View Full Version : Couple river catches before the rain came -- chunk smallie and porker walleye

09-10-2018, 11:59 PM
Fished last thursday and Saturday nights before the rain came. Thursday I managed a beefy smallie just under 20" that ate a 4" swim shad. She fought well with many leaps, trying to spit the hook to no avail. Swam off nicely.

Back at it Saturday nite. Hit a few different spots. Managed one thick 24" eye on a 6" stick bait. Had a few nudges and one solid whack that didnt stick. Still went home a happy dude...

Back at it once things settle... catch em' up! Pics below.

09-11-2018, 09:09 AM
Gosh :eek: the elusive raritan 20" smb and chunk walleye. Legend has it, they only come out at night... lol

Nice fish, both look badass. I got a good feeling about this rain and near 15 degree temp drop.

09-11-2018, 01:36 PM
Great looking river specimens broski!!! :D

09-11-2018, 05:40 PM
Very Nice

09-11-2018, 06:54 PM
Cool color on those fishes !

Just watched the USGS gauge on the river go from 84* to 70* in just a few days ! River has been on the "cool-ish" side all summer thanks to the never ending rain, but with all things being equal I will take a river filled with water as opposed to a bone dry one.
Looking at the date it won't be long now until the streams start getting choked with leaves, tough to fish at times. Fall stocking up on the N and S branches is right around the corner also. Speaking of which I guess it's that time of year again to push for fall stocking on the main stem of the river, as well as an extension on spring stocking. Last year surplus trout were put in the river in the fall, small ones like 4 inches long near Piscataway, no word on if it will happen this year yet.
Still waiting on Rutgers Marine and Coastal Sciences to go public with their fish ladder counts from the last 5 years, I saw the numbers, impressive. Speaking of fish ladders, it was nice of New Jersey American Water to slam the door shut on the ladder in August. There may not me a lot of fish movement in the summer but I mean really, they couldn't just wait till early fall like November.
Once agian I don't have any fish photos to share just out doing what I do along with the help of Luke of course up on the Lamington and main stem in Bridgewater.
Really hoping for a repeat performance this year as years past around November the trout seem to appear out of nowhere, that I am really looking forward to.
Also, hope that hurricane stuff stays South of us, NO ONE needs 3 feet of rain !!

09-11-2018, 10:50 PM
Great fish as always!!!

09-13-2018, 05:58 PM
ahh sooo jelly. nice catches as always

09-14-2018, 09:47 AM
Damn nice fish.. I gotta start going out at night more often!