View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Mondays Bass fishing Report.....

11-19-2018, 05:42 PM
Bounced around one area all morning slugging away on Shorts, Bonus fish & some legit keepers. Some drifts were better than others with the action. Current ran hard most of the morning so we were out of the fish pretty quick. Plain jigs & Jigs with tails worked the best again.
No where near the amount of bait that was around yesterday out there today, especially between the channels.

Nice to see some of the Ole Monday regs back out today......Doc, Anchor Joe, Richie & Dave!!:)

Ended the day with 10 nice keepers and some bonus fish. Back at it tomorrow.


11-19-2018, 08:48 PM
Thanks again Cpt. Ron, Joe and other mate.:D:D:D