View Full Version : if you were going flukin in the Manasqaun river?

08-14-2018, 12:08 PM
if you were going flukin in the Manasqaun river with a boat.......

based on this tide chart what time would be the best bite?


Gerry Zagorski
08-14-2018, 12:17 PM
Always best to fish a moving tide and more favorable when the wind direction coincides with direction of the tide... In general fish outgoing when the wind is out of the west and outgoing when it's out of the east...

08-14-2018, 12:34 PM
Always best to fish a moving tide and more favorable when the wind direction coincides with direction of the tide... In general fish outgoing when the wind is out of the west and outgoing when it's out of the east...

since i'm docked on the south end of Canal I have bee trying to time it so that when i'm going to the MR I'm going with the current and when done fishing I'm coming back with the current...but not sure that always coincides with the best bite. I only like to fish for about 4 or 5 hrs. after that I'm ready to lie on the beach with my favorite beverage...

MR tide https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/noaatidepredictions.html?id=8532585&legacy=1

PPC Current https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/noaacurrents/Predictions?id=ACT3996_1

Foul Hook
08-14-2018, 04:56 PM
River Looked like a mud puddle yesterday.

Reel Class
08-14-2018, 05:59 PM
always fish around the high water bud, last 2 of incoming and first 2 of outgoing

Pennsy Guy
08-14-2018, 05:59 PM
I've seen a couple of videos showing success fishing with the tide as the fluke face up tide waiting for prey to come to them; with the wind predominate against the tide, your baits are going tail to head, (the wrong way). Vids showed 5-10 to 1 hits with baits head to tail. Casting into the wind & quick retrieve, you're presenting head to tail(with current). Guess that'd work with a lighter current & not much stronger wind, at least it did for them...Good luck...

08-14-2018, 07:26 PM
Are you asking in general or after the insane amount of rain the past few days? My answer will vary. If it’s after all this rain....

I would start towards the inlet just before the incoming and only go as far back as clean water allows you to.

08-15-2018, 08:05 AM
Are you asking in general or after the insane amount of rain the past few days? My answer will vary. If it’s after all this rain....

I would start towards the inlet just before the incoming and only go as far back as clean water allows you to.

in general

08-15-2018, 03:57 PM
I caught nothing on the Manasquan Inlet north jetty Monday evening with a dozen live killies on the incoming tide. Saw > 50 fishermen catch 11 snappers. Water cleared up as the tide came in. > 18 surfers were there. Both Mike's and Carlson's were closed. No cars were in the Municipal parking lot. Heard rumors of keeper bass at night and big blues the previous day. Lost a big ray the previous week and landed 4 skates and a spider crab double on smelt.