View Full Version : Tag Return Summary

11-06-2018, 02:28 PM
The American Littoral Society recently released its latest edition of the Underwater Naturalist in which there is a summary of the tag returns from 2016.
I always enjoy reading where some of the fish were tagged and recaptured. One of the tags was returned from a striped bass that had been tagged in Raritan Bay on May 10, 2016. It was recaptured on June 23, 2016 off Martha's Vineyard. That's 44 days from tagging to recapture. That striper was really moving to have covered so many miles in just over a month.

Another detail that caught my eye was from a tag return (in fact, several tag returns) from fluke that were recaptured 65-75 miles offshore of Cape May in April and May and reported by National Fisheries Observers. Those fluke were still a long way off the beach as the recreational fluke season was about to begin. I have to wonder when they ever made it to the inshore grounds.

On a return trip of a fluke, it was tagged in Raritan Bay on July 7, 2016 and recaptured from the Hudson Canyon on September 19, 2016. Again, that was a long way to swim in a short amount of time. Many other fluke returned to the same areas where they had been tagged the previous year.

Don't try to figure out where the fish are today based on yesterday's reports especially if you target striped bass or fluke. I know other taggers who read the report will add other interesting tagging return observations to this post. I hope they do and I hope some of you will join the Littoral Society to get in on the fun and science from the program.

By the way, the longest length of time any of the tagged fish from this report was at large was four years. Many tags are never returned or never recaptured. If you do catch a tagged fish with a yellow plastic loop near its tail, measure the fish, record the tag number and information and return the tag. If you want to release the fish, do the same routine but leave the tag in the fish. Hopefully it will be caught again. Many are.

11-06-2018, 03:05 PM
Very interesting information. Fluke from July to September, Raritan Bay to Hudson Canyon is amazing. No telling how far a summer flounder can range on a full moon tide in a given day but the fact it covered that distance is pretty incredible, even more so when there's a good chance it never started it's Fall migration east until late August or September.

I read two articles the other day about the American Shad migration. If you want to read them, open attached links. One article states from fry returning to the river it was born in to spawn as a mature adult will travel approximately 12,000 miles during it's lifetime ranging from Florida in the winter to Nova Scotia / Bay of Fundy in the summer and back and forth over a period of 3 - 6 years. Incredible cycle!



Thanks for sharing!

Down Deep Sportfishing
11-06-2018, 10:28 PM
”On a return trip of a fluke, it was tagged in Raritan Bay on July 7, 2016 and recaptured from the Hudson Canyon on September 19, 2016. Again, that was a long way to swim in a short amount of time. Many other fluke returned to the same areas where they had been tagged the previous year.

This Fluke was caught aboard the Down Deep Bull by Tank M. It’s a great program.

11-07-2018, 12:20 AM
Another fluke was tagged in July 2014 in the Shrewsbury River and was recaptured in July 2016 in Point Judith R.I. Another fluke was tagged from the Axel Carlson reef in August 2013 and recaptured from the same location in August 2016. What was interesting was that the fluke only grew one inch in three years from 15.5-16.5 inches. Yet, another fluke which was tagged in September of 2013 at 17" from the Axel Carlson was recaptured in the same location in August of 2016 but had grown 3.5" to 20.5" Maybe one was a male and the other a female. There definitely is an inconsistency to the growth patterns of some of the fluke. Some grow more than others do over the same period of time but the growth rate is not very much over a year's time.

Again, many of the fluke that are tagged by N.J. fishermen are recaptured after a one or two year period very close to the areas where they were first caught and very close to the week or month of their first capture.

The bluefish returns were minimal. There were only two tag returns reported.

Blackfish were tagged mostly in NY and MD waters and returns came from the same areas where they were tagged. In many cases they were recaptured only a short while after the tagging and many by some of the same fishermen
who tagged them.

Most seabass were tagged and returned from northern areas like R.I. but there were not too many returns.