View Full Version : Saturday October 6th Tagged Fish C&R Tog

Tony Cav
09-09-2018, 10:53 PM
I just cant wait to feel that tog tug. My long time fishing friend Mr. Steven Clay aka "Meat" is going to help me recruit some of the sharpies he fishes with. So I have the date secured and need to fill a few spots. Chad will help if I need a few extra hands. I am told that the soft baits may work best in warm shallow water so I do have a few shrimp on hand. I have had some good experiences at this time of year. I remember one C&R trip in particular, blessed to assume the bow monkey position on the other premier charter ( these days docked out of Point) it was more of a toss to release action. If I am not mistaken Andrew was the target of my tosses. Anyway I would like to put together a dozen or so talented anglers and harass few cooperative buck toothed wrasses. And as MVP stated in a previous thread, lets establish a few PB's while we're at it.

Tony Cav
09-15-2018, 02:00 PM
Hey folks I'm bumping this thread cause I believe there would be more interest. So.....