots of questions..
If occasional party boat patrons need to buy a license, believe me, they will find something else to do... It could really hurt the party/charter industry IMHO.. bob
03-03-2019, 09:01 AM
You guys can’t really believe that if the state charges us for a saltwater license they will use the funds to benefit the fishing community. It will go into the general treasury and just become another NJ fee we must pay for living in the most corrupt state in the nation.
Gerry Zagorski
03-03-2019, 09:36 AM
Will the guy [like me] that only goes on a party boat once or twice a year, have to buy a license, besides paying for his fares??..
Either that or they will force the guy that owns the party boat to pay for it and they'll be forced to raise your fare... Either way, you're going to end up paying for it..
Capt Sal
03-03-2019, 09:47 AM
Florida has a interesting perspective when it comes to the senior side of a lic.. Now granted no fee is involved but they want you to still register as if you were to pay for a lic.. There is no fee but the numbers add up to a larger number of fisherman which translate to fed funding increase based on numbers. The greater the number the greater the matching funding.
With Florida we also get free to minimum fee ramp use from this lic.. The fisheries management is great here, we just got 20k redfish stocked, my lic fee hasn’t increased. We have FWC always out looking and checking.
This was tried years ago in Nj to get a lic going and it was shot down. They had ramp locations ready to go away for the fee town/private owned. Here the largest amount I’ve paid to use a ramp is $2.00.
Put your demands on the table, don’t instantly say no. Demand specific items. Demand access, demand free fee use of ramps. The Ramps here are multi-space ones, you could launch 3,4,6 boats at a time. Lots are free parking, garbage cans are available. Not this carry out what you bring in, your dollars cover this cost. We know there are those that bring in and throw around their garbage, never to carry it out. You can fish and access the water from bridges, any piece of land open to the public. Just pull over on the grass and launch a kayak or fish.
When i chartered i had to pay NY for a charter lic. and it went into the general fund.I am retired and live in Florida now.Florida has a salt water lic. but as mentioned here the money is used properly.Free ramps,clean rest rooms and they buy orange groves and make beautiful lakes.If NJ would do something with the money from a salt water lic. sportsmen would not mind paying.The money from hunting lic. is used to buy land and stock pheasants.The money from fresh water lic. is used to stock trout and hire game wardens etc. Just think about it-NJ can't even get the bunker boats out of Raritan Bay. Where would your money go and what "HIGH RANKING" politician in NJ gives a rats ass about a recreational fisherman?Corey Booker-Joke!He doesn't even know where Raritan Bay is!
Capt. Lou
03-03-2019, 02:30 PM
Corey Booker is running for president , this would be a great time to attempt to get him involved wouldn't it !
Maybe if we as a block of voters stick,together and using the contact info solicit his help for this cause it may get legs !
Anyone on here actually contact the senator in deference to our issues or we just complain that he like others don't care ! He may not care due to the fact he's simply not aware of the problem .
Talking about all issues amongst our selves is a joke , contact the man and keep doing so,until,you get his attention .
Got nothing to lose but plenty to gain !'im from out of state but always contact my local reps and US Senators and at least get a response !
Don't complain get the mans attention , if not vote him out next time around !
Capt Joe
03-03-2019, 03:08 PM
Corey Booker is running for president , this would be a great time to attempt to get him involved wouldn't it !
Maybe if we as a block of voters stick,together and using the contact info solicit his help for this cause it may get legs !
Anyone on here actually contact the senator in deference to our issues or we just complain that he like others don't care ! He may not care due to the fact he's simply not aware of the problem .
Talking about all issues amongst our selves is a joke , contact the man and keep doing so,until,you get his attention .
Got nothing to lose but plenty to gain !'im from out of state but always contact my local reps and US Senators and at least get a response !
Don't complain get the mans attention , if not vote him out next time around !
Now that’s funny right there!:D:D:D:D. Finally some humor in this thread!
Capt Sal
03-03-2019, 03:52 PM
Corey Booker is running for president , this would be a great time to attempt to get him involved wouldn't it !
Maybe if we as a block of voters stick,together and using the contact info solicit his help for this cause it may get legs !
Anyone on here actually contact the senator in deference to our issues or we just complain that he like others don't care ! He may not care due to the fact he's simply not aware of the problem .
Talking about all issues amongst our selves is a joke , contact the man and keep doing so,until,you get his attention .
Got nothing to lose but plenty to gain !'im from out of state but always contact my local reps and US Senators and at least get a response !
Don't complain get the mans attention , if not vote him out next time around !
That is a joke isn't Lou???He could care less about this.Menendez also-TWO ASS WIPES What about the fat guy that was governor???He threw recreational fishermen under the bus!NO sir there are no '"HIGH UP POLITICIANS"in NJ that care.Pres. Trump's son is a striper fisherman and i would call him first.BOOKER HAS ONE AGENDA AND ONE ONLY-PRESIDENT
03-03-2019, 08:18 PM
Maybe we can charge non-residents like 60 or 70 bux to come fish the ocean in New Jawsey, like some other states charge freshwater fishermen. :)
I like this Idea
Corey Booker is running for president , this would be a great time to attempt to get him involved wouldn't it !
Maybe if we as a block of voters stick,together and using the contact info solicit his help for this cause it may get legs !
Anyone on here actually contact the senator in deference to our issues or we just complain that he like others don't care ! He may not care due to the fact he's simply not aware of the problem .
Talking about all issues amongst our selves is a joke , contact the man and keep doing so,until,you get his attention .
Got nothing to lose but plenty to gain !'im from out of state but always contact my local reps and US Senators and at least get a response !
Don't complain get the mans attention , if not vote him out next time around !Lou, You breathed too much salt and your brain is now failing. I have contacted both our senators, Booker and Mendez, on other issues and requested their opinion send to me. Which I was promised by their staff members. Two years and I never received any response from them. B'sers in my book. Playing the role for gains. Great actors.
03-03-2019, 09:10 PM
You guys realize the reason the federations are backing a license is so NJ can get some of the federal money we ALL pay in excise tax to actually come back to NJ.
THE small fee to have the license can get us millions in money that is ear marked by the feds for fishing improvement as well more FG workers .
While I’m sure our license fees won’t all make it to where it should go , I believe the excise tax return has to .
All the other states having a salt license have way nicer FREE boat ramps etc .
No reason for us to pay all the money in the excise tax on all our fishing and hunting equipment and not get any return .
03-03-2019, 10:43 PM
If y'all look at it from the east coast stand point we should all be grateful that NJ is one of the only states on the east coast that doesn't make anglers buy a saltwater license if you travel anywhere else along the coast you are required to purchase a non resident fishing license to fish in the salt water which I think is a bunch of BS since the fish and wildlife don't stock the ocean unlike freshwater fishing where the rivers and lakes are stocked with trout and other fish that is what the angler pays for
03-04-2019, 08:20 AM
You guys realize the reason the federations are backing a license is so NJ can get some of the federal money we ALL pay in excise tax to actually come back to NJ.
THE small fee to have the license can get us millions in money that is ear marked by the feds for fishing improvement as well more FG workers .
While I’m sure our license fees won’t all make it to where it should go , I believe the excise tax return has to .
All the other states having a salt license have way nicer FREE boat ramps etc .
No reason for us to pay all the money in the excise tax on all our fishing and hunting equipment and not get any return .
It would be fine, if the millions of dollars went back into the community that "donated" it.. If we had nice free or very low cost ramps, in desirable areas, large tracts of public access that nowadays does NOT exist,, public piers in bays tidal rivers, and the ocean, yeah NO problem, we would be happy to pay for a license.. However here in tth NJ/NY/LI/Conn metroplex you'll never ever see it.
All the land anywhere near the water is privately owned, and highly developed, except whatever the towns/county/states own and maintain, and its not going to be given up easily.. states like florida made access/ramps/piers available long ago, before it became overcrowded, while there was a lot of public land to be developed, and stayed the course, maintaining the facilities, and making good fishing/boating access the norm, not the exception . Here in the NE, I doubt we can see the change through a license fee..
Much more likely, a state ramp or two with a $30 fee and 1 porta pot would appear in some greenhead fly infested, backwater tidal swamp, the state will pat itself on the back for a job well done, and the license money will continue to flow toward the "gimme" class via the general fund... Does anyone really think a new era of excellent ramps,access, and facilities will be the result of a SW license??.. please..... bob
03-04-2019, 09:02 AM
Hey joe
I live in deland
I was accepted and almost went to Stetson...ended up going to Rollins in Winter Park.
Capt. Debbie
03-04-2019, 10:48 AM
I guess the boom days are with Christie's years except for the bloated government unions? LOL
You guys elected a radical leftist governor a year ago, and things will get worse not better..... I feel your pain.... bob
03-04-2019, 03:34 PM
It's not the money from the license that will do much for us.
It's getting our portion of the excise tax .
We currently only get a small portion basedon freshwater sales.
That federal money is what other states use for public access. Ramps etc.
We put into those funds with every tackle purchase .
The salt water license is just the key to the cash box
03-04-2019, 04:38 PM
It's not the money from the license that will do much for us.
It's getting our portion of the excise tax .
We currently only get a small portion basedon freshwater sales.
That federal money is what other states use for public access. Ramps etc.
We put into those funds with every tackle purchase .
The salt water license is just the key to the cash box
I guess I don't understand... If federal money is being used, and with the number of freshwater licenses sold in NJ every year, why is NJ so badly lacking in facilities compared to other states.. ramps are a mess, expensive, no public piers, poor access in many places... bob
03-04-2019, 09:15 PM
I guess I don't understand... If federal money is being used, and with the number of freshwater licenses sold in NJ every year, why is NJ so badly lacking in facilities compared to other states.. ramps are a mess, expensive, no public piers, poor access in many places... bob
We aren’t getting all the funds we are entitled to because we don’t have a salt water license .
We only get the amount based on freshwater license sales .
Currently we get nothing for all the salt water anglers portion
Capt. Lou
03-05-2019, 04:10 PM
The license is a good deal and long over due , like hammer said its just not license fees its federal tax dollars we are losing !
Down Deep Sportfishing
03-05-2019, 04:29 PM
Here are stats from 2015. Line up and smoke what Dr. Phil is pushing if you think we need to pay more to get a fraction of what we pay already. God bless you all. eport.pdf
shrimpman steve
03-05-2019, 07:35 PM
I was accepted and almost went to Stetson...ended up going to Rollins in Winter Park.
Stetson is right around the corner from me. Very nice little school!
We’re lovin’ it down here. I can drop my boat in the St. John’s river five minutes away or go to Daytona and drop it in there for the salt water. All ramps are new concrete and free:D
03-06-2019, 03:07 PM
So we should want to give the state of NJ additional money for a another "privilege" that we already have and expect them to use the additional funds wisely and for our benefit as sportfishermen? Hahaha good one.:rolleyes:
Considering what Trenton does with the federal dollars they also get from us, I see zero reason to trust them with anymore of that either.
03-06-2019, 03:29 PM
Many years back Fish and game was totally funded by the revenue generated from Sportsman. Ironically, when the powers to be seen the amount in the fund, they moved the money to the general fund so they could get their hands on it!!! This administration isn't looking to help us. They are looking for any possible way to generate income to fund their best interest!
03-06-2019, 05:46 PM
I am so happy I moved out of the state. Good luck with gov. Murphy
My taxes are 1/4 what they were
My house is a 2400 sq. Ft beauty for under 200,000
No income tax
And I get to legally carry a concealed weapon.
You guys having fun up there:D
I envy you. This insanity here with the gun laws and taxes is so stressful. They now want $300 for a FID plus they are raising the taxes on ammunition sales. I already budget to afford my hunting and fishing hobbies. Now i hear this! While i agree these issues need funding, this is just Muphy imposing his beliefs in the form of taxes. He got rid of the bear hunt on public lands because he doesn't think they should be hunted. That's BS, your office isn't meant for you to impose your will. That's all this fee is too, he is against sportsmen, I'm tempted to sell my house and commute from PA to Kearny for work every day.
03-06-2019, 08:17 PM
In your perspective plan of charging out of state fishermen to pay a large fee for an out of state saltwater license is quite ridiculous.I live in Pa. and I charter, mostly open fare trips , @ 25 -30 x a yr. I spend several THOUSAND DOLLARS to promote NJ economy . Why should I pay NJ to fish in the Atlantic Ocean when your state does not own it ? Did you consider how many once or twice a year fishermen would not fish if your asinine plan was incorporated? The NJ rec fishing industry is hurting now . Why do you want to add more hurt upon them ? Just my 2 cents.
03-06-2019, 08:47 PM
In your perspective plan of charging out of state fishermen to pay a large fee for an out of state saltwater license is quite ridiculous.I live in Pa. and I charter, mostly open fare trips , @ 25 -30 x a yr. I spend several THOUSAND DOLLARS to promote NJ economy . Why should I pay NJ to fish in the Atlantic Ocean when your state does not own it ? Did you consider how many once or twice a year fishermen would not fish if your asinine plan was incorporated? The NJ rec fishing industry is hurting now . Why do you want to add more hurt upon them ? Just my 2 cents.
Same here.. its expensive enough already for me with the distances I must travel to fish in salt water.. Always to NJ because thats where I grew up, live there 37 years, and thats the water i know... If I have to spend much more, the salt water gear gets sold, probably right here in the classifieds, and i just stay a fresh water guy.... bob
03-06-2019, 08:48 PM
In your perspective plan of charging out of state fishermen to pay a large fee for an out of state saltwater license is quite ridiculous.I live in Pa. and I charter, mostly open fare trips , @ 25 -30 x a yr. I spend several THOUSAND DOLLARS to promote NJ economy . Why should I pay NJ to fish in the Atlantic Ocean when your state does not own it ? Did you consider how many once or twice a year fishermen would not fish if your asinine plan was incorporated? The NJ rec fishing industry is hurting now . Why do you want to add more hurt upon them ? Just my 2 cents.
We are losing millions of dollars of federal grants coming from the excise tax charged on all fishing tackle.
Currently we only benefit from the amount of freshwater sales .
And are losing a big piece of the pie not getting credit for all the salt water anglers .
As far it not being our resource IMO. Why should we have to share any of our resources for free and no Benifit .
I don’t see Colorado or Utah sending us elk for free ?
And NJ does own the first 3 miles of State water
03-06-2019, 09:56 PM
Wasn’t the reason behind the salt water registry to correctly show the number of “fisherman” both SW and FW ? That count does not rely on license sales, if it does our legislators need to step up and correct that miscarriage.
03-07-2019, 08:23 AM
We are losing millions of dollars of federal grants coming from the excise tax charged on all fishing tackle.
Currently we only benefit from the amount of freshwater sales .
And are losing a big piece of the pie not getting credit for all the salt water anglers .
As far it not being our resource IMO. Why should we have to share any of our resources for free and no Benifit .
I don’t see Colorado or Utah sending us elk for free ?
And NJ does own the first 3 miles of State water
Would you please provide evidence to back-up the statement about NJ losing millions? I googled a bit, but had no luck finding anything. Thanks.
Capt. Debbie
03-07-2019, 10:19 AM
Why would the feds give a damn about in state lakes in NJ aka freshwater license?
Wasn’t the reason behind the salt water registry to correctly show the number of “fisherman” both SW and FW ? That count does not rely on license sales, if it does our legislators need to step up and correct that miscarriage.
03-07-2019, 12:54 PM
Why would the feds give a damn about in state lakes in NJ aka freshwater license?
Supposedly the states return of the ear marked excise tax is based on the number of sportsman contributing to the tax. So, that would include both SW and FW. If you believe the system works....
Down Deep Sportfishing
03-07-2019, 03:48 PM
The bottom line is to just look at the billions of dollars generated by fishing. Example, let’s just take $100 million dollars from the total 2015 report. Build 50 fishing piers, every year (one for every state) at a generous cost of $2 million per pier. Where is the other $2+ billion every year ?
These monies are derived from excise taxes paid by the hunting, shooting, boating and angling industries on firearms, bows and ammunition and sport fishing tackle, some boat engines, and small engine fuel.
Small engine fuel ? What did you spend in fuel over the last few years and at what price over street cost ?
How much tackle and bait did you buy ? Along with all else ?
This is out of control and just another form of a money grab to play the shell game. Look around, Connecticut wants to put tolls back on the roads. NY has “congestion pricing” although there aren’t any toll on East River crossings, only a matter of time there too. Then we have Dr. Phil, who instituted LGBT curriculum to teach your school age kids, legalize pot for tax revenues and we need to pony up more money to get a fraction back ?
When I went to school basic math is -
We give a half and they want a half more. That equals a whole. A hole that we throw our money into to get some back, no thank you. Smart people saw this all along with the “Free Saltwater Registry”. It was headed this way all along, pure bullshyt.
03-07-2019, 04:39 PM
Would you please provide evidence to back-up the statement about NJ losing millions? I googled a bit, but had no luck finding anything. Thanks.
Start here , and use links there.
Ear marked money has to go back into where is came from .
Not paying for a license after you pays hundreds or thousands a year into it , to not get something back is stupid.
We pay tax on every piece of tackle we buy .
This states anglers probably pays in as much as any , yet all the other states reap the rewards ,
Kind of like not claiming a winning lottery ticket ..
03-08-2019, 11:46 AM
Start here , and use links there.
Ear marked money has to go back into where is came from .
Not paying for a license after you pays hundreds or thousands a year into it , to not get something back is stupid.
We pay tax on every piece of tackle we buy .
This states anglers probably pays in as much as any , yet all the other states reap the rewards ,
Kind of like not claiming a winning lottery ticket ..
Thanks for the link. I did not find any numbers documenting what NJ is missing out on or anything stating what we would get if we paid more.
I see no reason to support the state of NJ taking even more of MY money.
03-08-2019, 12:31 PM
Thanks for the link. I did not find any numbers documenting what NJ is missing out on or anything stating what we would get if we paid more.
I see no reason to support the state of NJ taking even more of MY money.
Will try and get actual break down.
Money that comes into licenses for fishing doesn’t go into the general fund .
Return on excise tax is based on accountable anglers in each state based on license sales .
Not having a salt water license the money we would get goes to other states having .
So want a good free boat ramp , drive to Florida etc.
want better protection against people breaking fishing laws HERE. do what supports NJ.
Not having a saltwater license for what’s been suggested (10 bucks ).
If just cutting off your nose to spite your face .
I love our saltwater fishery here , and would have no problem spending the few bucks for it to get even better .
Capt Joe
03-08-2019, 01:07 PM
Will try and get actual break down.
Money that comes into licenses for fishing doesn’t go into the general fund .
Not having a saltwater license for what’s been suggested (10 bucks ).
If just cutting off your nose to spite your face .
The State would be happy to get your “ten bucks” (that’s funny right there). Mail it in any time it makes you feel good, the rest of us will keep it in our pockets. Boat ramps?:D:D:D
03-08-2019, 02:15 PM
The State would be happy to get your “ten bucks” (that’s funny right there). Mail it in any time it makes you feel good, the rest of us will keep it in our pockets. Boat ramps?:D:D:D
Think it's time you actually did some research where all the other states get the money to do stuff for the fishing communities .
It's money returned through the excise tax WE all pay already on every piece of equipment we buy.
Why would you not want NJ fisherman to see some return on that money paid
Capt Joe
03-08-2019, 02:58 PM
Think it's time you actually did some research where all the other states get the money to do stuff for the fishing communities .
It's money returned through the excise tax WE all pay already on every piece of equipment we buy.
Why would you not want NJ fisherman to see some return on that money paid
No thanks on the research, WE all know where the money ends up or WILL end up with a salt water license. Please, stop the nonsense.Send your money in, Ma Murphy will take care of you.
Charlie B
03-08-2019, 03:48 PM
OK lets get a licence but make it cost 50 cents...Charlie
Down Deep Sportfishing
03-08-2019, 04:24 PM
So let’s see what we’ve learned so far.... we need to throw good money after bad as the State of NJ contributes far more money than most states already. Other states that have a saltwater license take our excise tax and you believe giving more more is a solution? Just give us our share that we already kick in. Just like Fluke regulations you’re entrusting the “scouts honor” that they will choose what’s best in our interest, my azz. Charlie, don’t even kid. All it takes is a start, you’ll be using your EZ Pass when you exit the inlet.
03-08-2019, 04:26 PM
No thanks on the research, WE all know where the money ends up or WILL end up with a salt water license. Please, stop the nonsense.Send your money in, Ma Murphy will take care of you.
just show your ignorance,
MURPHY cant take that money. since 2008 money spent of fishing licenses can only be used for fishing related benefit.
Its federally mandated so they cant put it into the General fund like they do everything else.
Just using Florida as an example, their license costs 17 bucks a year.
They get ALOT of money for building access ramps etc.
Beautiful FREE ramps all over , that are well maintained ( they want to spend the money).
Smart guys in NJ don't want a license, pay 25 bucks to use a shitty ramp every weekend .
who payed more ????.
I get not wanting to give NJ any more money, but its necessary to gain our share of a bigger pool of money we all have paid into.
IMO having a real number on how many people actually fish here would also give a little more voice for those willing to get off their ass to help the fishery here.
Polititions only care about votes, show them they are pissing off a number of votes they cant lose maybe some of them will get off their ass and listen to whats going on with our fisheries.
03-08-2019, 05:52 PM
word is out the commercial guys got a 40 % increase in their fluke limit while it looks like all we will get is status quo .
keep saving your money and watch as we lose the fishery to having no voice in the game.
Capt Sal
03-08-2019, 07:20 PM
word is out the commercial guys got a 40 % increase in their fluke limit while it looks like all we will get is status quo .
keep saving your money and watch as we lose the fishery to having no voice in the game.
Screwed again.Money talks.
03-08-2019, 07:33 PM
Screwed again.Money talks.
for sure Sal.
They always fund there cause.
shrimpman steve
03-08-2019, 07:34 PM
I’ve been following the thread. Assuming dan is correct with his facts you guys are cutting off your nose to spite your face.
The problem is, will the state really build ramps. Where would they even put them?
03-08-2019, 08:08 PM
Going back to the Original Poster Andy S this was discussed by the Federation of Sportsman club which is as he stated are regular Hunters and Fisherman . There is nothing from the Governor, NJ state legislature or NJ Fish and Wildlife on any pending SW or ALL water License. Lets keep the conspiracy theories to a minimum.
IF an ALL water license was introduced and it was grandfathered into the existing FW system for allocating funds directly to fisheries I may support that action.
We are however witnessing how any branch of government can take appropriated funds from one action to another if they decide.
Thanks Dan for the excise tax link. its important information
03-08-2019, 08:17 PM
I would pay for a saltwater license, but I WON'T sign up for the Saltwater Registry.
03-08-2019, 09:54 PM
Going back to the Original Poster Andy S this was discussed by the Federation of Sportsman club which is as he stated are regular Hunters and Fisherman . There is nothing from the Governor, NJ state legislature or NJ Fish and Wildlife on any pending SW or ALL water License. Lets keep the conspiracy theories to a minimum.
IF an ALL water license was introduced and it was grandfathered into the existing FW system for allocating funds directly to fisheries I may support that action.
We are however witnessing how any branch of government can take appropriated funds from one action to another if they decide.
Thanks Dan for the excise tax link. its important information
There is a bunch more info out there explaining more how it works, as your pro active im sure you will find more info.
Those not really wanting to research it aren't going to care what is says.
states using the returns on the excise tax have done lots of good things with that money.
be nice to see that happen here.
excise tax isn't new, its been around and had been appropriated .
But with current laws in effect since 08 there are many more checks and balances to make sure its used right .
IMO even if we only get a TRUE return of 50 % with the other 50 % wasted, its still a lot more than getting nothing .
03-09-2019, 12:39 PM
I would pay for a saltwater license, but I WON'T sign up for the Saltwater Registry.
NP they have a sign up a friend app so I did it for you ! Just kidding:p
03-09-2019, 12:40 PM
There is a bunch more info out there explaining more how it works, as your pro active im sure you will find more info.
Those not really wanting to research it aren't going to care what is says.
states using the returns on the excise tax have done lots of good things with that money.
be nice to see that happen here.
excise tax isn't new, its been around and had been appropriated .
But with current laws in effect since 08 there are many more checks and balances to make sure its used right .
IMO even if we only get a TRUE return of 50 % with the other 50 % wasted, its still a lot more than getting nothing .
I will dig deeper into it and thanks
Gerry Zagorski
03-09-2019, 01:43 PM
Going back to the Original Poster Andy S this was discussed by the Federation of Sportsman club which is as he stated are regular Hunters and Fisherman . There is nothing from the Governor, NJ state legislature or NJ Fish and Wildlife on any pending SW or ALL water License. Lets keep the conspiracy theories to a minimum.
IF an ALL water license was introduced and it was grandfathered into the existing FW system for allocating funds directly to fisheries I may support that action.
We are however witnessing how any branch of government can take appropriated funds from one action to another if they decide.
Thanks Dan for the excise tax link. its important information
Last time this came up I believe it was during the election cycle for Chrisite's 2nd term so 2014... My read on it was they got the NJDEP to start socializing it, people in our state threw up all over it and since it was during an election cycle and it was getting so much opposition, the politicians ran from for fear of losing votes so it did not go through.
Timing and players are totally different right now and if it were to come up again, I think the current administration would support it.. They have another 3 years in office and seem to have no problem with grabbing more money from us and in 3 years they'll hope we all forget...
Dan brings up a a good point and if we could get back a dollar from the feds for every dollar we put in a license, I might reconsider....I'd have to be convinced that the money will be spent on things we think would benefit us and, it wouldn't have a detrimental effect on the people who fish occasionally and the businesses that cater to them...
03-10-2019, 08:09 AM
Thanks for opening Murphy's eyes to a nice Pot of gold! Does anyone here actually TRUST any Gov official in this State? New found money, a nice new tax that will just be pilfered like every thing else.
Common guys , sounds like vasaline sales will be up again this year!!!
Capt Sal
03-10-2019, 10:52 AM
Like Shrimpman posted -Where would they build the ramps? Here in Florida the ramps are built on state bought land. We also have free beaches ad rest rooms with cabanas and showers.Not the whole state but alot of it. I don't think this could ever happen in NJ because almost all of the land is private.There are National and County Parks but very few places for ramps.Ramps are only part of the problem. Where would they spend the rest of the money?If i am not mistaken they wanted to take the money and put it into the agriculture category the last time this came up.All the Party and charter boats that fish in NY waters have to have a NY lic. and the money went into the general fund.I think it would add extra cost to all for hire vessels and make them purchase a lic. to cover there customers.What the heck-All for hire capts are makin a fortune anyway lol:confused:
03-10-2019, 11:21 AM
Like Shrimpman posted -Where would they build the ramps? Here in Florida the ramps are built on state bought land. We also have free beaches ad rest rooms with cabanas and showers.Not the whole state but alot of it. I don't think this could ever happen in NJ because almost all of the land is private.There are National and County Parks but very few places for ramps.Ramps are only part of the problem. Where would they spend the rest of the money?If i am not mistaken they wanted to take the money and put it into the agriculture category the last time this came up.All the Party and charter boats that fish in NY waters have to have a NY lic. and the money went into the general fund.I think it would add extra cost to all for hire vessels and make them purchase a lic. to cover there customers.What the heck-All for hire capts are makin a fortune anyway lol:confused:
Sal, they look for small pieces and purchase them as fisherman access points.
It already being done here on the freshwater level.
Many access points have been purchased along major rivers and lots made for parking , to gain more access for fishing.
Not sure but maybe there is also a way for them to cover the fees charged at municipal ramps .
03-10-2019, 03:07 PM
Hammer.... all your points are well intentioned to all of us here.... the problem is that our politicians are not your normal human beings thinking like we do.... when you mention free ramps, the only things “Free” to them are more giveaways from the $$$ all of us are putting into the system... we are just not in their agenda. :( sad but true
03-10-2019, 03:18 PM
Hammer.... all your points are well intentioned to all of us here.... the problem is that our politicians are not your normal human beings thinking like we do.... when you mention free ramps, the only things “Free” to them are more giveaways from the $$$ all of us are putting into the system... we are just not in their agenda. :( sad but true
I agree anytime they can take money and put it somewhere else into their agenda they do EVERYTIME.
But money allotted through License sales as well as the returns on excise tax are now highly monitored, and protected by Federal law since 2008.
In actuality it is about the only thing they cant slide into the general budget here..
so IMO its money worth chasing.
If it wasn't protected I would agree with all those not in favor.
IMO if we don't give a number to the REAL amount of salt water fisherman we are going to continue to get the short end of the stick.
No politicians are going to ever care unless they see they could lose a major number of votes.
WE all know that they are only driven by votes and money.
and unlike the commercial sector recreational fisherman very rarely will reach onto their pockets to support their own fight ..
03-10-2019, 03:32 PM
Dan... you’re right on all points.... no argument here.... I guess just need to get to the “right” politician that thinks out of “THEIR” box..... and then maybe we’ll get somewhere ;). I know you feel like you’re beating your head against the wall trying to do the right thing and it’s totally frustrating
03-10-2019, 04:33 PM
"But money allotted through License sales as well as the returns on excise tax are now highly monitored, and protected by Federal law since 2008". Captain Dan, do you have a source for more info about this law. This is at the center of this issue for most posting to this thread. Thanks.
Charlie B
03-10-2019, 04:34 PM
We already have the salt water registry. Why does that not count to show how many people fish saltwater for the purpose of getting the excise tax money? If it is because it is not a license the simple solution would be to rename it a license. Problem solved move on...Charlie
03-10-2019, 05:08 PM
"But money allotted through License sales as well as the returns on excise tax are now highly monitored, and protected by Federal law since 2008". Captain Dan, do you have a source for more info about this law. This is at the center of this issue for most posting to this thread. Thanks.
Here is some of the info broken down as well as explanations .
There are also report links in this reading also .
Here is more info
Capt Sal
03-10-2019, 08:27 PM
We already have the salt water registry. Why does that not count to show how many people fish saltwater for the purpose of getting the excise tax money? If it is because it is not a license the simple solution would be to rename it a license. Problem solved move on...Charlie
How many fishermen go on Party Boats and don't even know what the salt water registry is? This is what i mean about educating the casual once or twice a year recreational fisherman. To get an accurate count on how many salt water fishermen there are is not that easy.Everyone knows you need a lic. to go fresh water fishing so that is not hard to get an accurate count based on lic.sales.Children do not need one so it not an exact count but close.
Gerry Zagorski
03-11-2019, 09:05 AM
Here's another article I found...
All proceeds from these excise taxes are divided among the 50 state wildlife agencies. Each state's share is based on its land area and number of licensed hunters and anglers. Funds cover about 75 percent of the bill for approved wildlife and fish restoration projects and total some $560 million per year.
So some questions here.....
- Why don't they count the people in NJ who are in our Salt Water Registry?
- I assume if you purchase a fresh water license or a hunting license you are counted... So if we were to purchase a saltwater license are they going to double count us?
- Lets assume for a moment everyone purchased an NJ SW license and 50% of those same people either had a fishing or hunting license as well... What effect would that have on the allocation excise tax funds that would come back to our state?
03-11-2019, 09:13 AM
I got at least 10 people to sign up for the Saltwater Registry that don't even go fishing, and I am working on a few more.
03-11-2019, 11:02 AM
Here's another article I found...
All proceeds from these excise taxes are divided among the 50 state wildlife agencies. Each state's share is based on its land area and number of licensed hunters and anglers. Funds cover about 75 percent of the bill for approved wildlife and fish restoration projects and total some $560 million per year.
So some questions here.....
- Why don't they count the people in NJ who are in our Salt Water Registry?
- I assume if you purchase a fresh water license or a hunting license you are counted... So if we were to purchase a saltwater license are they going to double count us?
- Lets assume for a moment everyone purchased an NJ SW license and 50% of those same people either had a fishing or hunting license as well... What effect would that have on the allocation excise tax funds that would come back to our state?
I haven't been able to determine the role of the saltwater registry in any of this.
Haven't been able to find specifics on what NJ is missing out on or what we would gain in terms of additional funding if we had a license either. There are some sweeping generalities by groups who want us to pay more into the system with vague promisis, but no solid this + this will give us that.
So far the closest I've come is this (taken from the link you posted)
"All proceeds from these excise taxes are divided among the 50 state wildlife agencies. Each state's share is based on its land area and number of licensed hunters and anglers. Funds cover about 75 percent of the bill for approved wildlife and fish restoration projects and total some $560 million per year."
This link shows some previous distributions.
It's interesting in that some states with small populations and large land masses got lots. Yet Florida for example, which has a license, large population, good size land mass, lots of fishing related purchases isn't any where near the top of the heap.
Can't say I've got a good handle on it, but it looks mostly like politics as usual.
03-11-2019, 12:00 PM
Here's another article I found...
All proceeds from these excise taxes are divided among the 50 state wildlife agencies. Each state's share is based on its land area and number of licensed hunters and anglers. Funds cover about 75 percent of the bill for approved wildlife and fish restoration projects and total some $560 million per year.
So some questions here.....
- Why don't they count the people in NJ who are in our Salt Water Registry?
- I assume if you purchase a fresh water license or a hunting license you are counted... So if we were to purchase a saltwater license are they going to double count us?
- Lets assume for a moment everyone purchased an NJ SW license and 50% of those same people either had a fishing or hunting license as well... What effect would that have on the allocation excise tax funds that would come back to our state?
Pretty sure that’s why they want to make it an all water license (not sure)
So they don’t double count
As far as the registry, too many people. Currently don’t need to register as Sal posted.
People only fishing on a head boat or charter boat don’t need to register.
Charlie B
03-11-2019, 12:25 PM
As far as the registry, too many people. Currently don’t need to register as Sal posted.
People only fishing on a head boat or charter boat don’t need to register.
So what happens if we get a license? Are the people who only fish on for hire boats going to need to get a license? If so how many will give up on fishing all together? It seems for hire boats are in enough trouble now do you really want to add to it? Think about it...Charlie
03-11-2019, 01:02 PM
So what happens if we get a license? Are the people who only fish on for hire boats going to need to get a license? If so how many will give up on fishing all together? It seems for hire boats are in enough trouble now do you really want to add to it? Think about it...Charlie
Sorry but nothing is free anymore.
Want to utilise part of a resource pay for it.
Lots of money is spent on enforcement etc.
You can't even use a federal park without paying a fee.
As long as the license is under 20 bucks I don't see a downfall. In actuality maybe some guys after buying the license will go more.
They also could have a daily or weekly license at a reduced rate.
When we fished Alaska we had to buy a weekly non resident license . Same as in many other southern states I fished
Might even help slow down the bucket brigades fishing all the jettys
Charlie B
03-11-2019, 01:41 PM
When did making something cost more ever make more people do it?
03-11-2019, 02:25 PM
When did making something cost more ever make more people do it?
We are talking about fisherman.
How many guys own boats and use them 4/5 times a season .
Just their slip fees would pay for them to fish with the best captains once a week for the season.
Fluke is currently 16 bucks a pound in the supermarket .
So in effect 1 decent fluke covered the license .
03-11-2019, 02:28 PM
Sorry but nothing is free anymore.
Want to utilise part of a resource pay for it.
Lots of money is spent on enforcement etc.
You can't even use a federal park without paying a fee.
As long as the license is under 20 bucks I don't see a downfall. In actuality maybe some guys after buying the license will go more.
They also could have a daily or weekly license at a reduced rate.
When we fished Alaska we had to buy a weekly non resident license . Same as in many other southern states I fished
Might even help slow down the bucket brigades fishing all the jettys
Yeah, I don't think even a small fee is going to help attract customers... Its NJ we're talking about, and personally I have doubts it would be $20 license.. maybe they'll prove me wrong.. You can bet that if NJ institutes a license and NY does not, that most anglers in NY would not buy the license and would opt to simply stay on the NY side, and board NY boats where a license would not be required.. We'll see how this washes out..
One thing is for certain.. that ""salt water registry"" bullshit that was joyfully adopted by so many fishermen as a "good thing" was simply a prelude to a license.. Some of us knew from the early spring 2011 when it was adopted what it would lead to, and here we are..bob
Charlie B
03-11-2019, 03:14 PM
We are talking about fisherman.
How many guys own boats and use them 4/5 times a season .
Just their slip fees would pay for them to fish with the best captains once a week for the season.
Fluke is currently 16 bucks a pound in the supermarket .
So in effect 1 decent fluke covered the license .
I guess some will just bend over and take it. Don't make it right...Charlie
Gerry Zagorski
03-11-2019, 03:43 PM
The boats I checked were older but looked pretty well maintained.... Not like the Bahama's and Jamaica..
Quick story.... We were in the Bahamas one year with a bunch of other couples and one of the guys said he was going to arrange a charter and asked if I wanted in... Just a half day so I said why not, how bad could it be??
We show up at the dock and this guy has a 20 foot Mako center console that looks like it washed up on shore.... The name of the boat is Enterprise and as we step on the Captain says "Welcome to the Enterprise, I'm Captain Kirk" (you can't make this shit up).
He goes to start the engine and nothing.... After taking off the engine cowling, a few taps with a rusty old pair of pliers the engine sputters to life and starts smoking like one of those old mosquito trucks..
We get out of the marina go about a mile out to this reef, he throws out a cinder block on a rope for an anchor and hands me a pole. This pole looks like something that Ernest Hemingway used back in the day... Every 10 feet of line there was splice so you had just enough line spliced together to hit bottom and catch these small reef fish. All the time the engine was running and smoking like a chimney since he didn't want to risk it not starting again...
My first and last time fishing in the Bahamas....
03-11-2019, 04:21 PM
I guess some will just bend over and take it. Don't make it right...Charlie
how much does it cost to legally fish lake Hopatcong EVEN if you released all the fish . Keeping nothing
Charlie B
03-11-2019, 05:20 PM
how much does it cost to legally fish lake Hopatcong EVEN if you released all the fish . Keeping nothing
The cost of a fishing license and since trout are stocked I also get a trout stamp since I fish from a motor boat I need a boat license. Those 3 things take care of the legal expenses for fishing fresh water or more truthfully on top of the other legal expenses like boat and trailer registration,gasoline taxes, sales tax on anything used for fishing and who knows whatever hidden taxes and fees it costs. So to answer your question I really don't know but I do know it is quite a bit. Now on top of that I pay dues in the Knee Deep Club and even kick in extra for fish stocking.
You may ask why I am not mad about the fishing license. The answer is at least I get something from it. In freshwater at least the state has fish hatcheries and stocks fish with the result being I can catch and keep fish when I want to. The freshwater regulations are reasonable and they work.That can not be said about the salt water regulations.
So you want a salt water license and hope you get some more boat ramps from it and more law enforcement. As for boat ramps you already pay boat and trailer registration. What has that gotten you? Now law enforcement I can see getting more of that. And what will they be enforcing? Those same lousey salt water regulations...Charlie
03-11-2019, 05:51 PM
The cost of a fishing license and since trout are stocked I also get a trout stamp since I fish from a motor boat I need a boat license. Those 3 things take care of the legal expenses for fishing fresh water or more truthfully on top of the other legal expenses like boat and trailer registration,gasoline taxes, sales tax on anything used for fishing and who knows whatever hidden taxes and fees it costs. So to answer your question I really don't know but I do know it is quite a bit. Now on top of that I pay dues in the Knee Deep Club and even kick in extra for fish stocking.
You may ask why I am not mad about the fishing license. The answer is at least I get something from it. In freshwater at least the state has fish hatcheries and stocks fish with the result being I can catch and keep fish when I want to. The freshwater regulations are reasonable and they work.That can not be said about the salt water regulations.
So you want a salt water license and hope you get some more boat ramps from it and more law enforcement. As for boat ramps you already pay boat and trailer registration. What has that gotten you? Now law enforcement I can see getting more of that. And what will they be enforcing? Those same lousey salt water regulations...Charlie
OK , here is my point. you see what you get for your freshwater fee.
But in reality there were many fish in the lakes naturally that god put there just like the ocean.
but it eases the pain a little., knowing there are some fish stocked
there is a lot more to fish for oceanside, both size and quanity.
yet little is done to enforce regs due to FG being spread so thin.
Our reefs used to get A lot more money put into them yearly .
our fishing regs were a lot better just ten years ago. but since they don't have a real count of whats going on we have ZERO voice.
only voice you will hear is a lot of guys bitching about how bad it sucks.
IMO its time to get that voice back,, as well as see something done to benefit shore fisherman. because if we lose that how much pressure will be on inland waters.
how much pressure will Lakes like Hopatcong get by those still wanting fish ?
that is IF they don't ruin the lake sooner so more people can swim there.
putting grass carp in there ruining spawning beds etc.'
The shore def needs better regs and its always the recs who get screwed..
not getting our share of the excise tax the last 10 years has given millions of dollars that NJ anglers put into it to other states .
why should we continue down that path ?
we all want to SEE what were getting, well sometimes you also need to see what your LOSING in the same time frame.
lets get and use some money to make more reefs, and make that program roll again . spreading fisherman out instead of a thousand guys being in one sguare mile.
bring the life back to within an easy boat ride of the beach for all to enjoy.
.Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
for decades nothing has been given back, and the loss has been immense.
its time for those using our oceans here to stand up and be counted and show were done losing.
03-11-2019, 05:52 PM
Yeah, I don't think even a small fee is going to help attract customers... Its NJ we're talking about, and personally I have doubts it would be $20 license.. maybe they'll prove me wrong.. You can bet that if NJ institutes a license and NY does not, that most anglers in NY would not buy the license and would opt to simply stay on the NY side, and board NY boats where a license would not be required.. We'll see how this washes out..
One thing is for certain.. that ""salt water registry"" bullshit that was joyfully adopted by so many fishermen as a "good thing" was simply a prelude to a license.. Some of us knew from the early spring 2011 when it was adopted what it would lead to, and here we are..bob
Bob and all others so opposed to the SW Registry with all due respect, You make it sound like somehow there was a CHOICE??
I don't remember joyous anything other than we got NJ to keep a non choice mandate free!
It was either implement a FREE NJ Saltwater Registry or have NJ SW Anglers PAY $15.00 to adhere to the FEDERAL MANDATE of a FEDERAL registry. Many NJ people and NJ recreational fishing organizations made it FREE instead of a forced fee by NOAA. The Registry was MANDATED by the Feds due to Magnuson Stevens Act and MORE IMPORTANTLY its INTENTION in my opinion was good.
That intention was to include anglers into the MRIP program via the Count My Fish Surveys to try and get better data for Fisheries management. INSTEAD it turned into the usual conspiracy theories how "big brother" was going to use our own information against us! We all know how that worked out. By NOT doing the surveys MRIP is pretty much given to their information without angler input again because of political conspiracy theories which dont exist.
3 Things:
1) I find it very ironic that some here who oppose the registry will post often how massive amounts of recreational boats will ball up on stripers and other species with SOOO many boats you can walk on them to destroy a fishery and then COMPLAIN about a registry designed to prove or disprove that based on real time angler reports.
Pretty much my experience and many charter reports say boat traffic puts the fish down and only the few early to the scene actually catch. Which is it??
2) There is ZERO legislature ongoing for a NJ ALL or Saltwater License. Just the usual talk that happens every year so NO here we are.
3) Capt Dan stated his opinion accurately, shared research links and hoped to have an informed debate on the issue. As usual the politics get in the way and the perception removes the debate from facts.
Personally I am still looking into it but willing to research the facts behind it and review capt Dan's information in more detail. i encourage others to do the same and leave politics aside. Capt Joe said he has been fighting this for 40 years so a lot of transfer of both parties politics has taken place.
Gerry Zagorski
03-11-2019, 06:13 PM
Bob and all others so opposed to the SW Registry with all due respect, You make it sound like somehow there was a CHOICE??
I don't remember joyous anything other than we got NJ to keep a non choice mandate free!
It was either implement a FREE NJ Saltwater Registry or have NJ SW Anglers PAY $15.00 to adhere to the FEDERAL MANDATE of a FEDERAL registry. Many NJ people and NJ recreational fishing organizations made it FREE instead of a forced fee by NOAA. The Registry was MANDATED by the Feds due to Magnuson Stevens Act and MORE IMPORTANTLY its INTENTION in my opinion was good.
That intention was to include anglers into the MRIP program via the Count My Fish Surveys to try and get better data for Fisheries management. INSTEAD it turned into the usual conspiracy theories how "big brother" was going to use our own information against us! We all know how that worked out. By NOT doing the surveys MRIP is pretty much given to their information without angler input again because of political conspiracy theories which dont exist.
3 Things:
1) I find it very ironic that some here who oppose the registry will post often how massive amounts of recreational boats will ball up on stripers and other species with SOOO many boats you can walk on them to destroy a fishery and then COMPLAIN about a registry designed to prove or disprove that based on real time angler reports.
Pretty much my experience and many charter reports say boat traffic puts the fish down and only the few early to the scene actually catch. Which is it??
2) There is ZERO legislature ongoing for a NJ ALL or Saltwater License. Just the usual talk that happens every year so NO here we are.
3) Capt Dan stated his opinion accurately, shared research links and hoped to have an informed debate on the issue. As usual the politics get in the way and the perception removes the debate from facts.
Exactly right on all accounts Dales.... Lots more detailed info and opinions to follow.... Good for our site, good for people to get educated on the subject and to voice their opinions..
I for one and I suspect most others here, need to get more information on this subject to have an informed opinion....
For me, I'm not giving the state another dime or will I support a paid license unless I know:
- What are we missing out on in terms of money coming back to our state that we're not already getting.
- How does that amount compare to what we'd be spending on a license
- How does the state intend to spend that money
- How would it effect the casual fishermen and the businesses that support them like tackle shops, party and charter boats.
Much more info needed and I too will try and get more informed and share what I find here...
Down Deep Sportfishing
03-11-2019, 06:29 PM
Whats amazing here is we have a broken system all the way around, regulations, tax distribution etc. Yet some feel the need to feed the junkie more money. Fix what’s broken, as we all kick in more than our fair share. Some want to compare NJ to Fla. NJ has 130 miles of coastline, Fla 1300 miles. FREE IS FREE. Excise tax + a license is not FREE. Does anyone ever think of what isn’t taxed? Reorganize and repair the broken system, we pay enough!
03-11-2019, 06:47 PM
Whats amazing here is we have a broken system all the way around, regulations, tax distribution etc. Yet some feel the need to feed the junkie more money. Fix what’s broken, as we all kick in more than our fair share. Some want to compare NJ to Fla. NJ has 160 miles of coastline, Fla 1600 miles. FREE IS FREE. Excise tax + a license is not FREE. Does anyone ever think of what isn’t taxed? Reorganize and repair the broken system, we pay enough!
I agree we have a broken system, but doing NOTHING most certainly isn't going to fix it.
These idiot politicians only open their eyes when they see money they are losing.
We can put all the donations we want in the wrong way and we get nothing.
Thinking has to change and go in another direction.
Was 2 years ago I pushed hard for a slot fluke. No one wanted to hear it STATUS QUO or nothing.
well we lost 2 fish that season , and get charged for another bunch we lose to there mortality loss . nothing in your cooler.
while you may think you pay enough , it doest shadow what the commercial sector is throwing at this . yet there is a SMALL amount of them throwing BIG money.
with the number of recreational fisherman we don't have to each throw big money, just a small piece from everyone could equal what they throw.
and the payback is us getting protected federal funds in return.
IMO its time more than ever to protect our portion of the fishery here and do anything we can to make it grow.
be nice for a change to see more guys show up at meeting that live by this fishery too, instead of waiting to see what others get done for them.
95 sponsors here alone, about 5 show up.
Then bitching not enough happens.
yet most of the guys who do show up lose an afternoons pay, and don't make a dime off the fishery
as for your florida comment, a guy in florida pays 17 bucks for the license to have access to FREE ramps almost anywhere they want to fish ALL YEAR .
You cant even launch your boat 1 time here for that price.
add up what guys trailering pay a season and tell me who is smarter.
Capt Joe
03-11-2019, 08:33 PM
Oh yea, nothing more the party/charter guys want to do but pay more goddamn taxes so the plastic urinal owners get free ramps. Please, get real, any argument FOR a salt water license gets zero support from us. Yea I think I speak for 95% of the party/charter fleet and everyone else with ANY common sense.
03-11-2019, 08:56 PM
Oh yea, nothing more the party/charter guys want to do but pay more goddamn taxes so the plastic urinal owners get free ramps. Please, get real, any argument FOR a salt water license gets zero support from us. Yea I think I speak for 95% of the party/charter fleet and everyone else with ANY common sense.
That's why your watching the industry you work fall apart.
In todays realm thinking your going to get every fisherman on your boat is a pipe dream.
If they based our fishery just on Party boats the commercial guys would get 95% of the quota.
guess your against them building more reefs too ??????
03-11-2019, 08:59 PM
Bob and all others so opposed to the SW Registry with all due respect, You make it sound like somehow there was a CHOICE??
I don't remember joyous anything other than we got NJ to keep a non choice mandate free!
It was either implement a FREE NJ Saltwater Registry or have NJ SW Anglers PAY $15.00 to adhere to the FEDERAL MANDATE of a FEDERAL registry. Many NJ people and NJ recreational fishing organizations made it FREE instead of a forced fee by NOAA. The Registry was MANDATED by the Feds due to Magnuson Stevens Act and MORE IMPORTANTLY its INTENTION in my opinion was good.
That intention was to include anglers into the MRIP program via the Count My Fish Surveys to try and get better data for Fisheries management. INSTEAD it turned into the usual conspiracy theories how "big brother" was going to use our own information against us! We all know how that worked out. By NOT doing the surveys MRIP is pretty much given to their information without angler input again because of political conspiracy theories which dont exist.
3 Things:
1) I find it very ironic that some here who oppose the registry will post often how massive amounts of recreational boats will ball up on stripers and other species with SOOO many boats you can walk on them to destroy a fishery and then COMPLAIN about a registry designed to prove or disprove that based on real time angler reports.
Pretty much my experience and many charter reports say boat traffic puts the fish down and only the few early to the scene actually catch. Which is it??
2) There is ZERO legislature ongoing for a NJ ALL or Saltwater License. Just the usual talk that happens every year so NO here we are.
3) Capt Dan stated his opinion accurately, shared research links and hoped to have an informed debate on the issue. As usual the politics get in the way and the perception removes the debate from facts.
Personally I am still looking into it but willing to research the facts behind it and review capt Dan's information in more detail. i encourage others to do the same and leave politics aside. Capt Joe said he has been fighting this for 40 years so a lot of transfer of both parties politics has taken place.
I never said it was a choice.. i said a lot of people thought it was a good thing.. All it ever was designed to be was an exploratory data analysis as a prelude to raking in more money from license fees, and a lot of guys had NO issue at all with it...
Just like some guys are happy that they are boarded several times a season while drifting for fluke, because it makes them feel 'safe"... Do we really and truly need all this oversight?
Sorry, i am a limited government person, and always will be.. When Big Brother sticks his hand in your pocket, its never for "your benefit". that includes SW license fees.. bob
03-11-2019, 09:34 PM
I never said it was a choice.. i said a lot of people thought it was a good thing.. All it ever was designed to be was an exploratory data analysis as a prelude to raking in more money from license fees, and a lot of guys had NO issue at all with it...
Just like some guys are happy that they are boarded several times a season while drifting for fluke, because it makes them feel 'safe"... Do we really and truly need all this oversight?
Sorry, i am a limited government person, and always will be.. When Big Brother sticks his hand in your pocket, its never for "your benefit". that includes SW license fees.. bob
Actually Bob the DFG was approached to enforce a paid Salt water registry when it started. But was told they would not get any extra funding to enforce it.
SO DFG actually was the reason the registry was free.
Had ZERO underlaying for a License at that time.
Current suggestions popping up for a license now is because groups that support ALL fishing here in NJ have seen were missing out on a lot of programs where we should be getting Federal money to make them better.
if you look at the reef program you can find the info there that 75% of that funding comes from the Feds, and only 25% from the State.
.if guys would spend some time doing just a little research stuff would make more sense to them .
03-11-2019, 10:46 PM
Oh yea, nothing more the party/charter guys want to do but pay more goddamn taxes so the plastic urinal owners get free ramps.
Lol and there you have it...yet another example of daylight between the for-hire fleet and your average "rec angler"...on this and a host of fisheries issues.
Capt Joe
03-11-2019, 11:51 PM
Lol and there you have it....
03-12-2019, 07:24 AM
That's why your watching the industry you work fall apart.
In todays realm thinking your going to get every fisherman on your boat is a pipe dream.
If they based our fishery just on Party boats the commercial guys would get 95% of the quota.
guess your against them building more reefs too ??????
03-12-2019, 09:30 AM
Don't believe for one minute that if a fee (tax) is imposed that the money will be available only for saltwater related projects. Your elected officials have the ability to tap into any designated fund they want to and you will not know it was done. Just look at the recent ever increasing gasoline road tax that was just implemented. At one time, that fund was flush with money and looked what happened. If the money was designated only for saltwater related projects, I'm for it but I don't trust those who are in control of it.
03-12-2019, 12:10 PM
People would be upset about spending 20 or 30 bux for a saltwater license, but would easily pay that to get into the Saltwater Show. :rolleyes:
03-12-2019, 12:38 PM
People would be upset about spending 20 or 30 bux for a saltwater license, but would easily pay that to get into the Saltwater Show. :rolleyes:
Thats elective.. you aren't forced to go to the salt water show to be "allowed" to fish in the ocean, but you would be forced to buy a license...
I do know this.. In freshwater states if you hire a guide or go on a charter you need a license.. If that template carries over to salt water, I have a bad feeling it will have a pretty negative impact on summertime party boats, especially lets say half day boats where a dad might want to take that once a year out with his little kids trip... They might just find something else to do.. It will have no major impact on boats with strong regular clientele , either party or charter, they 'll stay in business no doubt, but at least part of the bottom line on many boats I am sure, depends on casual once or twice a year visitors during the peak summer season... those type of folks may take a pass, especially if obtaining a license is problematic in any way.. If they are readily available at multiple retail outlets it will have less impact, depending on the cost... bob
Charlie B
03-12-2019, 02:28 PM
As someone who's favorite forms of fishing was drifting for fluke but now I don't salt water fish at all I will tell you this. The reason I gave up on salt water had nothing to do with the lack of ramps, or reefs, or enforcement, or anything more money might and I emphasize might improve. It was the regulations and only the regulations that made me give up on saltwater. Specifically the ever increasing length limit for keepers. Now I hope there is a chance that the regulations will get better and we will see about that. I would love to go back to drifting for fluke. But forcing a license on salt water fishing is just another slap in the face of those who fish salt water and another reason to give it up...Charlie
03-12-2019, 05:57 PM
pay more goddamn taxes
That, hands down, has to be the funniest thing ive read in the thread!!!
Capt Joe
03-12-2019, 08:44 PM
03-13-2019, 11:24 AM
On Sunday, January 27th, 2019, CPOs Merritt and A. Sutton focused their patrols on ice fishing activity on Cranberry Lake, Byram Township, Sussex County and Lake Hopatcong, Roxbury Township, Morris County. A total of twenty-two fishing inspections were conducted and eleven summonses were issued for fishing without a license and take/possess panfish over the limit.
So think for a moment if you needed a saltwater license. Look how many freshwater fishermen do not buy a license. How do you patrol 127 miles of coastline and back bays ? I bet only HALF of the people that go saltwater fishing in New Jersey would purchase a license, and I bet that number would be greater for out of state fishermen.
03-13-2019, 11:55 AM
Also with New Jersey being a sanctuary state Murphy would probably let "Dreamers" fish without a license after he gave them free college education, heath benefits, food and housing.
Andy, Without a Doubt!! :rolleyes:
03-13-2019, 01:59 PM
Minutes from the February meeting of the New Jersey Fish and Wildlife Council meeting: and I quote
"Councilman Robinson reported that in the last month and a half he has attended a lot of meetings which include Hunterdon, Somerset, Union, Middlesex, central region. He would like to thank Director Herrighty, Chief Stanko, and Chief Barno for coming to the Hunterdon County meeting and giving an interesting presentation, all the sportsmen were very appreciative. He is working on the all‐water license and he needs some information to come up with a price and some numbers."
Four Strings
03-17-2019, 04:45 PM
I am so happy I moved out of the state. Good luck with gov. Murphy
My taxes are 1/4 what they were
My house is a 2400 sq. Ft beauty for under 200,000
No income tax
And I get to legally carry a concealed weapon.
You guys having fun up there:D
Same here Shrimpy! I finally had it with NJ and moved to Amelia Island. No income tax, free boat ramps, no income tax, CCW, etc. I made the move permanent in December. I will go back in November for some Toggin tho.........
Four Strings
03-17-2019, 04:51 PM
Bullet Bob lives 200 miles and 10 districts away from Cortez' district. He had nothing to do with that mess.
Capt Sal
03-18-2019, 10:35 AM
Bullet Bob lives 200 miles and 10 districts away from Cortez' district. He had nothing to do with that mess.
I know just busting his balls.Even he wouldn't vote that idiot!lol
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