View Full Version : FISHERMEN/Thursdays Fishing Report......

08-23-2018, 04:28 PM
First of all let me say Conditions have been horrible the past 3 days!
If you think for a minute fishing with a 2 knot drift, 12 ounces and more with a nice swell still going on is your Idea of good Fluke fishing..."Your out of your Mind".
Let's finally cut the bullshit, this season has been very tough for all involved, a great day to some now is 20 keepers with GOOD short action, this is what it's come too. Last season by now we had 4 fish over 10lbs, 3 over 11 and many fish in the 5 to 7 pound range. Our largest this season is 9.4. Don't get me wrong, I'd kill for 50 keepers at 18 inches everyday and pass on Big fish if I could do that everyday.

Not happening so far this season and trust me it's not from lack of effort.

I burn more fuel than anyone running every place you can imagine just trying to find a bite and work it. When we do find a small area, the next day it's done and the search continues. Sugar coat it any way you want just remember the fishing is Always Good, it's the catching you want to read about!

Fast drift again today, we picked at the shorts & a handful of keepers along with some Sea Bass. Tough to say the least but we will give it hell once again tomorrow. Should have much better conditions and a better drift with less wind, will see what happens in the AM.

Capt. Ron

08-23-2018, 07:10 PM
You tell it like it is Ron..

Fishin Polski
08-23-2018, 07:26 PM

08-23-2018, 09:30 PM
Captain Ron are you doing any night porgy fishing this year?

08-23-2018, 10:20 PM
First of all let me say Conditions have been horrible the past 3 days!
If you think for a minute fishing with a 2 knot drift, 12 ounces and more with a nice swell still going on is your Idea of good Fluke fishing..."Your out of your Mind".
Let's finally cut the bullshit, this season has been very tough for all involved, a great day to some now is 20 keepers with GOOD short action, this is what it's come too. Last season by now we had 4 fish over 10lbs, 3 over 11 and many fish in the 5 to 7 pound range. Our largest this season is 9.4. Don't get me wrong, I'd kill for 50 keepers at 18 inches everyday and pass on Big fish if I could do that everyday.

Not happening so far this season and trust me it's not from lack of effort.

I burn more fuel than anyone running every place you can imagine just trying to find a bite and work it. When we do find a small area, the next day it's done and the search continues. Sugar coat it any way you want just remember the fishing is Always Good, it's the catching you want to read about!

Fast drift again today, we picked at the shorts & a handful of keepers along with some Sea Bass. Tough to say the least but we will give it hell once again tomorrow. Should have much better conditions and a better drift with less wind, will see what happens in the AM.

Capt. Ron

Very true Capt you said it all its ridiculous everyone who fishes with you knows how hard you try. they have killed the fluking this great state of N J

08-24-2018, 05:09 AM
Captain Ron are you doing any night porgy fishing this year?

Sorry, but no. Night fishing is a thing of the past also.:mad:

08-24-2018, 06:03 AM
Very true Capt you said it all its ridiculous everyone who fishes with you knows how hard you try. they have killed the fluking this great state of N J
We're all stuck in the same political quagmire as everyone else. The fact that North Carolina and a handful of other sttates have an equal vote on the ASMFC regarding annual legislation options when combined they represent lees than 5% of the annual harvest makes them as culpible as NJ.

It's embarrasing to say "we limited out" these days when the limit is 3 fish but that's the situation we're in. Are there some big fish around, obviously read the reports but I believe the overall fishery is in a significant decline. It's not possible to sustain a fishery when 95% of the annual harvest are female breeders. NY / NJ make up ~85% of the coastal harvest, and our catch due to short sidedness and inept size limit legislation means that percenatge of the overall harvest is almost exclusively females. Within a month or so, commercials will start pounding fluke on their way offshore during their spawning while NMFS turns a blind eye.

Haven't witnessed inept management to this degree not just of a fishery but in general in my entire career. Capt. Ron I couldn't agree with your post more. Next season if there's not a change in the management philosophy of this fishery, businesses will continue to fail albeit at an accelerated rate. The fishery has gradually been being destroyed over the last 15 - 20 years and we're being asked to accept that fate.

Down Deep Sportfishing
08-24-2018, 06:50 AM
It's embarrasing to say "we limited out" these days when the limit is 3 fish

Spot On

08-24-2018, 09:18 AM
Ron, you always put 110% in everyday. As far as limits I was talking to my wife last night about a trip to RI that I am going on this weekend and the subject of limits came up. She said it is crazy the way each state has a different limit. MA = 5@17, RI = 6@19, NY = 4@19 then there is NJ with a pitiful 3@18. This crap is insane!!!!!

08-24-2018, 12:31 PM
it's not possible to sustain a fishery when 95% of the annual harvest are female breeders. Ny / nj make up ~85% of the coastal harvest, and our catch due to short sidedness and inept size limit legislation means that percenatge of the overall harvest is almost exclusively females. Within a month or so, commercials will start pounding fluke on their way offshore during their spawning while nmfs turns a blind eye..... Exactly !!!

08-24-2018, 03:02 PM
worth repeating!!

Capt John
08-24-2018, 04:37 PM
First of all let me say Conditions have been horrible the past 3 days!
If you think for a minute fishing with a 2 knot drift, 12 ounces and more with a nice swell still going on is your Idea of good Fluke fishing..."Your out of your Mind".
Let's finally cut the bullshit, this season has been very tough for all involved, a great day to some now is 20 keepers with GOOD short action, this is what it's come too. Last season by now we had 4 fish over 10lbs, 3 over 11 and many fish in the 5 to 7 pound range. Our largest this season is 9.4. Don't get me wrong, I'd kill for 50 keepers at 18 inches everyday and pass on Big fish if I could do that everyday.

Not happening so far this season and trust me it's not from lack of effort.

I burn more fuel than anyone running every place you can imagine just trying to find a bite and work it. When we do find a small area, the next day it's done and the search continues. Sugar coat it any way you want just remember the fishing is Always Good, it's the catching you want to read about!

Fast drift again today, we picked at the shorts & a handful of keepers along with some Sea Bass. Tough to say the least but we will give it hell once again tomorrow. Should have much better conditions and a better drift with less wind, will see what happens in the AM.

Capt. Ron

Capt. Ron,

Your saying what I've been saying for months but I got dirty looks for opening my mouth. Seems people can't handle the truth these days.

Fluke fishing this year is way off from two, three years ago. Last year was also a stinker for the most part.

Sad.....the joker's who make these regulations are clueless. Raise the size limit....kill more females.....KILL THE FISHERY!.

If anyone is serious about "draining the swamp" we know where they can start. Hang in there and keep telling it the way it REALLY is.