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View Full Version : First 36 Hour Tuna Trip

10-12-2018, 01:07 PM
I am going out on my first 36 hour tuna trip in a couple of weeks. Hopefully by then the tuna are beginning to bite. I have a couple of questions that I am hoping to get answered before I go.

Will a 5' 8" jigging rod be okay on the party boat? I am going to be using a Penn Torque 30 Lever with a St. Croix Mojo jigging rod. I have read everything from you don't want a shorter rod on a party boat to you are crazy to use a 7' rod for jigging tuna. Sometimes too much information is a really bad thing!

My jigging reel is loaded with 60lb Jerry Brown and topped with 60lb Momoi Diamond mono. Is that heavy enough for tuna in the canyons? I can always switch out to another reel if needed.

For my stand up rod I want to use my Shimano Talica 25II due to weight. I have a Tiagra 30WLRS but it's like boat anchor compared to the Talica. The line on both of the reels is identical so does it really make a difference which one I use?

Lastly, any helpful hints or suggestions from you guys that have been there and done this a number of times?

10-12-2018, 01:31 PM
I jig with a 7'9" musky rod, don't like short rods on party boats. the reel is a Penn US113N.

my primary chunking rig is a Talica 25 on a custom Calstar 7465H (6.5'). I bring a backup rig with a Avet HX/W raptor.

I also bring a avet 50W for dropping for swordfish.

Don't forget a 20-30lb class spinner for mahi (and this gets double duty at night by switching in a lighter leader and jigging for squid.

10-12-2018, 01:47 PM
I might ask some stupid questions so forgive me. Why can't you use your chunking rod to drop for swordfish? What do you do differently when you drop for swordfish that you don't do for tuna? I was told by the PB that I can only have one line in the water at a time.

Yes, I have a 20lb spinner that I am bringing. It's a Penn Slammer 6500 with 20lb mono on it with a 40lb fluro leader. Hopefully that will do it for the mahi and jigging for live bait.

10-12-2018, 02:16 PM
Not stupid at all....I bring it primarily because I have it. the Avet 50W is loaded with 130lb JB1 braid and a 100 yard, 100 lb topshot. If I ever do hook into that 400lb sword, I want to make sure I have both the horsepower and the line capacity it might need.

My tuna chunking rods are both loaded with 100lb JB1 braid and 100 yard, 80lb topshots.

joy luck
10-12-2018, 02:30 PM
Number one tip is to stay awake and keep fishing. Not sure of the schedule of your trip, but try to sleep while the boat is moving as to maximize your fishing time. I see so many people hang out the whole ride out just to sleep all night and miss the bite. 5-7am (sunrise) is prime time so definitely be ready for that.

Your gear sounds fine. I started with a 5'8" jig rod but now use a 7'3" rod. The reason you want a longer rod is to keep the line from rubbing against the boat. With the shorter rod, just be prepared to lean over the rail if the fish runs under..

The talica has more than enough balls... the only question is line capacity. Saw someone get spooled the last trip, so remember, you never know what you're going to hook. You'll probably want the bigger reel if you drop for swords. You'll want your bait around 250-300' down so you'll have 100 yards off your spool right off the bat. The added line capacity of the tiagra would be beneficial.

10-12-2018, 03:09 PM
I guess I will try the 5' 8" rod for jigging and if I don't like it I can look for something else. Yes, I agree staying awake will be a challenge on this trip for sure!

I have 600 yards (500 JB1 100lb and 80lb Momoi Hi-Catch) line on the Talica so hopefully that will be enough for whatever we get into.

What do you think is best the stern or the bow or doesn't it really matter on these trips?

10-12-2018, 04:51 PM
Depending on if you anchor or drift. There really is no bad spot. I like the corner. ,on the bend or the bow. Most times only 12/15 guys fishing so plenty of room. Good luck been tough so far.

Pennsy Guy
10-12-2018, 07:13 PM
Sounds like you have all the right gear...I used 80# test main line with 250# 15' leader for swordys, a light-flasher-or light stick is standard. Depending on the thermocline depth, that's where you want to be. Capt. can tell you its depth--usually around 150'. I say that but one sword I had 3/8 oz rubbercore 100' from boat--another 3 oz egg @ 80-90'--both on 80# line and leader for tuna so you never know...If you don't have one, I have an out-rigger which you can use...very helpful to keeping your line away from boat and rod in position...normally it's done towards the bow, if there's a tuna bite, they're out of the way. My real jig rod is an 8'er but if I don't have it, I'll use a 50#test chunking rod...yes, longer is better...
Sleep, or at least rest on way out---you're going to be at the rail from early PM, through the nite & into next PM, except for when/if the boat moves...your spinner is good for mahi....don't forget to have lighter leaders made up(30. 40 & 50#) for the day bite. In daylight, "light is right" & set your drag accordingly.
See you on board...

10-13-2018, 09:28 AM
I had no idea about the light for sword fishing so I picked a couple up on ebay.

Can I use the rod holder that is within the link below on the party boat?

https://www.ebay.com/itm/Fishing-Rod-Holder-Fits-1-1-4-Square-Tube-Rail-On-Pontoon-Party-Boats/142105035665?hash=item21161ec391:g:PCsAAOxydUJTNaC B:rk:1:pf:0

What size cooler do you guys bring for food and water or do you just buy on the boat?

Gerry Zagorski
10-13-2018, 09:48 AM
That rod holder is way too light and it has a square base and rails on party boats are round. Party boats have rod holders anyway so you really don’t need one.

Unless you really load up with multiple Tuna and a some Swordfish, a 90 quart cooler should be fine.. When the tuna are caught they wont likely go in your cooler directly, they’ll go into a hold and will be quartered into lions for and they will fit in a 90 quart no problem.

Meat Hunter
10-13-2018, 10:06 AM
Only one rod at the rail at a time also. This drives the mates crazy!!!

10-14-2018, 10:01 AM
hopefully it turns around. focus on getting some tackle lined up for mahi. it could be another one of those trips. want to have that ready to go too

10-14-2018, 04:40 PM
Would this rod be good for jigging for tuna PHENIX BLACK DIAMOND HYBRID ROD PHD 760X2H?

Pennsy Guy
10-14-2018, 08:33 PM
Okay, first, most use a 48qt. cooler as they fit under the outside benches..the 90's would be stored(& secured) at the bow or on the side not being used by the fishers(on the drift). I leave one or two empty 48's in my car for the catch...each should take 8 loins--2 tuna--depending on size...mahi can go into 48 food cooler without any fuss. Don't know about that rod mentioned for jigging...how long & what rated line? Most use a 7-8' rod with 50-60# test line--mine 50# with 100' top shot, 300+yds braid on an 8'er--both rod n reel are Bass Pro.
That out rigger, as Gerry said, is a definite NO for his reasons...it's a 2-piece rig---vertical piece is welded to another set at an angle to it-like a slanted "T". vertical has notches in bottom to lock it into the rail's rod holder & cross piece has notches on lower end to secure rod to prevent twist & has safety line attached. Your favorite tackle shop should have one or like I said, you're more than welcome to use mine.
All tuna caught will have your specific tag, be bled and put into a slush tank for well-keeping 'til cleaning, loining or collaring...