View Full Version : Andreas Toy Mahi Insanity with Obi and Son

Andreas Toy
09-16-2018, 04:17 PM
Got tired of this miserable weather and decided to venture
Out, got a call from Obi wanting to tangle with some mahi on
His fly rod. Loaded up the livewell with and peanuts and ran off, nice
Conditions with just a long period swell. Broke both father and sons
Cherries with peanuts on flies and small coltsnipers, landed 20
Then went hunting for gaffers, Found them and it was game on
With fish to 20lbs, got another a dozen and left the rest to live for
another day which was over 100 fish swimming around under the boat!

09-16-2018, 08:38 PM
Great job Freddy! That’s some good eating fish tacos!!!

Capt. Debbie
09-17-2018, 10:10 AM
Nice job guys

09-17-2018, 10:39 AM
Please explain, Freddy........What is a "Coltsniper"?

09-17-2018, 10:49 AM
Please explain, Freddy........What is a "Coltsniper"?

Lure made by Shimano

09-17-2018, 11:24 AM
Nice job! Beautiful fish!

Nancy's Boys
09-19-2018, 11:26 AM
Way to go Freddy, away on business, then come home and crush them!