Tuna Tales
09-21-2018, 11:14 AM
Please note that due to the forecasted high winds for Friday night through mid-day Sunday we postponed the tournament until next week.
Fishing should be fun and we want everyone to be safe.
Happy Fall Everyone!
The Hi-Mar Striper Club conducts one of the premier striped bass tournaments in the tri-state area. This year’s Bob Kamienski Memorial 40 Hour event will run from 8 P.M. on Friday (10/26/18) to Noon on Sunday (10/28/18) at Bahrs Landing Restaurant, 2 Bay Avenue Highlands/Sandy Hook, New Jersey, 732-872-1245.
Tournament Info:
Applications may be picked up at most tackle shops and mailed in or by signing up at the captain’s meeting on Oct 26th beginning at 5:30pm
Please click here for more information and pre-registration forms:
Entry fee is $150 per boat
Two heaviest fish format
A mandatory captain’s meeting will be Friday, Oct 26th at 7:00pm at Bahrs Landing , 2 Bay Avenue Highlands/Sandy Hook, New Jersey 732-872-1245.
As always - the hot food will be very good!
Tournament begins on Friday at 8:00 P.M. Oct 26th
Tournament ends at 12 Noon on Sunday, Oct 28th
The weigh station is located at Bahr Landing and will be open on Saturday from 7:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M and on Sunday from 7:00 A.M. until 12:00 noon.
As part of our mission statement the proceeds help take veterans, active military and kids on local fishing trips sponsored by the Hi-Mar Striper Club.
Organizations include: Hooked on Fishing – Not on Drugs of NJ, Juvenile Diabetes of NJ, Make a Wish Foundation and Big Brothers/Big Sisters of NJ.
Thanks again to everyone for your support. We hope to see you on Oct 26th.
Joe T.
Fishing should be fun and we want everyone to be safe.
Happy Fall Everyone!
The Hi-Mar Striper Club conducts one of the premier striped bass tournaments in the tri-state area. This year’s Bob Kamienski Memorial 40 Hour event will run from 8 P.M. on Friday (10/26/18) to Noon on Sunday (10/28/18) at Bahrs Landing Restaurant, 2 Bay Avenue Highlands/Sandy Hook, New Jersey, 732-872-1245.
Tournament Info:
Applications may be picked up at most tackle shops and mailed in or by signing up at the captain’s meeting on Oct 26th beginning at 5:30pm
Please click here for more information and pre-registration forms:
Entry fee is $150 per boat
Two heaviest fish format
A mandatory captain’s meeting will be Friday, Oct 26th at 7:00pm at Bahrs Landing , 2 Bay Avenue Highlands/Sandy Hook, New Jersey 732-872-1245.
As always - the hot food will be very good!
Tournament begins on Friday at 8:00 P.M. Oct 26th
Tournament ends at 12 Noon on Sunday, Oct 28th
The weigh station is located at Bahr Landing and will be open on Saturday from 7:00 A.M. until 4:00 P.M and on Sunday from 7:00 A.M. until 12:00 noon.
As part of our mission statement the proceeds help take veterans, active military and kids on local fishing trips sponsored by the Hi-Mar Striper Club.
Organizations include: Hooked on Fishing – Not on Drugs of NJ, Juvenile Diabetes of NJ, Make a Wish Foundation and Big Brothers/Big Sisters of NJ.
Thanks again to everyone for your support. We hope to see you on Oct 26th.
Joe T.