View Full Version : Point Pleasant canal/surf weekend report

10-08-2018, 05:27 PM
I spent the weekend at my friends house in Waretown. Fished the canal Friday night throwing lures. No luck for me ,there was a few guys out and a couple boats drifting. Saturday went back with some crabs and caught around 12 Blackfish, all were short. I was fishing next to a nice guy who was also there the night before. He was throwing eels and catching some nice Blues. Went back Sunday with my buddy and caught around 7 more shorts., my friend caught a keeper. This morning I hit the surf and caught 3 Stripers all around 23 to 25 inches. My friend down there said the peanuts are still in the back, I saw some mullet pushing out of the canal and alot of spearing in there too.

10-08-2018, 10:54 PM
Nice weekend! Where on the canal were ya

10-09-2018, 06:46 AM
I was fishing by bridge ave. The Blackfish are all over the canal. I've got them anywhere I've tried. Good luck if you go. I did good with a small jig.

10-10-2018, 11:51 AM
i had em good up by 88 last weekend as well but all really tiny

Fred E. Goose
10-10-2018, 12:32 PM
i had em good up by 88 last weekend as well but all really tiny

I scouted a spot by there that looked good this summer. Unfortunately it had a No Trespassing sign on the grass between where you would park and the canal. About 50 feet closer to the canal there was a No Littering sign. I found it funny, because they're essentially saying: No trespassing! But if you do trespass, absolutely no littering!