View Full Version : First Place in two tournaments!! Savage Bite Today!

08-26-2018, 12:05 AM
Mark another one in the books for F.O.M.F.!! We took first place today in both tournaments. It was a awesome day on the water. Couldnt sleep so i headed down to the boat way early. Got out of the car and was bring my stuff to the boat and i hear all this splashing going on. I get to the boat and look out into the harbor and there is peanut bunker everywhere with bass blowing them outta the water!! It was intense. So cool to see. Couple guys on far side were able to cast into the mayhem and hook up with small bass! But anyways we were down a team mate today! We went with 3! We left early and took a nice ride out to where we wanted to start our day. We were all alone! Today we used the new F.O.M.F. jigs and they produced awesome! We decided on our way out to fish that we were not going to keep any fish that we would need to measure since we had to weigh fish in NJ and NY. Didnt want 18in going with us to NY where its 19in. Now on to the fishing. It was a banner day. Between the 3 of us we had easy 40 keepers (only keeping our limit) . First drift 3 went in the box. Second drift i drop down and am messing with my vape so i hit bottom and lock it down and give it one bounce with my other arm and i get hammered! Drop the vape in the pocket and got the fish up. Dropped the net and scooped her rite up. Right around 6# fish! Next drift Koo hooks up to what looked like a decent fish. So he was reeling it in and once we can get a look he has a small one on top and a good 6 or 7 pound fish on bottom. We grabbed the net and the big fish must have just been hanging on and going for a ride bc it popped off and swam back down! Heart breaker! We kinda lost conditions where we were at so Danny made a move and we kinda moved around from spot to spot picking a few fish. Decided to run back where we started the day and we had almost perfect conditions. Wasnt long before fish are coming over the rail! Koo had the hot hand and Danny wasnt far behind. So i broke off my one rig to i grabbed a lighter one and threw some gulp on and sent it to the bottom. Moving along and then the line gets heavy. Give it a second then set the hook and its another good fish! Get it up and into the net it goes. Weighed in at 7.5#! We keep working the area and it just kept paying off. When you r throwing 20in fish back its a good feeling. At this point Danny is due for a fish. He had been busting his ass and putting decent fish on the deck but not the rite one. Few drifts later he is jigging along and gets steam rolled and sets the hook and game on! Right off the bat you could see it was a big fish! He did his thing and got the fish up and into the net she went! Fish weighed out at 8.4#!!! At this point we got the 6, 7, and 8 in the box but we were looking for a 10! Kept hammering the area and catching a ton of fish and nice ones at that but not the big girls we were after! Decided it call it quits around 3 and head in to get weighed. Maybe it back to Morgan Creek for the King of the creek tournament. Our 3 fish weigh in came to 21# 5oz! Then the 8.4# for biggest. Then we ran straight across the bay to weigh in over in NY for the Jim Ryan tournament. Weighed in our 8 and then the 8 and 7 for the 2 fish calcutta! Once 5 o'clock rolled around it was offical! We took it all! Both tournaments and calcuttas. What a awesome day today! Fishing was as good as it gets and our Capt was on his game! I just want to say thank you to Danny for the invite again! Always a great time fishing with you. And Koo is was nice meeting you and we will definitely have to fish together again! Anyone looking for jigs can shoot me a message and ill put you into contact with Danny the creator of the F.O.M.F. Jigs!

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08-26-2018, 05:24 AM
Jeff you are on a roll CONGRATS

08-26-2018, 06:17 AM
Great stuff Jeff. Maybe Dad should've stayed in NJ; RI can't top your streak ! Congrats . .

Gerry Zagorski
08-26-2018, 08:25 AM
Way to represent Jeff!!

08-26-2018, 09:13 AM
Nice work , great write-up and photos.
Congratulations Jeff & team.

08-26-2018, 11:21 AM
Thanks guys!

08-26-2018, 12:03 PM
Awesome, I think I almost see a smile, lol. Way to go

08-26-2018, 06:33 PM
On fire!!! I see another NJ DD in your near future! Congrats on the win Jeff and crew!!! YEA BUDDY!!!:D

shrimpman steve
08-26-2018, 08:22 PM
You are the man!!!

Joey Dah Fish
08-26-2018, 08:33 PM
Outstanding job men!!! You guys are el fuego Congrats!!

08-27-2018, 09:40 AM
Youre on fire Jeff, Excellent job again..

08-27-2018, 08:48 PM
Thanks everyone.