View Full Version : Weekend Trout Fishing Trip - Suggestions?
12-05-2018, 06:30 PM
So my wife and son have fled to Florida for a week leaving just me and the dog home and with nothing to do this weekend. Since it is rare that I have an entire weekend to myself I figured I would make the most of it and do some trout fishing. I am looking for suggestions on a good destination. I am planning to leave bright and early Sat. morning and not looking to drive more than 3 hours (4 tops) and then will be spending Sat. night wherever I end up. I was thinking somewhere in NY state or PA but I have never travelled that far afield and have no idea where to find the best trout streams. Seeing as its going to be pretty cold this weekend I am not inclined to make this a camping trip so wherever I go would ideally have some reasonably priced and dog friendly accommodations nearby (nothing fancy, I am thinking motel, the cheaper the better). All suggestions welcome! Thanks!
12-05-2018, 06:45 PM
Water levels are still high in most places and that should guide your decision. If I had a 3hr drive window, I'd hit PA. Lots of central PA and Scranton area streams to explore. West branch or main stem Delaware if you're hunting big fish.
Mikey topaz
12-05-2018, 06:49 PM
Head west! Killer brown trout run this year with all the rain,
12-05-2018, 07:02 PM
Head west! Killer brown trout run this year with all the rain,
Any specific streams/Rivers you suggest I check out or General areas in PA? Feel free to PM me if you would rather not name specific streams on the forum. PA is a big place so I need to at least pin down a general area to target. Thanks!
12-05-2018, 10:43 PM
Do the lower South branch circuit. Start at Clinton Falls then hit all the spots down river-- low and slow with jigs.
Mikey topaz
12-06-2018, 06:26 AM
Any specific streams/Rivers you suggest I check out or General areas in PA? Feel free to PM me if you would rather not name specific streams on the forum. PA is a big place so I need to at least pin down a general area to target. Thanks!
Check your pm
12-06-2018, 06:44 AM
Do the lower South branch circuit. Start at Clinton Falls then hit all the spots down river-- low and slow with jigs.
That is one of my favorite sterches of the SB and I have fished it many times. Since i have the whole weekend though I was thinking somewhere a bit more adventurous.
12-06-2018, 08:57 AM
Calling for a high of 34* here in New Jawsey. You head West or North look for frozen guides and reel, just sayin'.
12-06-2018, 09:03 AM
Personally I'd rent a u-haul trailer. Find where JDtuna lives, hook the trailer Friday night to his truck and get in. When you feel the trailer come to a complete stop, get out and start fishing. That's where I'd go. Only risk is you might end up at the airport if he's fishing in New Zealand or Australia this weekend!
12-06-2018, 09:14 AM
Personally I'd rent a u-haul trailer. Find where JDtuna lives, hook the trailer Friday night to his truck and get in. When you feel the trailer come to a complete stop, get out and start fishing. That's where I'd go. Only risk is you might end up at the airport if he's fishing in New Zealand or Australia this weekend!
Awesome! I thought about doing this myself every time I see his new posts.
12-06-2018, 12:58 PM
Personally I'd rent a u-haul trailer. Find where JDtuna lives, hook the trailer Friday night to his truck and get in. When you feel the trailer come to a complete stop, get out and start fishing. That's where I'd go. Only risk is you might end up at the airport if he's fishing in New Zealand or Australia this weekend!
not gonna work! he's going for bluecats! hahaha
12-06-2018, 01:38 PM
I'd still make that trip based on how you guys made out last year with the blues, that's an amazing fishery. Might have to rent the u-haul a few weekends then, he's a brown trout madman so just a matter of time! Don't think anyone travels as much as Justin to experience different fisheries, not a bad way to go through life as long as you have a very understanding girlfriend / wife or one who likes fishing as much as he does. Either way, I'd still consider getting the u-haul lined up.
12-06-2018, 02:28 PM
Personally I'd rent a u-haul trailer. Find where JDtuna lives, hook the trailer Friday night to his truck and get in. When you feel the trailer come to a complete stop, get out and start fishing. That's where I'd go. Only risk is you might end up at the airport if he's fishing in New Zealand or Australia this weekend!
Hahaha. He'd be disappointed...I dont have a hitch!
Logs, sent you a PM.
12-06-2018, 03:48 PM
Logs - Sent you a PM. Good luck wherever you choose to go! Make sure you post a report :D
12-07-2018, 02:39 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions and PMs fellas! I actually just booked a room for the pooch and I Sat. night in the luxurious Super 8 motel in East Stroudsburgh PA! I figured I would be able to find some cheap accommodations, but $68 bucks a night exceeded even my frugal expectations. The best part is the motel is right off Rt. 80 and the parking lot literally backs right up to a prime stretch of Brodhead creek! I have heard good things about that fishery and without getting in a car I can literally fish from my hotel right down to where it joins the Big D less than a mile downstream. Its only about 35 minutes from Stroudsburgh to the Scranton area so I plan to hit up some spots over that way and will probably also check out the Big Flathead on the Jersey side on my drive out.
Can't wait, so many options!! Rainbows, Browns, Walleye, maybe even some smallies if I get lucky. With all those options I would like to say a skunking isn't even possible but if there is no post from me next week you can assume that I somehow failed to hook anything noteworthy and should probably give up fishing altogether. Wish me luck!
12-07-2018, 07:06 PM
People who are wildly successful in life usually file bankruptcy a few times along the way. Fishing is no different, for every skunk you'll learn something and be that much closer to figuring it out. Post regardless of your results, we'll hope for a good report but if not you'll get some constructive feedback from the site which should help you hone your skills and choice of locations for your next outing. Its the only way we all learn, trial an error and Intel from friends certainly helps. Good luck, look forward to your report!
12-11-2018, 12:19 PM
Did you have any luck?? I'm biting my nails over here!!:D
12-12-2018, 09:42 AM
Did you have any luck?? I'm biting my nails over here!!:D
Ha, sorry for the delay it’s been a busy week back at work. I did have a bit of luck, caught a couple of browns right behind my motel in Stroudsburg. I fished mainly Brodhead creek but until I could check into the motel I had to drag my dog (a Frenchy - not much of a fishing dog) everywhere I went and since it was too cold to take him with me I ended up leaving him in the car with the engine running and heat on. For obvious reasons this limited the spots I could fish to those where I had a line of sight to the car. I also stopped in at a great sporting goods store called Dunkelbergers. I highly recommend. Picked up some fishing gear there as well as a cheap used carbine to use for target practice at the new range that just opened near my house. All in all it was a good day. On my drive back I fished the Pequest river for the first time. What a beautiful trout stream it is! The water was super high and despite hitting up a few spots I didn’t have any more luck. Some pics of the brownies below. ( ( ( ( (
12-12-2018, 09:48 AM
12-12-2018, 10:07 AM
Hey nice man! Those are some beautiful browns! Glad you had some luck out there. How was the motel? I might have to mimic your trip someday :D
12-12-2018, 10:34 AM
Hey nice man! Those are some beautiful browns! Glad you had some luck out there. How was the motel? I might have to mimic your trip someday :D
To be honest, it was perfect. The best spot I found on Brodhead creek was a 5 minute hike from the back of the motel. It was cheap as hell, pet friendly, right off 80, and clean enough. I will def stay there again. The only part of my trip I don’t recommend replicating is my abysmal performance at the poker tables sat. Night. Mt. Airy casino is only 15-20 away from the motel and since I didn’t feel like sitting around by myself in a shitty motel sat. Night I hit the casino instead. Lost most of my money (I only brought $100 and left the ATM card at the motel) at the blackjack tables and the rest playing poker.
12-12-2018, 11:03 AM
To be honest, it was perfect. The best spot I found on Brodhead creek was a 5 minute hike from the back of the motel. It was cheap as hell, pet friendly, right off 80, and clean enough. I will def stay there again. The only part of my trip I don’t recommend replicating is my abysmal performance at the poker tables sat. Night. Mt. Airy casino is only 15-20 away from the motel and since I didn’t feel like sitting around by myself in a shitty motel sat. Night I hit the casino instead. Lost most of my money (I only brought $100 and left the ATM card at the motel) at the blackjack tables and the rest playing poker.
hey you win some and you lose some, id say thats a win since you caught some beautiful browns, saw some beautiful scenery and only lost $100 :D The Brodhead looks amazing, I haven't done much fishing outside of NJ so that will have to change in the new year!
12-12-2018, 01:26 PM
Cool stuff, nice pics !
12-12-2018, 08:08 PM
Nice work catching those browns on new water.
12-13-2018, 12:22 PM
Way to go man! You found em’!!! Beautiful Browns all over the place up there!!!
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