View Full Version : Big Jamaica 2/2 Report- Very Good Fishing Again!

02-04-2019, 10:20 AM
2/2 Offshore Report

Good Fishing Again on the Saturday Offshore Trip!
Jumbo Porgies - Ling - Hake -, whiting, and Pollock.

Next offshore trip sails 1AM Saturday February 9.
Fishing was excellent on Saturday with some Limits of Jumbo Porgies, a few, ling, and hake
The pool winners were:
Kurt Austin from Washingh DC with a 6 lb ling
Randy Pizzo from Philadelphia PA with a 3.5lb Porgy.
It looks good for upcoming trips. We read plenty of big schools of porgies (sometimes 40-50 feet thick) on the wrecks we fished.
High hooks caught up to 40 porgies.

The Jamaica is scheduled to sail to the offshore wrecks every Saturday in February leaving 1AM, boarding is by midnight Friday night. There is also a trip scheduled for the first Saturday in March. We will be adding more trips

For reservations and information call 732-528-5014