View Full Version : Party Boat Angler Fluking Again

captain george angler
09-15-2018, 06:36 PM
I can never recall such crappy weather where we lose a whole week at the end of a season. We were out today and the seas have calmed down and there are still fluke around. We had shorts every where we fished but only had a few keepers to the north around Ambrose channel. We had to check out different areas after not sailing all week but we now have a game plan for tomorrow and Monday.

We were close to the Atlantic Star when Captain Tom Called me to say he just caught a 11# 2 oz fluke. Yes there are still some huge fluke around I told him that fish would have been worth around $4500 on the Angler and Tom Karg is glad the fish is out of the water.

This time of the year the fish are moving and you need to keep looking for the main vain but a big one can pop up anywhere.

We should be out every day except Tuesday and we are chartered on Friday.

One week to go.

John Moon from Jersey City had todays pool with a 23 inch fluke.

No pictures yet but i do have a picture of Archie with his pool fish and my limit to 8 pounds from our last trip.

7:00 AM first boat out and galley open.

Thanks Captain George

09-16-2018, 04:29 AM
I’m hoping to get out one more time before the season ends.
Unfortunately, I have been busy with other things most of the summer.