09-06-2018, 10:16 AM
You have all heard it before but you will have to hear it AGAIN!
Left at first light with Capt Jerry and Mate Mike. Myself, Tom Smith Dakota, Toms son Ryan, Billy, Mike, Terry, John M , Jeff M, John M jr, Fin Reaper Glenn and John Johanson were the crew.
Conditions were perfect for light jigging. First drift put 7 keepers in the box and it only got better from there. Made many stops as usual and everyone of them held a variety size of fluke. Tons of bites, shorts, keepers all day. Fluke stock appears healthy! Certainly kept GULP in business for another year.
Full boat limit before noon. John Johanson put on a clinic next to me 17 Keepers (ORL) and many many shorts. Finally matched his hatch after a couple hours and ended up with 7 nice keepers to 5lbs. Billy had the pool at 8.5 lbs with John J a close second. Rest of the catch was a mix of all nice fish. Tom Dakota crew and Fin Reaper bailed a whole bunch of keepers as well. Some 5,6 and 7 lbrs in the cull.
Terry and John M crowd not so much on bait LOL but all had a great Monger experience.
Can never say enough times about the consistency of effort and the ability Capt Jerry and Monger crew puts out on a daily basis . The results are undeniable. First class all the way around. Mate Mike there all day for 11 nut jobs.
Great day with great people , good food and tons of laughter. Even Capt Jerry was smiling before noon as he did it AGAIN.
Saw some Mahi but no takers.
Left at first light with Capt Jerry and Mate Mike. Myself, Tom Smith Dakota, Toms son Ryan, Billy, Mike, Terry, John M , Jeff M, John M jr, Fin Reaper Glenn and John Johanson were the crew.
Conditions were perfect for light jigging. First drift put 7 keepers in the box and it only got better from there. Made many stops as usual and everyone of them held a variety size of fluke. Tons of bites, shorts, keepers all day. Fluke stock appears healthy! Certainly kept GULP in business for another year.
Full boat limit before noon. John Johanson put on a clinic next to me 17 Keepers (ORL) and many many shorts. Finally matched his hatch after a couple hours and ended up with 7 nice keepers to 5lbs. Billy had the pool at 8.5 lbs with John J a close second. Rest of the catch was a mix of all nice fish. Tom Dakota crew and Fin Reaper bailed a whole bunch of keepers as well. Some 5,6 and 7 lbrs in the cull.
Terry and John M crowd not so much on bait LOL but all had a great Monger experience.
Can never say enough times about the consistency of effort and the ability Capt Jerry and Monger crew puts out on a daily basis . The results are undeniable. First class all the way around. Mate Mike there all day for 11 nut jobs.
Great day with great people , good food and tons of laughter. Even Capt Jerry was smiling before noon as he did it AGAIN.
Saw some Mahi but no takers.