View Full Version : Ken Lockwood Gorge ?

11-22-2018, 07:41 PM
So I am reading the 2018 NJ Fishing Digest and on page 8 I came across this :
"......interest in limiting the number of hook points and use of barbs when targeting WILD trout in Catch and Release areas......"
So not only is the Ken Lockwood Gorge Catch and Release it is Barbless Hooks also ? And what are these "WILD" trout they are referring to, the ones that are stuffed into that 2.5 mile stretch every SPRING AND FALL ???
Wow, talk about having your cake and eating it too !! C&R, Barbless AND spring and fall stocked, WOOOO HOOOO !!!!
I thought the whole barbless hooks thing was for WTS and Brook Trout ??

Lard Almighty
11-22-2018, 08:45 PM
Plenty of trout in the North Branch, and you can use all the barbs you want.

Dave B.
11-22-2018, 11:19 PM
First the actual text as opposed to your doctored version...

Hook Restrictions for Catch and Release Areas

Due to continued angler interest in limiting the
number of hook points and use of barbs when targeting
wild trout, a new regulation is in effect. Lures
used when trout fishing in the state’s two designated
Catch and Release Only areas may have no more than
three hook points, all of which must be barbless.
These areas are limited to the use of artificial lures
and flies only. This hook restriction also reduces
the potential for injury to fish that continually will
be caught and released. In the absence of specific
hook restrictions back when these areas were first
designated in 2014, the default statutory hook point
limit applied: three treble hooks for a maximum of
nine hook points. A 4.2 mile stretch of the Big Flat
Brook, and a 2.5 mile stretch of the Raritan River
S. Br., known as the Ken Lockwood Gorge, are the
state’s two catch and release-only areas for trout.
Both areas support wild trout populations and are
also stocked weekly with trout.

As you see it does not say "...when targeting wild trout in Catch and Release areas...".
Furthermore it has long been documented that there are wild trout in both the KLG section of the SBR as well as the former FFO section of the BFB.

I understand you have an axe to grind regarding the lack of a fall stocking on the upper main stem Raritan, however I believe you greatly damage your credibility when you persist in posting what I view as adolescent rants with doctored or otherwise intentionally altered text.

All that aside, these reg changes are old news at this point in time. They were discussed at the fisheries forums last year, proposed and put forth for public comment last year, and went into effect early this year. If you're that displeased with them you know what the proper methods are for attempting to get them altered or removed. I would however say that in my humble opinion your chances would be greatly improved by sticking to facts rather than hyperbole.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

11-23-2018, 06:54 AM
Andy was credible at some point??? when did this happen??

11-23-2018, 07:04 AM
Barbless, no kill, spring and fall stocked, might as well just go fish the raceway at Pequest fish hatchery.

11-23-2018, 10:49 AM
It's not news that KLG is given a lot of attention by f&w. Gets lots of fish, CnR only, and special regs that in theory do less damage to fish.

Judge f&w all you want about stocking trout there, but it's no question that f&w's management of KLG is a huge success. The goal is to get angling attention and satisfy anglers, and KLG is probably the best example of doing that.

I say let f&w keep doing what they see is the best for these special regs areas as these areas are essentially trout-stamp selling points to NJ residents.

Yes you can argue other areas in NJ can use a hand from f&w for trout angling, but I dont think it's right to judge these Special Regulation areas while they're actually very successful at what what f&w intend them to be.