Joey Tomato
10-19-2018, 09:52 PM
I had a customer that wanted to do a Sea Bass trip that I have had to put off a couple of times because of weather so when he called again I decided I would take him even thow it was only one person. So I asked my friends to Come and fish and relax and have a good time. Because when your a charter Captain there is not that much time to fish yourself because you are always taking care of the customer. So Dan from the Megan Beth and Steve from the Sea Hawk and my friend Richie the freeloader, all came with me. It was a good start catching some sea Bass but then we all had the bug to catch some Black Fish. That was the small part of the plan that did not work as well as we wanted. The wind was to strong and kept the boat going back and forth to much. Then it was another location for Sea Bass and that was where we slammed them. Good Day for my co captains and my freeloader friend. Thanks guys Captain Joey Tomato's