View Full Version : Wind Farms

01-22-2019, 11:10 PM
This notice is to mariners off the N.J. coastline.........The Ocean Wind Project will be doing preliminary surveys of the ocean floor off the N.J. coast to provide data prior to the development of wind farms (turbines). Windmills are already providing power for Block Island and also are providing fish habitat and excellent fishing opportunities for fishermen in that area. It's something new for N.J. and there are lots of groups who are opposed to the concept. Expect some court battles before this one is over. People fear anything that's new. There will be arguments against the development which will try to raise doubts by stoking fear for the environment. Those arguments will be countered by the economic and commercial values. As for the merits or demerits for fishermen, examine what the windmills have done for fishing in the Block Island area.


01-23-2019, 07:06 AM
As always, that amount of structure on a flat featureless sand bottom will transform it into a biological hot zone in a couple of years.. However, access is everything.. if they don't let fishermen near it, it just means less fishing area.. if there is fishing access, it will attract all kinds of bottom fish, and pelagics as well.. Problem is, it IS the NJ/NY metroplex, and fishing pressure will be beyond intense . However, those big highly visible towers will attract lots of boats that would typically head to some other piece of productive bottom.. A big area of new structure on bottom can only help groundfish populations overall... Just depends on whether or not fisherman can legally use it..


01-23-2019, 08:45 AM
You are absolutely correct about the fish attracting capabilities of the new structures. You are also correct that it will attract fishermen since, even without electronics, they can find the structure. It certainly will add many more areas to fish and will take some of the pressure off the artificial reefs giving them more time to recover from fishing pressure.

The windmills off Block Island attract the party boat fleets from Pt. Judith and also some boats from Connecticut and Montauk. The seabass, fluke, blackfish, scup and some other surprise pelagics make the area a treasure chest for fishermen. There are no "laws" to prohibit access to the towers but boaters are advised to keep them at a safe distance and to be on alert while drifting through the area.

Now, will the same courtesy be extended to NJ fishermen?

A bigger question is IF the windfields will be built at all. The environmentalists will be all over this project choosing to stress how many birds may fly through the blades and be killed. Time will tell.

01-23-2019, 09:51 AM
The environmentalists will be all over this project choosing to stress how many birds may fly through the blades and be killed. Time will tell.

Sounds like a great opportunity for cormorant control.

Capt. Debbie
01-23-2019, 10:30 AM
Aren't these thing over three miles off shore? If so the states(excl Maine) have no say in who can and cant go near them

You are absolutely correct about the fish attracting capabilities of the new structures. You are also correct that it will attract fishermen since, even without electronics, they can find the structure. It certainly will add many more areas to fish and will take some of the pressure off the artificial reefs giving them more time to recover from fishing pressure.

The windmills off Block Island attract the party boat fleets from Pt. Judith and also some boats from Connecticut and Montauk. The seabass, fluke, blackfish, scup and some other surprise pelagics make the area a treasure chest for fishermen. There are no "laws" to prohibit access to the towers but boaters are advised to keep them at a safe distance and to be on alert while drifting through the area.

Now, will the same courtesy be extended to NJ fishermen?

A bigger question is IF the windfields will be built at all. The environmentalists will be all over this project choosing to stress how many birds may fly through the blades and be killed. Time will tell.

01-23-2019, 12:02 PM
Aren't these thing over three miles off shore? If so the states(excl Maine) have no say in who can and cant go near them

Great observation capt frank,, i would not have considered that ... i hope thats the case... bob

01-23-2019, 12:11 PM
You are absolutely correct about the fish attracting capabilities of the new structures. You are also correct that it will attract fishermen since, even without electronics, they can find the structure. It certainly will add many more areas to fish and will take some of the pressure off the artificial reefs giving them more time to recover from fishing pressure.

The windmills off Block Island attract the party boat fleets from Pt. Judith and also some boats from Connecticut and Montauk. The seabass, fluke, blackfish, scup and some other surprise pelagics make the area a treasure chest for fishermen. There are no "laws" to prohibit access to the towers but boaters are advised to keep them at a safe distance and to be on alert while drifting through the area.

Now, will the same courtesy be extended to NJ fishermen?

A bigger question is IF the windfields will be built at all. The environmentalists will be all over this project choosing to stress how many birds may fly through the blades and be killed. Time will tell.

Hopefully, the cormorants will flock there en masse, and try to mate with the blades..
I have my doubts the turbines are going to do much real damage to sea birds.. They have great eye sight and I have never heard of them flying into water towers, TV/radio towers, or tall buildings in the shore area in great numbers in the past..
There have been studies that show sea birds usually just avoid them....


01-23-2019, 04:56 PM
They will make for some neat fishing structures but there is no more inefficient, costly source of power than wind turbines in the ocean..... huge waste of money!!!!

01-23-2019, 05:14 PM
It will be interesting to view the congestion at these structures. I’ve been fortunate to fish by the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. Those structures are literally a gold mine for fish. Snappers, groupers, mahi, tuna, amberjack....the list goes on and on.