View Full Version : Captain Cal 2 Fluke

08-25-2018, 07:05 PM
Hey guys! Good fishing, great people and beautiful weather again today on the Captain Cal. I won't lie to you and say there were lots of limits. That's NOT happening. My man Oliver was our pool winner today with a beautiful fluke. Congratulations! We did catch a bunch of Fluke and some nice jumbo Sea Bass. Lots of limits? No! We would like to have you on board for an enjoyable day fishing with us. We sail everyday from 7 30 AM to 2 30 PM. The guys have the boat lit up and ready board by 5 -5 15AM everyday! Hope to see you in the morning for a great day with great people!

08-25-2018, 07:46 PM
Whey to tell it like it like it is Rob. Honest report.