View Full Version : Pier / Surf rod question

08-07-2018, 10:38 PM
What size rod should I get for the Keansburg Fishing Pier? I also want to go surf fishing a few times when on vacation each year. I'm not opposed to getting 2 rods but having trouble figuring out sizes.

I was able to get a brand new Penn Battle II 6000 reel/9 foot rod combo for 1/2 price due to an issue I had but is that too much for a pier? The 6000 reel seems too big for most 7 and 8 foot rods so I don't think I can really use it with different rods. The price just seems too good to send back though.

Other option is I can buy the Penn Battle II 5000 reel for $69 at Walmart and then get two rods, though not sure which ones. Total cost would be much higher though.

Appreciate any input.

08-08-2018, 01:01 AM
Why not visit any sponsored bait and tackle shop on this site and ask for help, you can probably find the same deal/reel as you would at a major retailer.

Good luck!

08-08-2018, 07:47 AM
I fish the pier often, what I recommend is to get a 7'5 MH rod and set it up for any kind of action. Then use your rod/reel combination that u now have for chunking bait at the pier thats what I usually do work for me. The smaller rod I use for fluke, porgies, and even put a saki rig on for snappers when they r around. I say medium heavy so that u can even tie a steel leader on to it and throw some metal or plugs quickly as when the fish break on top or are around u can change out quickly and be ready to snag bunker which also come around. The pier has been good to me it has a 2 rod maximum per person so I usually take different rigs see what's biting and go from there, trick to fishing keansburg is to always have fresh bait in the water. Good luck let me know if u have any questions ill be happy to help. P.S. Cathy is great! wonderful person who will help u out I always ask her questions she knows the pier well.