View Full Version : MUSHIN equipment theft

Mushin Sportfishing
01-08-2019, 06:40 PM
Mushin theft of equipment -
Sadly, Mushin Sportfishing has suffered another major theft and loss of equipment.

Stolen out of our marina locker in Point Pleasant, probably in last 10 days:

7 of Shimano Tiagra 50WLRS reel on 6’ Calstar 40-100 rods with Unibutt (Kevin Bogan customs with blue, maroon wraps, has Mushin name on rod)

2 of Shimano Talica 16II reel on 6-1/2’ Kevin Bogan custom rods (blue/maroon wraps, has Mushin name on some rods)

2 of Shimano Baitrunner 8000d reel on 7’ Kevin Bogan Fish Poison spinning rod (all black, has Mushin name on rod)

1 of Shimano Tiagra 130 reel on approximately 4-1/2 foot Kevin Bogan custom dredge rod (bent butt, all black, has Mushin name on rod)

1 of Shimano Stella 18000 spinning reel on 8’ custom Gator Glass spinning rod with yellow/blue wraps

1 of Shimano Stella 18000 spinning reel only (taken off rod)

I’m not looking for a miracle, but if you see any of this stuff around (flea markets, EBay, Craigslist, pawn shop, in some stranger’s hands), please call/text Capt. Alan at 609-731-3742.

I have pictures of some of equipment on our Facebook (the thief didn’t take it all)

01-08-2019, 06:46 PM
No surveillance video?

01-08-2019, 06:54 PM
There is a flea market on the 19th of this month in Staten Island at the VFW hall on Hylan blvd. I can check there and ask a few people I know from the Staten Island fishing club to keep eyes out. Sorry for the loss

01-08-2019, 08:03 PM
I'll keep my eyes open on various sites. This kind of crap has to stop, I hope they get the A-holes !!

01-08-2019, 08:10 PM
This makes me angry. Sorry that happened to you Capt. Not sure how much help I can be but I'll keep my eyes peeled.

01-08-2019, 10:50 PM
This happened to my dad about 10 years ago. $25k in rods reels and other gear. Fortunately for him it was stored on his home property and home owners insurance covered like 75% of the loss. They later caught one of the guys months later trying to move a tiagra 50 which we had engraved in an inconspicuous area. We were able to prove the match. They were dope heads who hit the jackpot one night with a robbery. Well, except for the one guy...

Even being covered by insurance it doesn't help the sting. I feel horribly for you guys. Its goddamn awful. Fingers crossed theres surveillance video somewhere or one of the idiots tries moving one of your custom set ups somewhere obvious.

I'll keep my ear to the street. Humblest apologies capt. If caught they need to be hit with the book

shrimpman steve
01-09-2019, 08:10 AM
I hate reading this.
People are scumbags. I hope they get what’s comin to em !!

01-09-2019, 08:29 AM
I'm sorry for you loss, Mushin. This kind of thing hurts everyone, and for a person trying to earn a living in these hard times, it is even worse.
I guess the police would have wanted finger prints off the rod that the reel was removed from. Hope some direction toward the mutt that stole your stuff gets found out. Best to you, Mushin...........Papa

01-09-2019, 12:13 PM
So sorry this happened.. Don't know whats going on in NJ, but its a den of disgusting thieves, when it comes to fishing/boating gear.
Hell, they even steal killie and crab traps right out of the water down there.. It was bad even 36 years ago when I lived in Union beach and had thieves come right into my yard to steal fishing gear.
I hope everything is recovered intact and returned, and the bastards that stole it get nailed and are made to pay....bob

01-09-2019, 05:09 PM
WOW some people are just straight up scumbag asswipes they say karma is a bitch so hopefully this person (s) will have their day

Gerry Zagorski
01-09-2019, 05:57 PM
Sorry to hear this, Ill make sure and keep an eye out and will share on the njfishing.com group facebook page too...

Capt. Debbie
01-10-2019, 10:23 AM
I've been there too. You hate these low life scum bags and the people who buy their stuff. I feel your pain.

You know its funny a bunch of OBVIOUS surveillance cameras will deter many of these POS's. These bastards have to transport it away, so no doubt a car or likely pickup truck was near by.

Mushin Sportfishing
01-10-2019, 03:17 PM
I appreciate the outpouring of support and assistance.

Any leads are appreciated.

We are continuing to look into this.
