Angler Paul
02-01-2019, 03:16 PM
On Saturday, February 16th, 2019 the JCAA will be holding its second annual all you can eat Beefsteak Dinner and Fishing Seminar. The event will be held at the Forked River Tuna Club located at 18 Bay Av., Forked River, NJ. Doors will open at 5 PM with seminars beginning at 6 PM. Come in early to look around the club, have a drink, socialize and check out our silent auction prizes. At 6 PM, Paul Haertel will talk briefly about the JCAA and also give an update on what our fishing regulations might look like for 2019. Then Anthony Arcabasscio, son of the famed Tony Maja will give a power point presentation on wire line trolling for stripers. Then at 7 PM an all you can eat beefsteak dinner will be served by Nightingale Catering. Salad, French fries, beefsteak and dessert will be served along with soft drinks, coffee and tea. A cash bar will also be available. The silent auction winners will be determined and then the affair will be concluded with a 50/50 drawing. Tickets are just $50 per person and may be purchased online at or via our Facebook page. They may also be reserved by contacting Paul Haertel at 973-943-8201 or