View Full Version : Tagging fish???

Irish Jigger
09-28-2018, 11:53 AM
Where is the best place to get tags for fish. With the amount of Juvenile bass we catch in the fall I would like to see what the migration pattern is and the growth of a fish we catch and release. Just curious as I see quite a few people on here doing it.

Thanks in advance!

09-28-2018, 01:40 PM

09-28-2018, 03:03 PM
American Littoral Society (ALS) has spaghetti tags for 60 cents each and tagging needle for $1. They are at //www.littoralsociety.org. Jeff Dement is the tagging director. I tagged > 7,900 fish in NJ with their tags and 243 were recaptured in 11 different states from NH to NC. 3% recapture rate is not very good. Membership dues and tags are tax deductible.

Capt. Debbie
10-01-2018, 10:16 AM
Yes ALS. I had tags but lost the tagging stick with its fancy tag stabber..

Tried to get the needle from ALS but you HAVE TO be a member of ALS to get anything. You'd figure with an $8 shipping charge on top of the needle's cost that $20 for a fat sewing needle dropped into an ordinary envelop would be enough. But NOPE.

American Littoral Society (ALS) has spaghetti tags for 60 cents each and tagging needle for $1. They are at //www.littoralsociety.org. Jeff Dement is the tagging director. I tagged > 7,900 fish in NJ with their tags and 243 were recaptured in 11 different states from NH to NC. 3% recapture rate is not very good. Membership dues and tags are tax deductible.