View Full Version : Hoboken

09-19-2018, 02:46 PM
Hi all,

I have been living in Hoboken, NJ for the last two years. I normally fish the surf spring/fall run anywhere from Spring Lake - IBSP, however life has gotten a bit time constraining to enjoy my favorite hobby, fishing.

I was curious if anyone has fished the Hoboken/Jersey City area and would have any insight on general location to fish. I know there are a number of piers that go quite far out into the river and from my observation looks like its pretty swift moving water and probably some depth to it.

I have a feeling this area is pretty much a bait fishing only kind of game, so the standard chunking rig i assume would be best.

If anyone has any past experience or fishes this area please do let me know if you care to share any insights or wish to team up one morning or evening.

My plan is to use the month of October as my experiment month and try and fish every Sunday morning.

Thanks for any advise!


Capt. JJ
09-19-2018, 04:28 PM
Howdy.... I work on Water Street in Hoboken and here’s what I can tell you about the general area:

1. Plenty of fish available...tog, sea bass, Fluke, and of course stripers.

2. Some piers closer to Weehawken have stripers who reside there year round, and can be caught 24/7, 365 days

3. The bottom near most piers in Hoboken is incredibly snaggy; loads of structure. You’ll lose rigs so be prepared.

4. Biggest striper I saw caught on an eel at 1st street pier this past Spring was 30-40 pound range. Guys have special snag rigs to gaff fish and lift up to the pier.



09-19-2018, 04:43 PM
Thanks JJ for the details! Much appreciated!

1st street pier is in hobo right? Is it what they refer to as Pier A which is the large one with the grassy middle?

I strictly C&R bass so im going to focus on the areas where i can bring them to shore if needed, maybe invest in one of those dip nets they use in FL. I love throwing eels off jetties in the fall, so maybe one night ill go out and give it a shot, id imagine you will probably have to weigh them down a bit based on the water depth i imagine is 20-35' per my guess.

Ill be sure to report back, hopefully with some nice pictures of the skyline and big fish.

09-19-2018, 05:10 PM
Check out the South side of Liberty State Park. There are several spots where you can "bring them to shore" for release. It's not far from Hoboken.

Sometimes the bunker get pushed in there and it gets pretty exciting. We've snagged & livelived a few times over the years catch blues up to 12-15lbs.

09-20-2018, 08:29 AM
If you are willing to travel a couple of miles to Bayonne there are fish be found on the west side. Fishing from the Stephen Gregg County Park, entrance at 48th St and JFK Blv'd and Veterans Stadium Park, entrance at 25th St and Ave A should be productive.
Be advised there are many signs posted advising against consumption of any fish or crabs caught in Newark Bay!

09-20-2018, 09:58 AM
Find the sticky stuff and drop a blackfish jig down.

09-20-2018, 10:22 AM
I like the blackfish idea, actually i normally do a charter trip in November and we fish the east river, normally before the tide is right we will drop for blackfish off governors island, we did pretty well last year a lot of 2-4lb fish.

Going to grab one of my rods this weekend and hopefully do some exploring next Sunday. Kind of hope i find some success since im not going to be able to hit the surf nearly as much as i normally do in the fall (dont get a girlfriend and demanding job).

NJ Dave
09-20-2018, 01:40 PM
The Hudson is an under rated fishery. Many species of fish exist in there.
I began to explpre this body of water last fall woth little luck but this year my eyes were opened to a whole new thing I never realized existed here.
Sure the Hudson water fish have there health problems so my fish intake is limited.
For me it's close to home, 20 minutes or so given the time of day.
Mabey we will hook up

09-20-2018, 03:17 PM
The pier behind Stevens U
Will keep you out of the current if you cast an angle towards jersey city
I love to bring a dozen worms there and catch
Bass from dinks to 24” with an occasion keeper
Some years plenty of white perch

09-20-2018, 04:45 PM
The pier behind Stevens U
Will keep you out of the current if you cast an angle towards jersey city
I love to bring a dozen worms there and catch
Bass from dinks to 24” with an occasion keeper
Some years plenty of white perch

09-20-2018, 09:07 PM
Your in an area where big fish are born, live, migrate and die! That’s all I can say..... Good luck!!!