View Full Version : Politics matter
Joey Dah Fish
10-25-2018, 06:30 PM
I’m not trying to tell anyone to vote for anyone or any part. Just trying to inform you that we the fisherman are being noticed. So I’m just passing this on so you know where this candidate stands. Chose wisely and get out to vote. What ever person you chose just please vote. 129053
10-25-2018, 06:52 PM
Informative post. Thank you. First time I've seen a Senate candidate talk about fishery management.
10-25-2018, 07:11 PM
Considering the fact that Menendez wouldn't even take our calls to meet with SSFFF when we really needed his help! His (people) kept blowing us off like we didn't matter.....Guess we had no $$$ to donate. :mad:
10-25-2018, 07:14 PM
I’m not trying to tell anyone to vote for anyone or any part. Just trying to inform you that we the fisherman are being noticed. So I’m just passing this on so you know where this candidate stands. Chose wisely and get out to vote. What ever person you chose just please vote. 129053
First thanks for posting. Second I'll do it for you. Like everything else entangled in politics, the only way to summon change is to have a political presence at the table. If someone is actually incorporating our concerns regarding fisheries management as part of their campaign, he has my attention and will most likely get my vote. If recreational anglers don't establish a stronger foundation of representation, I'm afraid our protests will be as they have been largely ignored or dismissed. If politics is &%$#*!* up the fisheries, only a political alternative can counter that.
Again Joey thanks for posting this and bringing it to everyone's attention.
10-25-2018, 07:27 PM
the reality is, money talks and b.s. walks in everything political. hard truth is all the activism in the world, or what party sits in the seat of power, red, blue, or other, means nothing compared to campaign contributions. Bottom line, if you want anything done more than lip service by anyone in political power, get you and and all your friends to donate massive amounts of money to their reelection campaign, and do it every year. Outside of that, everything else is for naught.
10-25-2018, 07:47 PM
He has my vote .
Joey Dah Fish
10-25-2018, 07:52 PM
the reality is, money talks and b.s. walks in everything political. hard truth is all the activism in the world, or what party sits in the seat of power, red, blue, or other, means nothing compared to campaign contributions. Bottom line, if you want anything done more than lip service by anyone in political power, get you and and all your friends to donate massive amounts of money to their reelection campaign, and do it every year. Outside of that, everything else is for naught.
Though this is more true than not. I would humbly suggest you at least recognize the fact that some is actually paying attention. That also has importance. In the past two years literally no one paying attention to this issue except for a photo op . Let’s just make sure we keep making ourselves heard until people listen. The best way to do so is at the ballot box.
John D.
10-25-2018, 08:04 PM
the reality is, money talks and b.s. walks in everything political. hard truth is all the activism in the world, or what party sits in the seat of power, red, blue, or other, means nothing compared to campaign contributions. Bottom line, if you want anything done more than lip service by anyone in political power, get you and and all your friends to donate massive amounts of money to their reelection campaign, and do it every year. Outside of that, everything else is for naught.
I can assure you that Bob Hugin doesn’t need your money. People died for the right to vote so I respect your opinion. Without getting into specifics, I believe Bob Hugin’s interest in the matter is sincere (it is public record he was a decorated Marine) and we worked in the same industry prior to his recent entry into politics.
Joe-thanks for posting.
10-25-2018, 08:24 PM
Thanks for posting that Joe, I already voted, I will be out of state on election day.
10-25-2018, 08:32 PM
I can assure you that Bob Hugin doesn’t need your money. People died for the right to vote so I respect your opinion. Without getting into specifics, I believe Bob Hugin’s interest in the matter is sincere (it is public record he was a decorated Marine) and we worked in the same industry prior to his recent entry into politics.
Joe-thanks for posting.
I'm not for or against any candidate. I was saying that with right amount of cash, any candidate will be an advocate for any side. And politicians will say anything to get elected. It's great to think otherwise, and that going to assembly meetings or calling/writing your representative will cause them to do anything, but it's also extremely naive. Hugins may very well be sincere, there is no debating what's in a person's heart. But what is put into his wallet makes him move. And to think that someone who has money doesn't want more, is really naive, I'm sorry to point out. So my point is, again, you want to get something done about anything, get a lobbyist (that's why they exist) with a suitcase full of cash and tell the politician how to vote.
10-25-2018, 08:43 PM
Take a look at how many lobbys the commercial guys have. And this is just 1 of them. Where do you think all the money goes they collect through membership fees and donations? To keep the website going? Most of the articles are about how they are in Washington pushing their agenda. The RFA and groups like them are vocal and persistent, but have 0 chance against the commercial guys unless we all open up our wallets and send tons of money for the cause.
10-25-2018, 08:52 PM
Considering the fact that Menendez wouldn't even take our calls to meet with SSFFF when we really needed his help! His (people) kept blowing us off like we didn't matter.....Guess we had no $$$ to donate. :mad:
Capt.... just pretend to be a underage prostitute he will listen to you then. 😂😂😂😂
10-25-2018, 11:10 PM
Already voted for him, would never vote for sleezeball crook Menendez
10-26-2018, 08:32 AM
I'm not for or against any candidate. I was saying that with right amount of cash, any candidate will be an advocate for any side. And politicians will say anything to get elected. It's great to think otherwise, and that going to assembly meetings or calling/writing your representative will cause them to do anything, but it's also extremely naive. Hugins may very well be sincere, there is no debating what's in a person's heart. But what is put into his wallet makes him move. And to think that someone who has money doesn't want more, is really naive, I'm sorry to point out. So my point is, again, you want to get something done about anything, get a lobbyist (that's why they exist) with a suitcase full of cash and tell the politician how to vote.
Yea vote with your wallet, all the marching and BS science, that money should be used as campaign funding, every party boat put up a coffee can and label it" fishing campaign funding"
I whole heartedly agree with you.
shrimpman steve
10-26-2018, 10:51 AM
I’m no longer in jersey, so can someone please put a vote in for me for huggins:D
10-26-2018, 05:20 PM
Yea vote with your wallet, all the marching and BS science, that money should be used as campaign funding, every party boat put up a coffee can and label it" fishing campaign funding"
I whole heartedly agree with you.
Tried the coffee can idea, money gets wet, too hard to keep track of, etc etc doesn't work for PB's . Been an Rec fundraiser for 10 plus years in multiple facets . Bottom line recreational fishermen do NOT donate no matter who or what the cause due to political party, fish species, or if they smell a commercial interest etc etc. Fishing clubs and myself even pushed a paltry 5 dollar donation per angler given the number of rec fishermen in NJ BUT it just doesnt happen. The unity isnt there
Most of the donations created went to campaigns of State / Local pols of both parties / even our ex Governer who promised a ton and did NOTHING.
Hope it changes
Joey Dah Fish
10-26-2018, 11:30 PM
Tried the coffee can idea, money gets wet, too hard to keep track of, etc etc doesn't work for PB's . Been an Rec fundraiser for 10 plus years in multiple facets . Bottom line recreational fishermen do NOT donate no matter who or what the cause due to political party, fish species, or if they smell a commercial interest etc etc. Fishing clubs and myself even pushed a paltry 5 dollar donation per angler given the number of rec fishermen in NJ BUT it just doesnt happen. The unity isnt there
Most of the donations created went to campaigns of State / Local pols of both parties / even our ex Governer who promised a ton and did NOTHING.
Hope it changes
So do you think a vote can help ?
10-27-2018, 12:51 AM
Wah wah wah this guy bangs 18yr.old whores wah wah wah this guys big pharma. U all are whiney pussies who couldn't catch a fever sharing a soda with Freddie mercury. This site used to be about fishing now old honkys just butch about the old days & filling garbage cans with mahi off long branch
10-27-2018, 12:05 PM
So do you think a vote can help ?
Simple answer is yes always a vote for those that support our fishing rights would in theory help. What I was trying to say after years of doing this is until Rec fishermen fill the coffers of those who threaten to help it wont. It cant always be the same 40 to 50 out of 600,000 plus fishermen / women in NJ that do the donating. Dont get me wrong there are many more that donate to a species, cause or ordinance that pleases them personally. But politically we recs are NOT unified and most likely its part of what I described above and below.
Can Hugin help? Time will tell but personally I dont agree with his CEO policies of financially breaking cancer patients backs by driving treatment drugs through the roof because he can and don't agree with getting rid of pre-existing conditions in health care for my own reasons. A covered medication in my world would go to $5000.00 a month if he succeeds.
Outside of that I like his fishing views
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