View Full Version : Manasquan River Rudderfish On the Fly

Kevin Bogan
09-12-2018, 02:52 AM
One of the crew caught a banded rudderfish in the Manasquan River on a fly rod. He was fishing the afternoon outgoing tide, almost low, and was using an olive/yellow/tan Clouser. The fish hit only a few feet from the bank. He was shocked how hard this little fish pulled! A few minutes later he got a small fluke in the same spot. Both fish were released. Always fun to get a cool surprise like that.

09-12-2018, 08:29 AM
We ran into a nice school of them a few years ago looking for bonito and albies. They did fight pretty good for their size, I'd say a bit more than a chub mack which unfortunately took over the slick. Also had a good "what the hell are these" debate until a mate figured it out.

09-12-2018, 09:43 AM
This is the time of the year when almost any warmwater fish will show up near the coast and in the estuaries. Pull a seining net in the Manasquan and see what you catch. This board will light up with fish ID questions. If this storm surge ever settles down, don't be surprised at the different gamefish that might show up in and around the Mud Hole and even inshore of that.

Over the years, many warmwater or tropical fish have been caught close to the NJ beaches. Way back when, Fred Coles caught a tarpon off SeaBright. Check the charts for the tarpon lump. Cobia have already been caught this year. I have a friend who caught a blue runner off Sandy Hook. Imagine if the water in the river would ever get clear!

09-12-2018, 11:29 AM
hey thats not a rudderfish its a rare baby giant greater florida amberjack !! :D:D

09-12-2018, 01:33 PM
Here we go! Let's see how many replies we get to this fish ID! It happens every year.

09-12-2018, 01:48 PM
You see tons of cool stuff this time of year, i posted about what i get in my cast net but over the years ive seen and caught my share of funky southern stuff in the months of august / September. 4 years ago i had a few ballyhoo in my cast net, back in the early 2000s when we had awesome croaker fishing on the surf i got into a huge school of small red drum like 14"-21" that were all over my squid strips. and when i was about 15 my brother had a 20" or so barracuda (NOT northern sennet) hit his mirror lure in the point pleasant canal.

im not sure if anyone free dives but ive seen tons of crazy shit off the local jetties, one of the coolest, but not most uncommon was probably a 5 or 6lb sheephead in the manasquan inlet.

now i wish i was fishing vs sitting at my desk procrastinating my work.


09-12-2018, 04:17 PM
Of course it's not all good as the warm southern water brings the inevitable Cody Masso sightings. :)

09-13-2018, 07:46 AM
My Grandson caught a juvenile pompano behind the house one year, and later that day, my friend caught an 8 pound pompano in the Manasquan above Rt. 70 bridge.....go figure.

09-13-2018, 01:10 PM
its a lesser amberjack, sent it to the biologists down in florida :D

Reel Class
09-14-2018, 04:45 AM
LOL it's a banded rudderfish boys. They are very common when the water gets this warm up here. Great sport (when you can find them) on light tackle, and they are actually pretty good to eat.

09-14-2018, 04:26 PM
Here we go! Let's see how many replies we get to this fish ID! It happens every year.

Thanks, Allen. I think you put the exclamation point on this same question every year. Still, that is a pretty good sized fish. This thread didn't go as long as I thought it would.

Reel Class
09-15-2018, 05:01 AM
Thanks, Allen. I think you put the exclamation point on this same question every year. Still, that is a pretty good sized fish. This thread didn't go as long as I thought it would.

catching it on a fly in the river is cool man! we caught a few this summer in a school, fishing a wreck for fluke, right near a pot this past august. They will literally bite anything if they see it but seeing one on the inside is a new one!