View Full Version : Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal Seminar - Rutgers Cooperative Extension

01-16-2019, 04:31 PM
The next seminar as a part of our Marine Extension Program Seminar Series (MEPSS) with Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE) will be on Monday, January 28 from 7:00-8:30 PM.

The featured speakers will be Matt Campo (Senior Research Specialist, Rutgers University) and Karl Vilacoba (Communications Director, Monmouth University). Matt and Karl will be giving a presentation entitled:

"Mapping the New Jersey Coast and Beyond: The Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal"


Take a guided tour of the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal, a publicly available resource containing over 4,000 interactive ocean maps! Learn how to use the portal to inform efforts to discuss and understand offshore wind areas, commercial fishing, vessel traffic concentrations, wildlife habitats, recreation hot spots, Naval training areas, and much more.

This will be a free "HyFlex" seminar where people can attend live at the Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County (1623 Whitesville Road, Toms River, NJ 08755) or remotely via webinar.

Please register by Thursday, January 24 if you are planning to attend either by coming to Toms River or participating remotely via webinar by contacting Kelly Jurgensen (kjurgensen@co.ocean.nj.us | 732-349-1152).

Also, you can mark your calendar for the next evening MEPSS seminar dates and topics:

Monday, February 25 - Jennfier Hoey (Rutgers University), National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation

Wednesday, April 3 - Jeff Dement (American Littoral Society), Volunteer fish tagging program (https://www.littoralsociety.org/fish-tagging.html)

Monday, April 29 - Dr. Grace Saba (Rutgers University), Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network (https://midacan.org/)

Thank You,

01-23-2019, 01:22 PM
Just posting a reminder about our next seminar on Monday night (1/28) about the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal tool:


Come learn about and how to use this online tool that allows visualization of things such as where commercial and recreational fishing and shipping occur off New Jersey, the distribution of wildlife, different oceanographic data that are available, and much more!

Please see previous posts and attached flyer for additional details.

If interested, then please register by contacting Kelly Jurgensen (Administrative Assistant, Marine Extension Program), Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Ocean County:kjurgensen@co.ocean.nj.us | 732-349-1152.