11-23-2018, 05:09 PM
Fishermen/Fridays Fishing report......
Found life right away this morning close to home, non the change of tide Slugged away on smaller fish along with some bonus Bass. Fished a couple area's looking for the bigger bass, one area the life looked like we would sink the boat but it turned out to be only bait.
Took a ride and had a couple shots at some bigger fish, all on tails, red was the hot lure today!
Little John fishing in the Senior Captains corner spot had the hot hand today landing over 15 fish with 3 keepers and the pool fish by days end. Big Dave & Dino also had a couple nice keepers also.
I have to repeat myself once again for another daily rant.....With this fishing you have to TURN THE HANDLES! Hit the Bottom and reel. My throat is sore every night repeating the same thing over and over then to look out and see most of the customers Bouncing the jigs on the bottom!
If you wonder why your catching sharks, bingo there's the answer. It gets very frustrating when the customers get lazy, especially when I'm reading the hell out of the fish (check out the picture of the fish finder) and the same guys keep catching. Here's a great Tip....if you see a guy catching and your not....Do what he's doing!! Most likely Turning the handle.
Ocean was beautiful today, flat calm and should be fine for tomorrow. Don't let the Rain BS keep you home, they won't tell you that it's not supposed to start till late afternoon. The Bass are biting so don't wait too long. Back at it tomorrow.
Capt. Ron
Found life right away this morning close to home, non the change of tide Slugged away on smaller fish along with some bonus Bass. Fished a couple area's looking for the bigger bass, one area the life looked like we would sink the boat but it turned out to be only bait.
Took a ride and had a couple shots at some bigger fish, all on tails, red was the hot lure today!
Little John fishing in the Senior Captains corner spot had the hot hand today landing over 15 fish with 3 keepers and the pool fish by days end. Big Dave & Dino also had a couple nice keepers also.
I have to repeat myself once again for another daily rant.....With this fishing you have to TURN THE HANDLES! Hit the Bottom and reel. My throat is sore every night repeating the same thing over and over then to look out and see most of the customers Bouncing the jigs on the bottom!
If you wonder why your catching sharks, bingo there's the answer. It gets very frustrating when the customers get lazy, especially when I'm reading the hell out of the fish (check out the picture of the fish finder) and the same guys keep catching. Here's a great Tip....if you see a guy catching and your not....Do what he's doing!! Most likely Turning the handle.
Ocean was beautiful today, flat calm and should be fine for tomorrow. Don't let the Rain BS keep you home, they won't tell you that it's not supposed to start till late afternoon. The Bass are biting so don't wait too long. Back at it tomorrow.
Capt. Ron