View Full Version : Twisted mono fishing line ?

09-02-2018, 11:24 PM
Sometimes while fishing a 3-way rig for Fluke the lines get all twisted up and makes it impossible to catch a fish. Can anyone tell me the reason this happens and how to prevent it? Thanks

Capt. Lou
09-03-2018, 12:02 PM
Swivel may be binding on one end of 3 way or leader too light so it twists in current , or your reeling too fast on way in ! Sometimes poorly hooked baits will twist leader on rig . Keep em’ straight . Using heavier or just stiffer monos will correct .
If your mainline has an issue but rig is OK generally swivel .

09-03-2018, 12:54 PM
X2 on the above.. Also, dropping a 3-way rig to fast is a killer.. The baited hook offers a lot more resistance than the sinker, so it rides up and wraps in the main line on a fast drop.. take a little extra time and drop it slower..

09-03-2018, 11:13 PM
Thanks for the insight and advice guys. I will try it out!