View Full Version : Sea Bass Mortality Seminar and Venting

Joey Dah Fish
09-25-2018, 11:28 PM
Went to the sea bass mortality seminar on venting given by Rutgers. Very informative. Nice part was zero opinion all faceted based. These studies were extremely well controlled and took in to account all variables . Size of fish, depth caught and released, vented vs not venting. Length of fight time , reel speeds etc. Also instructed all participants proper venting techniques as well as when venting is appropriate.
I’d urge all to tune in via live webinars or attending meetings in order to understand what organizations are doing and how they are using this data.
Many believe this data may be used to shorten or seasons or bag limit. From what I see lack of data is a bigger problem. Either way stay informed.
Many more seminars to come on other species of fish .
These people do not determine our regs. Nor do they seem to have any opinions on our regs. They simply collect data and help the folks that do determine them with proper tools to do so.
I also emailed the to see if I could get a link to post here. Hoping they have.
The end of the day more and better data equals better regs. Whether you like the data or not is irrelevant. It’s about the fishery.

09-26-2018, 05:20 AM
Fascinating seminar. The takeaway for me is I now have a better way to release a fish who will have a fighting chance of surviving, reproducing, and giving another angler (maybe even myself)a chance of a great hookup and dinner in the future.

Nice to see you there Joe as well as all the regulars who attend and benefit from Dr. Doug's outreach to the fishing community. Thank you Doug and Kelly for putting on another terrific seminar! ( really good cookies too!)

Terry Mc.

Joey Dah Fish
09-26-2018, 08:31 AM

09-26-2018, 03:19 PM
Thank you both for providing your opinions and not perpetuating the nonsense that was posted when this seminar was announced.

09-26-2018, 04:36 PM
When you pull a sea bass up the organ sometimes coming out of its mouth is not an air bladder. Do not poke that.

09-26-2018, 05:54 PM
Yes, we discussed this very issue last night. That is most likely it's stomach being pushed out by the inflated swim bladder.
Once the swim bladder is vented the fish has a chance get the stomach back in where it's supposed to be . Best not to puncture the stomach.
It's going to need that organ intact.

09-26-2018, 08:23 PM
Thank you for the feedback.

09-26-2018, 08:46 PM
Went to the sea bass mortality seminar on venting given by Rutgers. Very informative. Nice part was zero opinion all faceted based. These studies were extremely well controlled and took in to account all variables . Size of fish, depth caught and released, vented vs not venting. Length of fight time , reel speeds etc. Also instructed all participants proper venting techniques as well as when venting is appropriate.
I’d urge all to tune in via live webinars or attending meetings in order to understand what organizations are doing and how they are using this data.
Many believe this data may be used to shorten or seasons or bag limit. From what I see lack of data is a bigger problem. Either way stay informed.
Many more seminars to come on other species of fish .
These people do not determine our regs. Nor do they seem to have any opinions on our regs. They simply collect data and help the folks that do determine them with proper tools to do so.
I also emailed the to see if I could get a link to post here. Hoping they have.
The end of the day more and better data equals better regs. Whether you like the data or not is irrelevant. It’s about the fishery.

Wonderful! When do they present the data that fluke stocks are being decimated by commercial trawling and regs that are targeting breeders.

09-27-2018, 12:57 AM