09-02-2018, 01:15 PM
We were hoping to fluke fish out in the ocean on a reef yesterday, but the weather said "No" so we stayed in the bay. We did try to get out there, but those 5-6' swells in a friends 22' boat chased us back towards land. Only a few shorts and a couple of junk fish were willing to take our bait, but this foul hooked ray that was missing its tail gave me one hell of a fight on my light fluke gear. I hooked them before, but they have always broken me off up until yesterday. pg?_nc_cat=0&oh=4a62c44871cf0a4510d0c777cd4b0f25&oe=5BF88E1D pg?_nc_cat=0&oh=4a62c44871cf0a4510d0c777cd4b0f25&oe=5BF88E1D