View Full Version : Hi Mar Fundraiser Feb 9

02-07-2019, 05:32 PM
Well it looks like this may be an end to an Era for me with Fundraiser I have been doing for the past 5 or so years with the guys from Hi Mar to help support elderly neighbor of mine that I have been helping take off. There is not much more I can do for her going forward so I am thinking this will be the last one I do for her to help her out. Going forward I will just reach into my pocket if she needs anything

I have met some unbelievable people during this journey as total strangers that I did not know came out of the woodwork with donations to help out. Many of them I now consider close friends who are now part of my inner circle. Can not thank Gerry from NJfishing and the guys from Hi Mar enough for all they do for the fishing community

Been a very tough year for me as I have had to take off from work to help take care of my parents. For a guy who thinks he can fix anything dealing with there deteriorating health has been mentally exhausting. Seems the only time I am at piece is when I am on a boat or surrounded by fellow fisherman who share my Passion so I am so looking forward to Saturday

This year I will be selling some of my prize possessions including my custom Fenwick and one of my custom Australians that changed the way I fish and helped make me a better black fisherman. Everything must go so most everything will be priced at 50% or more off retail. Whatever I do not sell I will most likely have a yard sale in the spring and whatever else I have left I will be donating to nursing homes I have worked with who have fishing clubs or want to start fishing club so that they have some gear available when they take them on a field trip to go fishing. Maybe this will be my next calling.

Looking forward to seeing everyone. I will have 2 red balloons hanging over my 2 tables with allot of goodies. Will be spending all day tomorrow getting organized. If you are looking for something in particular feel free to give me a call prior to sat so I can make sure I bring it along or put it aside for you


Capt. Lou
02-07-2019, 07:23 PM
Good luck 🍀 Alex !

02-07-2019, 07:40 PM
Alex: It has always been my pleasure fishing with you, reading your posts and knowing you in general. You are a kind and giving man. What you have done and will continue to do is admirable. Wish you the best of luck and will advise of Monger trips coming this year which you are always welcome on.
Hope you are not selling prized possessions out of need. However You can catch fish with a broomstick
But if so let me know and I will buy them cheap LOL ;):eek:

02-07-2019, 07:47 PM
See 'ya Saturday Mensch :)

02-07-2019, 08:19 PM
Planning on coming up and will stop by

02-08-2019, 07:01 AM
I don't have any tables this year, so if you need any help at your tables let me know and I will show up early for you.

Blackfish Doug
02-08-2019, 07:32 AM
I'll see you Saturday one of the best Flea Markets in NJ

02-08-2019, 12:59 PM
I don't have any tables this year, so if you need any help at your tables let me know and I will show up early for you.

Thanks Ron, greatly appreciate the offer my friend Capt Ed will be helping me in the morning loading up his Van so I am hoping to get there by 6:30 so I can have everything organized for a change early. Your are always welcomed to hang out as I will treat you to a coffee and hot dog

02-08-2019, 01:03 PM
Not sure where my tables will be but I will have 2 red Valentine Balloons hovering over my tables so make sure to stop buy and say hello. I will be wearing my Black Nor’easter hat and Hoodie

Capt. Lou
02-08-2019, 04:31 PM
I’m comin too, can I get 2 hot dogs ? I don’t drink coffee ! 😎

Gerry Zagorski
02-08-2019, 05:31 PM
See you in the morning Alex!!

02-08-2019, 07:34 PM
Capt Lou
I am use to taking care of the elderly so I will get you whatever you need
The one thing that may be impossible is to help you catch more blackfish. I am good but I am not a micacle worker.

02-08-2019, 07:49 PM
Looking forward to seeing you Gerry. My rod racks are looking empty I have one rack that holds 30 rods that I am going to keep for myself only have 6 spots open. Keeping my personal stuff to that rack and that rack only
The other two racks are totally empty as they are telling me they are feeling lonely. Bringing 26 tods to the show. 3 of my personal favorites that I am going to let go. I hope they do not sell. Have quite a few St Criox Rods that I recently picked up. Two 10’6” Legends that go for between 500-600 hundred. Letting those go at 250 a piece
Also have a 2 avid spinning rods that go for 250. Will be selling those at 100 and 70 bucks. Will make killer fluke and blackfish jiggers. Also have two conventional st Criox going for around 40 bucks. Will have rods from 10 to 500 bucks so hopefully you will find a good deal. Lots of jigs, Bucktails, rigs and terminal tackle as well. Put in allot of work in for this one so hopefully it will be worth it regardless will have a great time seeing old and new friends

02-08-2019, 09:31 PM
Dibs on the custom Australian! haha

See you in the AM

02-09-2019, 09:10 PM
Thank you all who stopped buy and say hello. Thanks once again To the Hi Mar Guys. Robbie I still owe you a drink

02-10-2019, 12:03 PM
You get out of this life what you put in. Your parents are very lucky to have a son like you. It's now your turn to do for them. Walk proudly my friend.

02-11-2019, 11:33 AM
Nice seeing you on Saturday Alex. Catch you on the water sometime.

02-13-2019, 05:28 AM
Alex sorry I missed the show,been busy loading my truck.I moved to Ma. hop you did well an also hope I am still on your list.

02-15-2019, 02:32 PM
Yes Sir Richie as you are always on the top of my list. They do not come much better than you. Will send you dates i have for Nantucket. Will be tough for you to top last year but i am hoping you do and i am there to see it. If you are still around North Jersey and need help with anything just give me a call