View Full Version : Jetty Fluke

08-09-2018, 03:42 PM
Been fishing some local jetty`s as of late and doing fairly well.... With all of the rainfish in the wash / small snappers, I decided to see if there were any keepers around. After 2 days of fishing, I caught 3 keepers 18 1/2,19, 22 1/2 along with 5 1 1/2,2 lb blues and countless shorts. All the fish were caught on live snappers tight to the jettys.126575

08-09-2018, 05:28 PM
Nice!!! You weighing the snappers down or live lining em next to the jetties?

08-09-2018, 06:33 PM
Weighing them down with a 1 ounce sinker on a fish finder rig. i just use 2 barrel swivels wth the main line sliding through the 4 inch drop to the sinker.If they are around you will know it in short order.... The snapper will start swimming erradically and then a couple of
thuds, which is when mr fluke has come a callin.